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File: 585 KB, 828x1025, 0C1D6279-E8DA-488A-AAC0-1EA5992AA44D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13584476 No.13584476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jewish congressman ((((((((((Brad Sherman))))))))) says: SHIT IT DOWN! Bitcoin threatens our (((international power))).

[Kvetching intensifies]

>> No.13584561

Completely support this to be honest.

>> No.13584579

>mfw this is reverse psychology to get nazi alt righters excited about muh BTC
>mfw were in for an epic dump where all these pinkies get wiped out

>> No.13584586

if you don't support this you are a anti-semtie racist white supremacist incel mass murderer slaver and a passive aggressive threat to society

>> No.13584588

The Rothschilds never sent him the memo

>> No.13584603

someone post the cryptodog reply again

>> No.13584621
File: 58 KB, 593x636, DB36A431-7017-430A-BFAF-0BAFA03739B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture says it all

>> No.13584622

This has nothing to do with his ethnicity, I'm sure.

>> No.13584626

>call for ban on crypto because it threatens the US dollar and with it the power the US holds over other countries
I have not seen a more obvious Jew in my entire life. Iran will start selling oil for BTC to avoid the US sanctions and the US will find or invent a reason to invade Iran and nuke them out of existence, watch it happen.

>> No.13584636

this, glad to see 4chan culture shifting to a more palatable one

>> No.13584651

He’s just protecting his financial services & gambling donors

>> No.13584669

it's 2019!

>> No.13584700


>> No.13584704

Good goy

>> No.13585074

the goyim cant be able to get their assets out of the country before the great reparation is collected from their bank accounts

>> No.13585086
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>> No.13585125
File: 163 KB, 897x1200, 1557437639709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys why do I have to do everything myself

>> No.13585133
File: 90 KB, 1088x1200, 1557437712025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13585136

israel has every right to exist

>> No.13585225

I think crypto and all private ownership of assets should be banned with an exemption for jews. Jews are the overlords and they should be the only people allowed to have private property or privacy. DESU jews are god’s chosen and they should own the earth.

>> No.13585240

I love Jews and we should worship them.

>> No.13585254



>> No.13585284

You're not wrong. If one of those congressional dual-citizens is rallying against something in America, definitely do the opposite. If he's rallying against something in his (((other country))) then follow his lead.

BTW, nice wall Israel has yeah? These congressmen are all about that in their (((other country))) but not for the US. Wonder WHHYYYYYyyyYyyYyYyYy?

>> No.13585299

cheers buddy. I am hoping for a Russian early 20th century redux where Jews control the govt and allocation of resources in a communist system. Frankly as long as the Jews don’t put me in a concentration camp and let play video games I will be happy. They are god’s chosen and they control all aspects of life, too many people on this forum resist the inevitable.

>> No.13585302


>> No.13585321

Can you stop being an anti-Semite? Just watch free porn, get a Guatemalan girlfriend and enjoy the cheap flat screen the jews got for you from China. Life is as good as it could be right now. Why are you so angry?

>> No.13585356

Not angry. Concerned. Why do we have dual citizens in congress? Shouldn't we question their loyalty? Especially since all the dual citizens come from one place?

>> No.13585376


>> No.13585392

You sound like you are a potential synagogue shooter so I reported your post to the relevant authorities. Jews are the chosen people and the jewish millennium started in 2000. Stop being so hateful. Relish the jews. You could have much worse overlords. The jews have implemented a police state to keep mouthy punks like you under control. Time to bend the knee or you will get crushed. Have a warm heart and help your fellow man. Soon the world will be brown and beautiful with jews at the top and nothing can stop this trend

>> No.13585418

why ban it when they completely control it through centralized exchanges?

>> No.13585426

>mention dual-citizens in American politics
>say they all come from one place
>doesn't say where
>Someone else goes off about synagogues and Jews
>Be detective
>Say suspect is someone in room
>someone immediately gets up and starts frothing at the mouth about why you're singling him out

>> No.13585435


>> No.13585460

Do you think you are clever kiddo? Your anti-jewish comments are not sneaky. I have reported you and you are on multiple terrorist watch lists now based on your IP. We are making lists of you bigots and you will be dealt with soon. The white patriarchy will not hold humanity back any longer. Apologize now or face the consequences

>> No.13585476


>> No.13585477

this. Jewish people literally built america. all of the top enterpreneurs, inventors and industrialist were all Jews, without Jews USA would basically be like Brazil today. You white bois should show some respect for the hand that feeds you

>> No.13585478

Do you think you are clever kiddo? Your Anti-American comments are not sneaky. I have reported you and you are on multiple watchlists based on your faggotry. They are making lists of you commies and you will be dealt with in due time. The Communists will not hold humanity back any longer. Apologize now or ass the kwonsekwenses

>> No.13585488

I apologize on his behalf. I don't even want to know what's gonna happen to him if no apology is made