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1356718 No.1356718 [Reply] [Original]

Pic unrelated

So I have been in the us army for 3 years had a load of jobs in the past 4 since being out. But I've never gotten my BA

I have all the pre requisite skills to be working in almost any field and have an iq of 125 if that even counts for anything

But college isn't for me. I've worked hourly jobs my whole life and every time I attempt college I am unbearably angry and have horrible anxiety because of the idiots around me which cause me to essentially drop outta the race.

I'm currently trying to find a better job (which by the way I have actual graphics design, game design, sales, and management experience concidering my age, 24, ) and all these jackals employers want is someone with 'a BA' in something. ANYTHING. Why the hell should I need one?

The thing that frustrates me the most is that no employer who would pay me salary would ever seem to give me the time of day because of that piece of paper that doesn't even translate into work expirience.

Now I know you guys are gonna say that I'm actually a NEET but I have worked 8 jobs since I was 15 years old. I graduated highschool. And I am almost instantly hire able to every single job I have ever interviewed (I've had to turn down several every time I switch jobs. Most recently being a car salesman job I had to turn down for a job as a firearms instructor which was less pay but more enjoyable)

Tl;Dr I'm 25 I have a shit ton of work expirience and I'm a good employee and a hard worker. Why can't I break into a higher pay bracket without wasting money at college for a degree I won't use

>> No.1356731

You were in the army? Look in to AMU/APU. American military university. Strictly online and should be able to use your gi bill for it. Ba and masters programs. Problem solved of dealing with people.

>> No.1356736

I'll have a look at it. My leaving the military, while honorable discharge, wasent entirely a legal affair and I was never actually told about this kind of stuff

>> No.1356759
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, im retarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have all the pre requisite skills to be working in almost any field
>have an iq of 125 if that even counts for anything
>every time I attempt college I am unbearably angry and have horrible anxiety because of the idiots around me
>actual graphics design
>game design
>all these jackals employers
>I have worked 8 jobs since I was 15 years old.
>I graduated highschool
>my age, 24
>I'm 25

>Why can't I break into a higher pay bracket

Have you considered the possibility that you are not half as smart as you think you are, come off as a pompous entitled jackass, and brag about your intelligence when you can't even spell correctly?

>> No.1356771

>on a phone with autocorrect on

>can't spell

Either contribute to the conversation or dont. I don't have the time or the patience to deal with trolls

>> No.1356786

*tips fedora*

>> No.1356795

>unbearably angry and have horrible anxiety
Get therapy dude. This is what's holding you back more than anything.

>> No.1356801

I am actually currently seeing a psychologist in the VA who tells me I might not be 'cut out for the college lifestyle' concidering it's only at college when I get this way

>> No.1356806

Not him, if you slapped all the information you've given us into a resume, no reasonable company would hire you.

A long history of short-term jobs make it seem like you're not fully committed to the job at hand. It makes you seem flaky. Downplay the number of jobs and focus on three or four in particular and what those jobs taught you.
Don't include your IQ on your resume. Don't talk about it in an interview. Bringing up your IQ in any given situation come off as way too confident in yourself, which many potential employers will see as you being conceited.
Your military history is worth a lot. You could always look specifically for a job that prioritizes veterans. A lot of good companies are also willing to forgo the need for a degree if you're a veteran, they love that tax credit.

>> No.1356825

Well I don't use my iq in an interview I'm trying to give back story to what I'm talking about.

The point is I have a great resume. I'm a great worker and interviewer. And most of my jobs were worked for more than a year.

What I am finding is that if I get an interview I get the job. Problem is that Im just trying to break into the 40 to 50k field here not much. But comfortably livable. And what in finding is that the second my resume doesn't say 'BA' in anything my resume is thrown in the garbage.

I dunno maybe it is me or the area I live in but are there any jobs out there that pay that range that aren't looking for a college graduate that hasn't worked a day in their lives?

>> No.1356828

>"every company wants a degre"
>"I don't want to get a degree"
>"no one will hire me!!"

Do you even need to ask what the solution is?

>> No.1356839

>implying a piece of paper gives you instant job expirience

Not counting STEM fields of course but that's a whole other thing.

And the point is not that I'm not getting hired you dope. I'm trying to move up in the world. Some of us have aspirations besides farting cheeto dust and jacking off

>> No.1356840

>gets mad at idiots around him
Boy you're going to have a rough time in the real world

>> No.1356859

You have tried to go places haven't you? It's 2016, if you don't have a degree (STEM or not) you are automatically placed behind anyone your age who has one, and that is just the unfortunate truth

>> No.1356867

Why don't you look into online coursework (try not to choose a complete shit college)? You can get a degree and only interact online. If you were military, shouldn't they be paying for that shit, too? It's only going to get worse the older you get and online courses are getting better.

>> No.1356874

I've been looking into microdegrees. Sadly half of my gi bill was stolen by a certain nameless private college.

I'm working with 23 months left to use.

My fiance is attending medical school currently and I'm supporting her. So there is an obvious incentive here

>> No.1356906

That sounds like a cop-out to me. Can you switch therapists? You've seen how important a degree is for getting your foot in the door.

>> No.1356917

I'm working on it actually. The VA medical system is worse than what the news will tell you. She thinks I have bipolar and without any real testing just started throwing mood altering drugs my way

But it is not a cop out. I've tried. Twice. I've got one more try in me for my fiance but that's about it.