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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 31 KB, 460x295, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13567815 No.13567815 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Always send a small amount of ETH to Binance at first even though I know my address just to be safe
>Send .1 ETH to Binance right as deposits get suspended on yesterday
>Wake up this morning and it's there
>Use it to buy LINK
>Decide to experiment
>Send .04 ETH to Binance 15 minutes ago
>Five minutes ago it arrives and I buy more LINK
How is this possible?

>> No.13567825

binance deposit addresses for your account dont change, so yeah you can still deposit technically.

>> No.13567831

wait what? deposits are open now?

>> No.13567850

Only withdraws were suspended. The question is who in his right mind would deposit on Binance right now

>> No.13567856

no they wont let you see your deposit address, but if you already know it you can still deposit

>> No.13567882

>who in his right mind would deposit on Binance right now

>> No.13567903

I'm guessing it's this. I had my address up on etherscan since all this started.

I'm about to be finished accumulating. I just got 17 ETH on Coinbase and am considering sending them to Binance to buy LINK and finish my stack. I guess my question is this: is Binance kill? If so, will LINK held on their wallets be reimbursed in the future?

>> No.13567929
File: 106 KB, 390x337, itsafraidcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life saving are on Binance right now

>> No.13567945

Mine too kek
Weird thing is I don't even care at this point. Crypto has truly broken my soul

>> No.13567949

Based and redpilled

>> No.13567961

Relax faggots. CZ is going to rollback BTC and fix everything.

>> No.13567988


>> No.13568031

Just wait until tuesday and we will be back to business as usual. This hack was literally nothing.

>> No.13568039

This, but will BNB pump?

>> No.13568063

I feel bad knowing you're going to get fucked when binance exit scams after the tether court date next week

>> No.13568345

Just logged into my account and I thought I had a few BNB as dust from my last trade over a year ago but nothing showing in balances. Oh well I guess.

>> No.13568387

I thought only BTC was hacked? I still haven't logged in. I don't even want to. Lol If it was based on phishing I should be fine

>> No.13568431

I think they sold everything in peoples account for BTC and then transferred the BTC out. Not sure.

Anyway, it was so long ago that I used Binance, I might have just payed the higher fee instead of buying some BNB. I don't remember DESU.

>> No.13568459

>depositing money on an exchange who just got hacked for way more than they are telling everybody, who's ceo wanted to 51% attack btc to get his stolen money back

>> No.13568570

That would make since but take some serious cordination. Is it safe to log in? I almost never do, I think I did maybe 2 weeks ago, but before that it was months. I have my stack (or had lmao depending on how this plays out) and don't need to buy anymore. I would think during the whole think I would have got Binance emails alerting me of activity if my account was hacked. I really don't want to log in unless there is a reason I need to

>> No.13568578


>> No.13568885
File: 230 KB, 1018x619, 1540652501874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13568968


>> No.13568978
File: 116 KB, 968x1174, E2E85C89-988F-4C44-8424-6EA47EDABEB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not trade on a safe platform?

>> No.13569057
File: 29 KB, 600x456, 1494373257454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide I'm going to say Fuck It and buy some more linkies right before the conference.
>buy $500 ETH on Coinbase
>log in on my desktop so I can copy the address of my previous sends
>Oh! We see you haven't logged in in a while. We're just going to hold your money hostage for 8 days. Withdrawals are disabled! Sending is disabled! Have a nice day!

I fucking HATE Coinbase.

>> No.13569672

Yes, but why close inbound/outbound for a whole week? Does this not strike you as somewhat excessive. I realize these things shouldn't be rushed. It may suggest they haven't yet gotten a full accounting of the damage done.

>> No.13569677


>> No.13569680

Stinky Linkies

>> No.13569682



>> No.13569683

exactly. isnt really believable that CZ wouldnt possess the technicals/common sense implied in a roll back. and all for a measly 45mm? doesnt add up. there has to be more going on.

>> No.13569690


When you put it that way things truly JUST'd beyond belief.

>> No.13569695

what in the hell
why should they freeze your withdrawals just because you didn't logged in a long time?
What the fuck is the logic here
Oh I'm glad I used coinbase only once to try buy bitcoin with my credit card

>> No.13569708

>finish your stack
You newfag you can never finish accumalatting link

>> No.13569709

what i just woke up from a 3day nap, what's happening to binance?

>> No.13569778


Craig was right.

>> No.13569852

I wonder if this hack will be good for me...
Holding no alts listed on binance.
If binance crashes people flood lesser known exchanges to buy my alt.
Making it
Fuck I wish probably going to collapse the whole alt market right...

>> No.13569875

Also 7000 btc isn't that much for binance. Binance isn't kill.

>> No.13570535
File: 89 KB, 1200x580, 1556263734405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's convenient how this has happened just as the market is turning bull and any alt that is worth it's salt has found a solid bottom. This shit is gonna tank again for another 12 months. Reeeee my linkies

>> No.13570556

The SAFU fund is BNB denominated. They have to liquidate 40M worth of BNB in order to restore creditors funds.

>> No.13570566

Take your fucking coins off Binance if you get the chance idiot. You were seriously using binance as a long term storage solution? Not your keys is not a meme.

>> No.13570575

Let me guess, you use Binance?

>> No.13571435

Shit got hacked for 7k btc. The #SAFU fund is covering the losses. All withdrawals and deposits are halted for a week.

>> No.13571488

Well yeah no shit. That is how crypto wallets work. You send shit to them, its going to get there. CZ cant just turn off your wallet, it doesnt work that way. He CAN stop you from withdrawing because Binance holds the private key for your wallet. I should expect nothing less from someone trying to buy the top of LINK but I figured you morons would sperg out about it until someone explained it to you.