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13579452 No.13579452 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice for a high schooler who doesn't want to be stuck in the rat race my whole life? I read a lot of books like rich dad and I have some money in crypto. I just want to know how I can spend the least amount of time possible working for someone else.

>> No.13579475

>Any advice for a high schooler who doesn't want to be stuck in the rat race my whole life?
spent as little money as possible while trying to impress girls. Girls won't fuck you if you buy expensive shoes or wear designer clothes.

>> No.13579481

create your own business then you will never work for anyone but yourself

>> No.13579497

Don’t buy a new car .. get a used

>> No.13579498

you sound lazy as fuck
your not gonna make it

>> No.13579505

I have a job and a blog but I don't know if that can take me anywhere before I pay my own rent. The problem is I don't want to go to college and rake up debt, but if I don't and the website doesn't work out I may be in a hole

>> No.13579506

Discard your crypto, it is worthless.

Either learn programming and make something better than what others have, or just make your way through either medical or IT. Both of those careers are here to stay. Everything else will be automated soon. Everything has its time in the spotlight. We will see giants like Netflix and facebook vanish in the next 10 years.

>> No.13579516

Just work full-time during the summer and invest into 32 eth like i did
We are all gonna make it bros

>> No.13579757

Don't you need to be at least 18 to post here? If you want to get out of the rat race, be your own boss, chase your dreams, or any of that other gay shit they tell you Zommers, you can start by following the FUCKING RULES!

>> No.13579836

Dont spend a nickel and become an expert in a high paying field. Invest all your income into investments that can make you 15%+ a year. You should have $10M+ by 40. Good luck.

>> No.13579893

First get a high yield savings CIT bank is awesome and provides a whopping 2.45% interest as long as you contribute 100$ a month
Second: start understanding the stock market and invest about 100$ into strong ETFs or high dividend paying companies(now is a great time since everything is on sale thanks to orange man) some examples: T, PFE, JNJ and these are not expensive
And finally: don’t buy stupid shit. Literally that’s all you have to do try not to get into student loan debt and if you do go below 50k since by the time your 21 you’re loan is probably going to be forgiven (thanks warren) I’d also say maybe try to start looking into a good career worth money and live frugally till you have AT THE VERY LEAST 25k in your bank

>> No.13579934

Also learn how to think independently.

>> No.13579991

Time is your most valuable resource, you can make back just about anything else, there are always opportunities to make money. There are no opportunities to make up for lost time.

Don’t spend time around overly negative people. Get off 4channel and don’t come back.

>> No.13580000

Save money live with your parents if possible while its still ok, roth ira while you’re young, learn about time value of money though. Work year round but also work smarter not harder.

>> No.13580048

steal your parents credit and debit cards and dump it all into a random crypto you see on /biz/
your welcome

>> No.13580062

Just buy Bitcoin and don't sell it

>> No.13580067

This op. The only sensible advice that matters.

>> No.13580405

just give up. between the rental jew and the hordes of available workers savings will never be good.
the only exception is if you're harvard tier and get a job at fb or goog and start out at 200k. everyone else gets paid and treated like shit

>> No.13580859

work and put everything into bitcoin

>> No.13581004

Stop competing with the other rats and you wont have to worry about it. Just do your own thing.

>> No.13581017

Buy link

>> No.13581939

You will lose all of your money.

>> No.13581988
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The fact you ask such questions while still in high school means you are light years ahead of your peers and probably 130+ IQ

>> No.13582044
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Rich dad, Poor dad is retarded, If you're going to read boomer investing stuff read the GOAT - the wealth barber. Fucking... just absorb the lessons of this into your heart, and you'll be further ahead than 90% of biz

>> No.13582150


What you suggest as an investment that can return 15%+?

>> No.13582281
File: 98 KB, 316x321, boomer_hank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look around you at what products and services the people your age are using and invest in those. Buy and hold stocks for the long term. Save up a million or more and you're ready to retire.

Get a highly-employable college degree at a top school and get a prestigious internship during the summers. Get a high-paying job and live with roommates and then a partner to split housing costs. Only buy used cars. Avoid spending money.

>> No.13582286

Read "The Millionaire Next Door".

>> No.13583122

Get a job and save as much as possible, the sooner you start saving the better and then move somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper.

>> No.13583222

Forgot to mention.
If you are planning to go to college pick a career related with programming (data science for exemple) because unlike others stem careers you can practice if for any reason you cannot find a job. I know the IT jobs are over saturated but at least there is a constant demand for programmers.

>> No.13583299

2.45% are you fucking retarded? Just buy treasuries at that point. 10 yr is yielding 2.49% and time is in your favor. It will drop during a recession, which will be a perfect time to trade it for stocks

Any kind of CD or savings vehicle doesn't work with market timing

>> No.13583708
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If you don't want to go to college and you want to stay debt free then get working, whatever it is. If it's shit, leave and find a new job. Find what you're good at and aim in that direction. Never sell yourself short. Your time and effort is valuable as long as you're willing to put it in and never sell yourself short. Live within your means and scrimp wherever you can. Pirate your shit. Learn to cook. You need to aim to be saving at least 10% of anything you get paid. This gets easier and easier as time goes on and you accumulate a float of money. You DO NOT want to be spending your last bit of money the day before payday. You ALWAYS want to remain in profit and be putting that into your float. If you don't do this you will end up homeless and broke and it'll take a long time to work your way back, if you can at all. Once you've got a significant float built up (this will take years, which is a long time at your age) you can start taking between 10-30% of it and invest. Do you own research and never follow anyone else. Make your own decisions and you'll make it. Of course, none of this will work if you want to be a lazy NEET.
- Nearly 30, no college, debt free, nearly married and about to make it.

>> No.13584148

Also, buy LINK

>> No.13584550
