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File: 17 KB, 378x378, L86xyLF4_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13562581 No.13562581 [Reply] [Original]

> Self-taught Programmer
> Won Information Olympiad when he was 17
> Dropped out university because the courses were too simple for him
> Self-learned Chinese characters within a few months and become a fluent speaker after a year

How can other blockchains ever compete?


>> No.13562590

..and he is a rapper

>> No.13562603

Too bad he wasnt smart enough to solve that Oracle problem. Now sergey is gonna steal the limelight

>> No.13562614
File: 70 KB, 291x300, Zack-Hess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Self-taught Programmer
> Created 2 top 50 coins (Augur & Aeternity)
> Left the Burgerland to avoid taxes
> Has a coin thats under 5m marketcap thats ignored

How can other blockchains ever compete?

>> No.13562625

can you guys stop with the larp. It got old months ago

>> No.13562636

I'm a self taught programmer. Backwards schools here are too medieval to teach, so you have to be self taught.
I won an information competition (national) when I was 19. It was the kind of tasks people at /g/ do as a game, nothing too much. .
I dropped out of university (though it was because I was about to hang myself for studying 6 hours and working 10 hours, too much stress).
I self-learned Chinese characters (to read in Japanese) within a few months, and though I can't speak, I can comprehend Japanese being spoken within about a year of self learning.

This isn't 250 IQ stuff, its more like 115 IQ stuff. You just need to be a confirmed bachelor and be curious/playful about things.

>> No.13562637

He learned Chinese and Russian as a kid. His parents raised him trilingual

>> No.13562641
File: 186 KB, 1200x1499, 1547226701327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that superior people like Vitalik are one in ten million and the rest of humanity is pathetic and inferior.
Few are destined for greatness. The rest of us are destined to be hopelessly mediocre.

>> No.13562644


Woah that shit was fire.

>> No.13562655


How come Slavs are either super fucking big brain savants or absolute alcoholic violent wife beating niggers with absolutely nothing in between?

>> No.13562669


>> No.13562670

Zach Hess rode the accomplishments of others. He didnt really have a central role in any of the projects he was involved in(outside of the title he was given) with the exception of Amoveo, which is destined to remain a low cap shitcoin for the entirety of its existence, before fading into obscurity and going to zero a few months from now.

>> No.13562674

where's my hit of acid when I need it?

>> No.13562691

Months? LINK has been shilled on this board since 2017. Make a filter and save it twice.

>> No.13562708
File: 60 KB, 855x404, Selection_032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he got 1K citations for his first few papers
He definitely would get a CS PhD within 4 years if he didn't dropout.

>> No.13562711

Vitalik would be a drunk beating his wife if not for crypto existing. He still may end up there.

>> No.13562726

That's how white people are.

White people IQ tend to have less stability in general. You're either a genius or a frog-poster. No real middle-ground. Meaning their are alot of stupid ass white people.

While East-Asian people tend to have a higher IQ average, but they all tend to be the same.. less instability. Thats why a creative genius amongst Asians are pretty rare.

>White invents
>Asian improves
>Hispanic sells
>Black steals

>> No.13562802

>this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.13562847

Wonder how he learns stuff
I mean, the actual process of learning something new

>> No.13562866

Nice source

>> No.13562888

prove me wrong faggot.

>> No.13562906

i never posted a frog thanks :D

>> No.13562927

He's obviously got asperger's

>> No.13562939

How do I get it?

>> No.13562966

Post LINK memes for two month on

>> No.13562988

Vitalik truly is a genius. He somehow managed to do it before LINK was a thing.

>> No.13563098

>White invents
>Asian improves
>Hispanic sells
>Black steals
>Jew rubs hands

>> No.13563126

BASED Zach poster!!

>> No.13563169

Enjoy holding those AE bags

>> No.13563196

But he's still a virgin and can't even bench 2pl8 LMAO

>> No.13563205

>Self-learned Chinese characters within a few months and become a fluent speaker after a year

>> No.13563214

Even smart people make mistakes and can be delusional

>> No.13563218


>> No.13563230

just look at the video
Vitalik was literally talking with the Chinese people using Chinese

>> No.13563237

Seriously though, I mean he probably has a good routine even if it isn't one he consciously thought out to do but just did it naturally

>> No.13563239

Hitler Faggot

>> No.13563242

The most amazing thing about Vitalik is that he keeps inventing stuff that he needs.

Bitcoin wasn't good enough for him, so he literally invented Ethereum out of thin air.

As a teenager.

Then when he ran into some of Ethereum's limitations, did he complain? Did he cry on 4chan? Throw a milennial tantrum?

No, he handled like a man. And invented like 10 more things.

Visionary, once in a generation mind. ETH is not here to take part, ETH is here to take over.

>> No.13563245

lmao thinking he could beat anyone... even a teenage girl

>> No.13563246

>White invents
>Gook Steals
>Gook pretends he improves
>White nuke gooks.

>> No.13563248

Hitler was a great man though unironically
It's undeniable

Hitler and Napoleon have a lot in common

>> No.13563265

What's amazing about being born with high IQ? I mean it is amazing but the only reason he could do those things is because he was born with something many others weren't. Or do you think he just worked harder or something? Lmao

(it still is amazing)

>> No.13563270

>>White invents
middle east invents, whites sell

>> No.13563288


>> No.13563298

Good vid if u haven't seen - Zack, vitalik, cosmos & dfinity guys on POS


>> No.13563313

>ace or gay
still has to harness it, before he got into bitcoin he would just play wow all day

>> No.13563320

It's not his IQ. It's his vision, focus and discipline.

Vitalik can fuck my wife any time.

>> No.13563329

True but someone with an IQ of 81 could never have created Ethereum, no matter how hard they worked or how hard they tried. Simple as that really.

If you call someone "stupid" it's essentially the same as calling someone a nigger, when you really think about it. It might even be much worse

But I agree, the actual vision he must have had is more amazing than the creation of it etc

>> No.13563345

holllyyyy shiiiittttt someone get some water on dis bih he litty

>> No.13563443


>> No.13563834
File: 164 KB, 1686x1011, Ice-filled Korolev crater on Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The many lift up the few. Vitalik doesn't need to spend his days farming or retrieve his own packages or do all the other mediocre tasks that is required for humanity to advance.

>> No.13563861

it helps when your father is Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.13564019
File: 64 KB, 638x558, 03CDA093-2F93-4BF8-8834-E54D6B8F9EE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, they were both manlets and lost to Russians

>> No.13564089

t. Works in Walmart

>> No.13564382

can you drop more pearls of wisdom. you sound like my dad who passed recently

>> No.13564479
File: 303 KB, 1002x974, unit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet he's about to get BTFO by a fat russian addicted to big Mac's & a second rate stoned programmer called Steve.

>> No.13564857

My Russian friends are both computer geniuses and totally wild raging drug addicted scarfaced animals

>> No.13565211

I want to cum in sids asshole

>> No.13565255

You can't just make shit up and asknskmeone to prove you wrong you absolute retard.

You're on the wrong board pol schizo

>> No.13565365

>No real middle-ground
youre almost right, the middle ground is women.
it makes sense if you consider how societies were most efficiently organised for the thousands of years white people faced the apocalypse once a year from november to march, moulding the traits we try and cling on to today.
the stupid men were needed for protection and working, the smart men who could do useful things like heal or build were worth protecting, the only women worth keeping around were the pretty ones who could look after children.
in a high scarcity world, there wasnt much use for anyone who didnt excel in one direction or another, they got the food last if at all.

>> No.13565394
File: 54 KB, 560x746, 2mdron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Napoleon lost to Russians

>> No.13565631
File: 775 KB, 426x240, Vitalik Buterin smearing his Ethereum booger on your wall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's perfect

>> No.13565648

Based Vitalik eating boogers

>> No.13565691

fucking kekd

>> No.13565697
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, buterin_autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565810

but not surprising

>> No.13566695

Now this is an intelligent post

>> No.13567592

can't win every battle

>> No.13567616

I'm glad someone acknowledged this, V's flow was surprisingly decent.

>> No.13567627

His name was literally on the whitepaper, at least early drafts.

>> No.13567669

He ragequit wow tho cause nooby so I got him there checkm8

>> No.13567757

>What's amazing about being born with high IQ?
high iq script kiddies don't appear out of thin air.
he's the result of several generations of ruski intellectuals breeding to create a big brained superhuman who has taken the form of someone called vitalik.

>> No.13567790

>True but someone with an IQ of 81 could never have created Ethereum
but he could have children with someone smarter than him. then his children could have kids with someone smarter then themselves. do that for enough generations and you could have someone smart enough to create ethereum.
the games not rigged.

>> No.13567921

Tfw popped 3 ecstacy pills