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File: 657 KB, 972x356, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Hedera Chainlink Collaboration Major Step Forward For Smart Contracts Crypto Briefing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13571666 No.13571666 [Reply] [Original]

i'm cumming

>> No.13571674

first big partnership in a while. this is unironically v bullish

>> No.13571684

great, another literal who

>> No.13571685



>> No.13571697

This, but literally.

>> No.13571714

This, but ironically.

>> No.13571736

You're right anon, nobody needs all these weird and creepy partnerships, aint nobody got time for dat noise

Nap time now, ignore chainlink, back to sleep

>> No.13571741

Im a no linker and buy the meme meme however hashgraph has some serious money and big hitters backing it this is huge news for linkers

>> No.13571747
File: 65 KB, 177x208, Screenshot_2019-05-09 (4) Jordan Fried LinkedIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We see Chainlink’s oracle network as a key piece of infrastructure to improve smart contract capabilities even further.

>> No.13571752



I unironically bet you didn't know who Swift was until Chainlink started working with them.

>> No.13571774

this, but Literally

>> No.13571778

There are people who think more partnerships for a blockchain agnostic linking platform is somehow not exactly what a blockchain agnostic linking platform would want to increase its network and linking potential.

>> No.13571791

Shut up p, you s on a street.

>> No.13571795
File: 1.74 MB, 1080x1080, 1514464138531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes the cogwheel of the partner smaller to seem more important yourself.
I already hate these faggots

>> No.13571806


>> No.13572173
File: 3.29 MB, 1478x1080, 1536186927534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13572187

i love the people saying who this?

what made ether moon, litteral who coins....


>> No.13572369

hadera cashgrab

>> No.13572370

Hedera's logo looks like the Delphic Epsilon

>> No.13572589

based and delphipilled

>> No.13572632

This is fucking massive, Corda/Hyperledger tier partnership

>> No.13572656

>expecting to go online sometime in Q2 this year
So it's pretty likely that LINK mainnet is coming sometime this month?

>> No.13573231

i've been saying by the end of june. it wouldn't surprised me if Sergey and co didn't announce mainnet at any of these big events in may and then just drop it one day in June near the end. I've heard from some people they are going to do it on the summer solstice, aka June 21st.

>> No.13573297

very shortly.