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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1357265 No.1357265 [Reply] [Original]

What advice would you give your young self(18-21 yrs old) if you could go back in time? What financial advice would you give to a young /biz/nessman in general.

>> No.1357287

Stop wasting your fucking time smoking weed and doing coke and stop wasting your time on college and get a fucking real job, you lardass.

It's l my stupid parents fault and their "if you get a job, you'll drop out". I haven't even got my degree so it's the same shit, the only difference is I am poor as fuck.

>> No.1357300

Never waste time on useless relationships where you feel that you cannot be productive. Learn about investing early even if you have just a small amount of money.

>> No.1357365

>What advice would you give your young self(18-21 yrs old)
You do realize that for half of /biz/ that was a week ago, and for the other half it'll be two years in the future. There are no wise souls on this board (there was one, but he hasn't posted in a while).

Asking /biz/ for sage life wisdom is like asking a cow how to do algebra.

>> No.1357369

put all of your money in amazon

>> No.1357376

Go to OCS after school, whilst living government subsidized no thrills lifestyle invest everything you can and learn to play poker, get full retirement at colonel's pay scale at age 42 for rest of your life, move to Costa Rica and fuck chicas.

>> No.1357409

>you will never be attractive to them

>> No.1357411

Don't get married.

>> No.1357415
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>tfw you will never be a lesbian

>> No.1357587

buy btc

>> No.1357596


>avoid women, they're mentally ill cancer.

>money above everything

>everyone wants to see you do well but not as well as them

>buy btc

>> No.1357605


This isn't bad advice.

I spent a couple years as a piece of human shit NEET before enlisting as infantry after 9/11. I spent a few years in the Army, went to Iraq a couple times, got out, and had the government pay for two B.Sci. degrees and an M.Sc. I now work roughly 50 hours a week in data science, making six figures on top of my 20k/yr disability check from the VA.

If I had to do it again I'd skip the faggoty NEET years and go straight to shooting a 240B at Haji scum.

>> No.1357607

Fuck Jess and marry her.

Don't go to college. Learn a home contracting job instead.

>> No.1357618


Weed is a waste of money and time. Don't minimize it. Quit it. Quit all the partying and desperate attempts at getting laid. You will get all that later. You will not become a famous recording artist. Don't waste your time dabbling in vidya games and music-making. Study hard sciences. Learn continuously. Read books. Develop useful future skills. Oh and for damn's sake: STAY IN SCHOOL and STUDY HARD. It's not about what you're learning, it's about the fact you are conditioning your brain for higher-level thinking.

>> No.1357633

Life is shit and nothing you do will ever make it better so don't even bother trying just stay inside, play video games, and jerk off to anime girls

>> No.1357657
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If we could go back in time, all of us would spend every last dime on Bitcoin and wait until it got to current prices

Lord Kek please send me back to 2009 when I wake up

>> No.1357811

Vidya is a bigger waste of time than weed. I'm 32, didn't touch weed until I was 25. I'm not a big smoker now, but it's a nice way to relax on a Friday evening now and then. I can live without having it erryday, but life would be duller without some weed now and then. I work in a university, making safe and comfy five-figures.

Most partying is a stupid waste of time, yeah, but again it's socializing. Not a bad skill to have.

Saying don't do something at all is advice for retards who don't know how to control themselves or balance their lives. If you need to be this by anons on 4chan, you're probably a lost cause anyway. You can enjoy your diversions, but they shouldn't take over your life.

>> No.1357830

at 23 i have zero advice for 18 year old me
I'd do everything the same all over again and there'd be nothing I could do to change it, who I am and who other people are

I might tell the younger me to go to the university's free counseling center

>> No.1357840

Nothing, I started making 70k at 25 and make 81k plus bonuses now at 27.

The kicker is I'm awful in my field, my job is just niche (release engineer for a customized build system). How in the fuck did I get here

>> No.1357867

Nothing, because you can't go to the past. It already happened and changing it will do nothing. You'll end up in the same path just in a different direction. If you want to change something then change it now so in the future you won't have regrets.
>but I won't be a 20s sum year old *job title* making *X amount of dollars*.
So, lots of people don't and you change that for the better in your 30s and 40s. Also most jobs suck even the STEM jobs. R&D spending is at an all time low and lots of Americans STEM workers are flocking toward Western Europe for work. Best jobs to work in are sales, marketing, data science, advertisement and banking. Engineering and programming have expiration dates for most of their workers. This is why you see a lot of older engineers getting their MBA or masters in education to become a teacher. Some get their PhD in the hope of becoming a professor or work in government.

>> No.1357878

Don't be a fucking computer science major

>> No.1357887
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why shouldnt you?

>> No.1357894

Because it's the literal definition of autism. If you aren't already on /g/ 8 hours a day and programming for fun, you'll fucking hate it.

Now I'm trying to change majors and salvage my GPA so I can get into a decent law school which is my real passion.

Don't ever major in something unless you're passionate about it.

>> No.1357904

I was really considering this, but thanks for your insight. right now im really just trying to figure out what to do next. I have no idea what to study

>> No.1357911

>Don't ever major in something unless you're passionate about it.
Goes against American cuck mentality. You do what you're told. Law school isn't bad with your CS background you can do IP law.

CS is flooded with autismo, pajeets, zhangs and old farts trying to learn the trade of the future. Its a flooded market. You're better off learning math, physics or finance.

>> No.1358021

I live in Europe, and math teachers are in dire short supply in most places.

I have a cousin, slightly autistic, who is studying (full scholarship) pure mathematics in some kind of finance master program at the moment. The shit he's doing really has no real-world application, but he says he could always work in insurance making calculation/probability bets for some company. I don't know what he does, he doesn't care too much because he knows there's multiple jobs waiting for him whatever he does afterwards.

>> No.1358023

Put all your money into MGT

>> No.1358072

Property is overrated