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13584575 No.13584575 [Reply] [Original]

Highly recommend it. Feels based holding with frens irl because you get to plan all this crazy shit you all wanna do together if/when it moons

>> No.13584582

why do you hate your friends?

>> No.13584591


>> No.13584599


>> No.13584611


>> No.13584618

>talk to friends about crypto
>"uhm anon, can you basically do everything for me?"
>"Pay money into Kraken and then I'll tell you what to do next"
>never spoke about it ever again

>> No.13584637
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I convinced my little brother to buy LINK. He only holds like 500 links but every cent it rises he whatsapps me. Feels gud.

>> No.13584655

I hope this is bait. Why the FUCK are you autists shilling link to anyone. You’re sitting on a risky goldmine

If you want your friends to do well just loan them some of your link profits after the moon, so you’re in a position of power, rather than shilling them an investment which could go to 0

Holy shit this bord is autistic

>> No.13584674

>You’re sitting on a risky goldmine
>You're sitting on a goldmine
the amount of unironic hypocritical Jewery in this thread is disgusting

>> No.13584675

My mates all asked me to help them do initial process and about half of them are keen but putting it on hold. Surprisingly two of them in the past month pulled up and after helping them make a binance account, they chucked $1500 each into it

Wanna get the other 4 onboard but they're poorfags so might take them a while to feel comfortable

>> No.13584685

Friends/relatives throwing in some lunch money at $0.30 is hardly risky. If it goes to zero they lose jack shit and if it goes x10 they can enjoy a lil bonus.

>> No.13584687

Why the fuck would I just give them money after it moons? That's so fucking gay compared to each holding their own stack and going through the highs and lows together

Also, they already know it's risky; I told them from the start I'd only help them if they were cool with losing all of it and they were like aight

>> No.13584698

Didn't want to spoonfeed them because if they won't be able to do even simple research as to how send money into Kraken, they'd fuck up bug time very quickly in some unforeseen way and would blame everything on me.

>> No.13584720

got my father in law to buy 3k LINK at 30c. Eternally in his favor. Feels good man. Not going to let him sell before $100 though.

>> No.13584726

>Anon, can I give you some money for you to put into crypto according to your strategy?
>I'll give you 1% of the profits!

>> No.13584765

I bet he's feeling pretty happy with the +100% gain so far, most boomers would Elliot Rodger a bank for those kinds of gains

>> No.13584779

Unsurprisingly, the only people who have ever said this shit to me were f*males. Every dude has just asked me what to buy lol

>> No.13584867

Nope, it was a male. The kind that has his adult life financed by his parents, including marriage, house and non-profit making business.
Ironically, the female that made a similar request of me, my mother, wanted to give me 50% of profits

>> No.13584879

Yup. Actually he bough some more when LINK was at 20-something cents, so he's at 3x right now. He's a tough construction worker, and I'm unironically planning to not say anything to him about the price until one day I'll just drop 300k in his bank account with a message thanking him for his trust. It will be glorious. I think about it more than my own considerable stack.

>> No.13584989
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Based marine. I have 200k+ Links and plan to do the same for my dad

>> No.13584992

Extremely based and wholesomepilled. I love it when people have a good heart, too many spiteful people these days.

If I ever do make millions from my LINK stack, I won't be wasting my time on cringey shit like "BTFOing le people who doubted me", I'll be trying to do shit that puts a smile on other people's faces.

Fulfilment from helping others >>>>>>>> gay lambos

>> No.13584994

I talked about it to a friend without telling him the name ages ago. Said I wasn't confident enough to recommend it to anyone.
He hasn't bothered asking about how it's going or any specifics, but we joke around about crypto and he knows I'm still in.
He's a good friend.

>> No.13585054

The fact that he wanted some person to trust is actually morbid. It would be much more preferable to convince the guy about it and allow him to do things on his own - with help when needed.
People who require "trust" in them or fail to cooperate are the cancer that eats up the world. they make the most cancerous elements in any society. People like them are literally why crypto was created.

>> No.13585065

Why the fuck would you let anyone know you own crypto in the first place? Fucking idiots