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File: 37 KB, 1839x220, satoshi silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13563235 No.13563235 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13563263

I like how everyone likes to pretend the hunt brothers bankrupted themselves and not that the market collectively decided to change the rules so as to save everyone else's ass. If markets were run on blockchains the hunt brothers would have succeeded.

>> No.13563266

he 's speaking about a factual event yet you dare to accuse him

>> No.13563278

He sounds like CSW

>> No.13563281

what if someone is doing the same with BTC and ((they)) had to "close" binance for a week to assassinate him?

>> No.13563296


>> No.13563297

not in the slightest

>> No.13563304

nah, he is just insanly interested in economics and the history of it. You can hear this in almost every interview or medium post of his. He once talked about how some guys in the 1800 tried to buy up all oil refineries and people would just build a shitty shack and call it an oil refinery because they knew it would be bought. He also has a very interesting article on medium on the tulip mania. Turns out it was not a mania after all, and the crash was caused by the government

>> No.13563305
File: 368 KB, 750x877, 7323694E-A16F-408B-854E-DD7D9B5986A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is already cornered retard.

>> No.13563355

you're now seriously confirmed the most retarded person on this board. congrats

>> No.13563368


>> No.13563455

>3% of addresses own 95% of the bitcoin supply
Learn to read a graph you absolute retard.

>> No.13563522
File: 2.91 MB, 2774x1985, final fantasy 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig pulling out his examples of past events that most of the world have forgotten about

>> No.13563533

linguistic analysis crossed creg out with great confidence. satoshi matches with nick szabo and ian grigg best. almost perfectly for that matter.

>> No.13563539


By definition, there can be no true peer-to-peer network, since ANY system, by definition, is created by the few for the many. Such creators have ENORMOUS advantages in any system so constructed...and NATURE teaches us that those endowed with such advantage will exploit fully from the MANY to the benefit of the FEW.

You must understand the biological imperative hard wired into the monkey-brain which make this a given. Upcoming changes to information systems and computational power will make the conceptual platform moot anyway.

Do take care and stay tuned for future updates!

>> No.13563548


>> No.13563580

>By definition, there can be no true peer-to-peer network
not true, i have devised a crypto based election system that is properly distributed in fact anonymous voting rights are matched 1:1 to eligible persons. it's true however that registration mechanism is centrally organized conventional mechanism. but after that the system works completely p2p.
however once a well distributed system of tokens is available airdropping anything on it is trivial.

>> No.13563586


>> No.13563708

Read the whole AMA. It's quite interesting, and I'm fairly certain he is who he claims to be.

>Upcoming changes to information systems and computational power will make the conceptual platform moot anyway.

>> No.13563725

not gonna lie, collecting boomer metals sounds like fun

>> No.13563744
File: 1.14 MB, 1017x812, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy, his name is Craig Wright and he is likely the remaining part of the group calling themselves Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.13563745

If you haven't figured out who satoshi is yet, you just didn't look hard enough.

He ded. But he'll be back.


>> No.13563767

Economics is truly fascinating and it surprises me how few people walking around actually understand the basics. I am by no means an expert but studying the history of money and banking had an enormous impact on my worldview and was probably one of the first redpills I inadvertently took.

>> No.13563768

Anders and you other guys from a long time ago, remember Hal posting stuff about the Bitcoin concept back in the 1990s? Those were fun exciting times. I have missed that for a while, but in the last couple years I get the unexplainable feeling that another wave of anticipation of new cool fun stuff is about to crash upon us. I don’t even have a specific example of what I mean, but it just feels like the early days of the internet, when a lot of us were discovering all the cool uses and new possibilities.
Anders your effective philanthropy conference really lit up those feelings.

>> No.13563770

this just doesn't make any sense, it sounds like someone trying to sound smart but instead producing vague sentences that can mean anything and nothing at the same time


>> No.13563776

all these old faggots in the early days came from the silver speculation commu ity

>> No.13563787

Craig was larping as Nick Szabo and Ian Grigg to make them seem to be Satoshi, the madman is a literal genius like no other. 5D chess.

>> No.13563792

Then perhaps you're not as smart as you think you are.

I'm giving you some pretty good fucking nuggets of information here, you muppet.

>> No.13563812

Also, in the time that I copied that link to you "reading it" you couldn't have skimmed more than a paragraph or two.

That link isn't meant for you child.

>> No.13563892

Hal is NAMED on the whitepaper you dribbling nonce fucker

>> No.13563908

Recommendations on reading material?

>> No.13564010

Unironically start with Craigs article about the tulip mania. It's very interesting


>> No.13564011

that sentence is vague and ambiguous, and the ama doesn't indicate that he's into science or cryptography; if it's real, then he has no benefits from bitcoin growth. he didn't talked about it. and there would be nothing wrong, if he's in a position of power, to want to stay in that position; "wired into the monkey-brain" like he said. could have said "our" to sound less arrogant

>> No.13564036

Your reading comprehension isn't great, is it?

>> No.13564053

Hidden secrets of money on YouTube by Mike Maloney has some good informaion.

>> No.13564195

the reason why you're defending/promoting someone who says bad things about p2p/lowering the importance of p2p is a more important question

>> No.13564211
File: 99 KB, 889x500, 2zq952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13564291

Are you the same guy that created the hodl meme back in the days on bitcointalk? Are you drunk again?

>> No.13564310

it's true.

unironically will be right again because he didn't hodl.

>> No.13564339

I never did either. I presented a link to an AMA by a supposed Rothschild. Someone who would be "in the know"

You can take that information however you want.
But what he said was not wrong.

>> No.13564375

your shitty memeing is so tiresome
no creg is not satoshi not even if you wank about it a 1000 times. just play the lottery! better odds!

>> No.13564422

he talked like if quantum computing or other breakthrough could make bitcoin or other crypto useless. that's not true, since those protocols can and will evolve with simple BIP softforks

>> No.13564456
File: 58 KB, 300x319, 76-765525_eternally-laughing-at-antifa-pink-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13564684

this is what craig sounds like

drop name, you do not need to identify yourself on this thread, post anonymously unless you absolutely need identification (tripcode) for a specific thread
drop the name

>> No.13564696

Hal did not have fake conversations with himself on bitcointalk forum, sorry.
Hal did help with bugs tho! He was a great contributor to the project and one of the first who saw future in bitcoin !

>> No.13564825


Hal did not bug report to himself.
Hal did not have fake email conversations with himself.
Hal did not praise himself on forum and then proceeded to thank himself of his own praise.
Hal did not, at his final message to the community, deny being satoshi and his real involvement with bitcoin, which is already a lot.
Hal did not need to "protect the satoshi coins", as he himself has mined too and left a considerate amount of coins to his children.

>> No.13564848

he sounds like an asshole but what the other guy claims is quiet far fetched. i don't know any bitcoin software that uses simple non cryptographically secure rng.

>> No.13564944
File: 85 KB, 400x400, come-on-craig-you-aint-got-to-lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13566161

this needs bumped

>> No.13566604
File: 1.21 MB, 1936x3172, craig_wright_wechat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hal helped Craig with code, because he's a much better coder.

>> No.13566662

CSW would have insulted OP.

>> No.13566779
File: 1.33 MB, 500x750, 1498309280984237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon you asked earlier. Unfortunately I had to leave before seeing your post but seeing as this thread is still alive I will drop some suggestions with the hope that you will see them:
1. "Money & Banking": https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_money-and-banking-v2.0/
2. "The Mystery of Banking" by Rothbard: https://mises.org/library/mystery-banking
3. "Rethinking the Great Depression" by Gene Smiley
With the foundation from those three you can probably branch out and read whoever you want. One more honorable mention would be "Meltdown" by Thomas Woods because it's a quick read and gives a great free market perspective on the events leading up to 2008. You can also find a plethora of free materials and articles on the mises.org website.
In the context of BTC/Crypto, I find both "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous and "The Sovereign Individual" to be excellent resources. If you are autistic and want the full Fedpill you can read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. It's a long read though. I haven't slayed that beast yet myself.

>> No.13566897

This. The US Fed and the Rockefellers orchestrated to take down the Hunt brothers. They were close, but couldn't quite make it. They could pull it off with Bitcoin.

>> No.13567064

Hal helped Szabo with code, because was a great coder.
Craig can't code.

>> No.13567101

Sounds like craig

Reminds me of the irish guy who printed money story on bitcoin wednesday

>> No.13567106


I watched his videos he is long winded and jimmy cut him short kek

>> No.13567137

he's just exposing his lack of cryptography knowledge. the moment craig realizes he does not know what the buzzword means, he goes into a fit of rage

It's easy to write about stuff you know nothing about, it's another when you're talking with someone who knows his shit and can expose you.

notice that there is no reason to vent like that, and he goes on about some bullshit about "I don't want attention" (53497534 tweets a day)

every argument he does (and BSV dudes too) contradict themselves
Did Hal make the code? There is indication that he didn't, evidence if on his own bug fixing
So Craig did the code? Then how come he has no fucking clue about any of it?

At this point, there is not even a "con" anymore
There is no scam
this guy has entangled himself in this mess, maybe because of the money he stole from the AUS gov, maybe because he is clinically insane, like for real. I honestly can't really point to what makes more sense. Is he a bad conman? Is this controlled opposition to kill BCH?

You guess is as good as mine

>> No.13567158
File: 265 KB, 1262x704, craig the coder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Craig can't code why did he teach coding?

Pic very much related.

Oh, I guess it's another "conspiracy" set up by MasterMind CaLViN aYrE. He probably deepfaked this YouTube vids and paid off YouTube to modify the upload date.

>> No.13567257


Just incase

>> No.13567571

and here I was expecting to be astonished and proved wrong
all I see is him reading off a script and stuttering

but sure, I'll give it up, he can code something, you proved me wrong.

>> No.13567769

Why is everyone that has had something to do with CSW.. Dying?

>> No.13567859
