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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13584932 No.13584932 [Reply] [Original]

24 year old male in Canada.

I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (night shifts) as a correctional officer, and now that I have a decent paying job that I can do on the weekend I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.

I'm thinking of becoming a perpetual student.
Going to school monday to thursday during the day and then staying up friday through sunday for work, but I don't know what to start with.
I was thinking of learning a language for a year and then taking a few months off to go live in that country to learn how to speak it as fluently as possible. Rinse and repeat.

I also want to learn how to work with my hands and gain skills that will stay with me for life, and that will also rake in a lot of dough.

>> No.13585059
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>> No.13585253

Studying is a nice option.

>> No.13585270
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Sounds like a decent enough plan anon if that's what you want out of life. Could go a lot worse.

Dunno why you're asking here.

All I can tell you is to buy some RLC.

>> No.13585331
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Yes, but for what?
I'm asking what I can study/learn with my free time monday-thursday, specifically something that I can use to make money on the side.

>> No.13585430

Instead of asking what you can do for yourself (selfish attitude) ask what you can do to help the jews achieve world domination. It’s the least you can do, bigot

>> No.13585459

I went to a prison visit for a school excursion when I was 15. One of the other kids asked a prisoner who spoke to us whether there was gay stuff in the prison. He said no, morning that prison. To this day I have always thought he was lying. Was he lying anon?

>> No.13585495

Math is the fundamental language of the universe. Maybe start there. Enough statistics, calculus, linear algebra and economics should make it easy to figure out how to make money.

>> No.13585498
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First of all then work on your communication skills and how to be very clear on what you mean. I'm not trying to be a dick by saying that but your OP really didn't ask anything or make any specific appeals like the one you've now mentioned.

If you're interested in languages then choose one that has a high number of speakers. But probably not Spanish as there are already a shit load of bilingual people who know Spanish and English. Think Chinese or Arabic if you want to be employable based on a language skill.

Try learning to code and see if you enjoy it. It's a skill you can use with only a laptop from anywhere in the world and can be very lucrative.

Another good idea if you are free to study during the week is to learn a trade. Carpentry, Plumbing, Stonemasonry. . .

Do what you are interested in because 50+ years of work is a long time.

Also buy RLC.

>> No.13585520

If you are white, you should make babies.

>> No.13585578

>24 year old male in Canada

>I also want to learn how to work with my hands and gain skills that will stay with me for life, and that will also rake in a lot of dough.

You owe it to yourself to become a plumber, anon.

>> No.13585887

dude, idk what you like. just don go to stupid arts shit and other stupid social studies. Try to learn something in the process.

>> No.13585907

Buy RLC.

>> No.13586841

Give me an email & I can send you a pdf for an insanely expensive, comprehensive finance textbook from from University of London.

>> No.13587523

I guess you can learn some conversational Arabic to become more indespensible at the prison. There's only going to be more Muslims in the Canadian prison system as time goes on.
Other than that, I think you should start with whatever your /sig/ blind spots are. Group a skill that impresses normies with one that works for habbenings and one that impresses thots. Public speaking, rifle shooting, actual cooking; for instance.

>> No.13587579

pussy pussy and pussy

>> No.13587581

Here you go fren pls no pron

>> No.13587665

Studying monday to Thursday then night shifts friday to Sunday?

You'll kill yourself a month in.

>> No.13587781

yeah man sergey that shit up just dont get stuck at a shitty school, better than drowning on the tv like most and pretending your smart from coping shit cult

>> No.13587959

sucking off chinks and begging for table scraps, snownigger

enjoy your fate, since you didn't dare to complain while you still had a chance

>> No.13587979

damn who is she? i would fuck her so hard

>> No.13587992

you can see mussels in her caff. gross

>> No.13589103
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Study whatever you like for the passion of it.
IT, math, biology or try entrepreneurship or whatever the fuck you are interested in.
If you study for the sake of getting degrees and papers you will end up a faggot like creg right.
On the other hand if you perfect yourself in the area you are good and dedicated you are on the way of bezos, thiel or money skeleton.

>> No.13589257

My sister.


Only one solution- end it all

Or suck dicks for $10 each

>> No.13589410

Honestly, old people in class start getting cringey after 30. You're 24. You should understand how to do self directed study by now. I had to go back to school at 28 for a masters to get a professional license. It felt like a prison sentence. I'd focus on a business before book learning.

>> No.13589435

Serious question, what’s the appeal of studying a whole new language? Unless you it depends on your day to day and survival, what’s the point? So you can hear the same crap people say but in a different sound?