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13556028 No.13556028 [Reply] [Original]

If capitalism is about making money and efficiency then why are so many companies full of worthless employees who do absolutely nothing? What do they get for hiring a bunch of communist trannies?


>> No.13556071

Because companys started making ridiculous profits. Check like Googles profit per employee, its like insane. They could hire 1000s of people and have them just jerk off all day to see if it improves productivity.

>> No.13556087

capitalism is a race to the bottom. sucks that we realized this after the globalists took power and sufficiently subverted literally every country worth a damn. socialists are the new boomers.

>> No.13556088

Virtue signaling unironically has more social power than money.

>> No.13556257
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>companies started making huge profits
Other way around

>> No.13556282

It makes economic sense for a company that is PC to have trannies in their business model for virtue signalling so that they get more SJW customers.

>> No.13556334

It's all just memes, scams, virtue signaling sjw bullshit and ponzi bubbles. Nothing else matters than pumping the stock's price.

>> No.13556378

Central bank intervention in the economy has suppressed interest rates allowing companies to add massive amounts of debt to pay people who would otherwise be unemployed

>> No.13556396

You're asking a pretty basic question that you should know the answer to, but they wouldn't bother doing that if it didn't provide them with some incentive for doing so. Obviously they're getting something out of it to make up for whatever profit loss they get from it. Companies that don't get enough of an incentive out of it to justify the loss (such as small local businesses) don't do that.

>> No.13556433
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White people knew what they were worth and wanted too much money for their labor and corporations didn't want to pay them. So they found a way to kill two birds with one stone. They import a bunch of 3rd worlders to do the same jobs. The company looks progressive and tolerant while at the same time they get to pay their workers less. It's cheaper and more acceptable to hire 5 pajeets to complete one task than it is to hire 1 or 2 competent White people. 3rd worlders make great slaves because to them, making 30k a year is amazing compared to the shithole they came from.

>> No.13556453

>believing the books

>> No.13556463

Woah.. dude..

>> No.13556690
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This is fairly obvious
Okay so the most parasitic organism out there is the media. They're all leftists
They will attack companies and people who disagree with them. See basically anyone. Former Mozilla guy is an easy example
Now if those companies hire leftists who say all the right thing and are generally useless, it acts as an insurance policy to the media attacking you because you privately believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, as it has for the past 99.99% of history.

>> No.13556724

and consuming product. hell, Dave Ramsey shills for a paid service that shows people your search history.

>> No.13556759
File: 41 KB, 594x582, ED1C1BDA-BD0C-4C82-B64F-1E80B5DA36DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are discrimination laws

Because, besides being fucking lunatics, trannies are litigation-happy and thanks to laws focusing on helping "diverse" people (anyone who isn't a white male in other words) get a leg up on the cis scum the judge will side with any tranny that engages in a lawsuit against their employer or even prospective employer no matter how frivolous ("Oy vey this company didn't hire me because they're discriminating against my based and fashy lady penis!"). Major companies hire obvious retards instead of (You) because they have a figurative gun to their head held by the federal government to do so.

You fucking zoomer retards don't know shit about capitalism or the circumstances that led to your present situation and you should consider taking five minutes to look into shit before deciding to talk out of your ass about how you assume things work.

>> No.13556774

They get tax breaks, grants and political favours for employing peons who pay taxes and ni while they pay little or none. In return for keeping peons preoccupied with hamster wheel life rather than inequality and the employment figures low for the government the large corporations get to keep obscene profits and benefit from bailouts from the taxpayer..