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13572708 No.13572708 [Reply] [Original]

I lurk biz and can tell when something is a straight pnd. But I don’t go a single day without seeing this shitcoin plastered on this board, usually garbage shitcoins pump and are never heard of again. So why is this different?

>> No.13573059
File: 557 KB, 1080x1855, IMG_20190426_152748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because this is no shitcoin ffs. DYOR and read the pastebin that is posted here regularly. 80,000 TPS + near instant transactions + ETH smart contract support + 15% staking reward + mainnet in Q2/3 is just the tip of the iceberg. this coin is too good to miss out, that's why you see this massive FUD campaign. no one is fudding for fun, they do it to buy your bag at a discount.don't fall for it. ETH crashed hard a few times as well before it mooned. faggots on twitter are lying blatantly calling ftm a scam, so brainlets sell and there is panic. people fud because it works. especially if BTC pumps and alts dump. just hold or buy soon and you are golden in 2 years.

>> No.13573124

Basically this. Actually legit unlike 99% of biz coins

>> No.13573222

Watch this:

>> No.13573404

Just been sent this by a pal.

DYOR chaps.

Fantom Recap

1. Mainnet is not live yet.

2. Leader of Fantom literally stole millons from people invested in the project itself while colluding with Jake Choi (CMO).

3. Jake Choi is still on board (good luck!)

4. Unknown whether Joseph Jang stole funds directly from the project* or not (probably did because he had access to the Ethereum and the contract itself since he was the Chief Operating Officer - in other words, the head fucking honcho).

5. Other team members covered it up. Tried to pretend like they addressed it by only putting out a Telegram message because they didn't want to draw larger attention from people like myself that were going to dig into that and probably find out everything that I'm telling you right now.

6. Used more investor funds to pay back investors that were ripped off by their boss before their boss exit scammed them so that those investors would not destroy the project with lawsuits.

7. Lied about what they raised in the crowdfunding (I showed this pretty definitively above in this channel).

8. Even when the team members did address what was going on, they tried to minimize it by stating that Jang "attempted to borrow" funds from team members when, in fact, he did successfully borrow funds (a significant amount at that) and then never paid back ANY investors.

9. There are no financial records or information for Fantom (they could be insolvent or maybe they aren't; most likely they are).

10. All of the crypto for the project has been liquidated.

None of this is "FUD", its the God's honest truth and a lot of the major investors that were ripped off by Jang will confirm this if you ask them because they don't like the fact that they got screwed by Jang.

Also Andre Cronje, the guy credited with putting FTM back on track with coding and being the face of all the youtube interviews, has walked away

>> No.13573426

>Andre Cronje has walked away
fake news? wtf are you talking about.

>> No.13573520

Because is going to kill ETH you stupid cunt

>> No.13573631


>the next eth
The next eth is eth2.0, fucking duh
You got memed

>> No.13573691
File: 14 KB, 236x226, 1495617466771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH 2.0 is years away, FANTOM main net is coming out this year with every problem plaguing eth already solved. That's how eth dies.


>> No.13573713
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1557162881282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you idiots fall for scamcoins over and over again? Use your brain and accumulate BTC or ETH instead of retard tokens.

>> No.13573747


>years away
Test net is out right now.
You got memed. Dont be so hard on yourself.

>> No.13573944

I could name 20 other "ETH killers" that have come and gone over the past 2 years and deluded fantom fags still think they are going to make it with this piece of shit too fucking kek

>> No.13574320


It's not going to top ETH. But the least it will do is make it to 1$ and it's price is so low right now that that moonshot is enough for me to make it.

>> No.13574363

It's not going anywhere. The market is saturated with these shitcoin platforms. If it were 2017 then maybe, but in 2019, the party is over. This has zero chance of adoption.

>> No.13574374

This coin is garbage, unproved erc20 ran by scamming gooks who don’t know shit about crypto. It was picked up by pajeet shills which shows why the chart looks the way it does.
>muh next eth
Fucking Kek fuck off

>> No.13574392
File: 867 KB, 4208x2368, IMG_20190509_184229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggots are accumulating hard get fucked brainlet

>> No.13574394


Exactly. The environment is so different than it used to be. Just stick with eth and btc and wait. Its really that easy.

>> No.13574444

almost guarantee that ftm will out perform all major crypto. this is your last chance to make it.

>> No.13574520


>> No.13574533

Check'd and I agree with you.

>> No.13575710

yep and today is perfect to buy.

>> No.13575881

Michael Chen is buying Fusion right now.

>> No.13576002

buy retard

>> No.13576098

what site is this?