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13564883 No.13564883 [Reply] [Original]

Dan Bilzerian should be a role model to everyone here. He had made it in every sense of the world. If you don't acknowledge it your cope it out of control.

I'm not gay, but I would suck Dan Bilzerian's huge cock just because is was once inside of Lindsey Pelas' devine pussy. Only the ultimate Chads get to fuck Goddesses like Lindsey Pelas.

>> No.13564896

What's up autist

>> No.13564902

>he made it every sense of the world
>doesnt have children
>has never colonized a foreign planet
this dude weak af

>> No.13564917

>Dan Bilzerian

Dude had like 2 heart attacks in his 20s. I'd like his money but his lifestyle is fucking retarded.

>> No.13564927

Wtf us up with these bilzerian posts. We get it, he’s rich. Now move along you cuck.

>> No.13564934

stopped reading
eternal cucks are the issue why the modern women feel so fucking entitled even if they are far below those men they reject

>> No.13564960

You Sir are a fucking simp.

>> No.13564972

>He had made it in every sense of the world
What did he even do to make his money? Probably just got born into it, right?

>> No.13564978

Seems like every x amount of months theres a ton all of a sudden then they disappear.

>> No.13564983


Dan is a normie faggot.

>> No.13564988

> Daddy's money
> Failed out of buds
> Fake poker "pro"
> Glorifies hedonism and materialism

Great role model you got there kid. When you grow up hopefully you'll learn why that despicable Armenian is the opposite of making it

>> No.13565037

Have you been accepted on BeautifulPeople.com yet, /biz/?


>> No.13565053

This board is populated by incels and right wing conservacucks from /pol/ who think impregnating a woman is the end all be all in life. It's pathetic. Why even make it if you're just going to live a boring life in the suburbs with your fat wife and kids anyway? News flash: you can live that life as a poorfag, which is what you are and always will be.

>> No.13565068

>role model
yeah really inspired me to use my dad's money lmao
go to bed dan

>> No.13565104

lol that stupid bitch had a cute nose before her surgery, but she had to fuck it up. you had one job...

>> No.13565118

Pics pls

>> No.13565316

Go to bed Dan.

>> No.13565331

>his money
You mean daddy’s money?

>> No.13565484

Came here to type this
Based anon

>> No.13565498


Cope harder anons

>> No.13565579

>father commits massive fraud stealing millions
>money vanishes into thin air
>pays back a fraction

>son leads lavish millionaire lifestyle
>says he made the money playing poker
>poker pros say he's shit and nobody had ever heard or played with him

>> No.13565598

>Dan Bilzerian should be a role model to everyone here.
he is mine except i can't be a manlet

>> No.13565603


>> No.13565972

Damn, I never realized he was only 5'9". That's kind of sad, but even more impressive to what he has achieved.

>> No.13565984

There are parts of Dan Blizerian's lifestyle that I admire: He works out a lot and the has a lot of sex. But he is kind of a normie. If he did some kind of scholarly or intellectual work on top of what he does he would truly be Virtuous.

>> No.13566076


>> No.13566098
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>I'm not gay, but I would suck Dan Bilzerian's huge cock

>> No.13566141

why is he relevant to anyone but thots again?

>> No.13566622

Only because of Lindsey Pelas.

He is relevant to thots, and thots are relevant to straight men.

>> No.13567464

y tho? he already got the life

the thots dont care how he got it so why should you?