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File: 242 KB, 1600x800, C0BB998D-31CE-4D92-8F92-12E554B95425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13553019 No.13553019 [Reply] [Original]

I’m sorry for bringing it up again but for the love of Kek can someone please explain the odds of this “coincidence”?

>> No.13553030

this dumb fucking thread again holy shit..

>> No.13553045

I'm just wondering how they did this without any copyright trouble.

>> No.13553048

Sergey is a fat lazy fuck and simply typed in "Oracles" on Google, among the first things that came up was a shitty 2001 Zelda game. He then simply plagiarized it (probably chuckling all alone in a dark room).

>> No.13553069

Fuck you, timo.

And the 4chan emblem?

>> No.13553077

>Oracle of seasons
>End of crypto winter
>Spring will be Chainlink ignited bullrun
Really low as coincidence
Really high as advanced memetic temporal non-locality

>> No.13553195

Kek's will is manifesting itself.

>> No.13553236

fuck off delphi

>> No.13553248
File: 64 KB, 410x410, 1557087155418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never underestimate the power of kek

check em

>> No.13553299

you guys do realise you're worshipping a satanic deity right? some memes around here aren't as 'grassroots' as you think

>> No.13553307
File: 254 KB, 1000x1000, chainlink garfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13553331

Good design principles are hardwired into our physiology, as well as reinforced through culture/repetition. Any combination of good design principles are thus pleasing and more likely to happen, especially when directed by artists (people who are practiced in applying good design) for broad markets (this ensures that generic principles and designs are chosen for broadly appealing things like zelda games). It's not so much a matter of unlikelihood as it is an inevitability that certain good designs happen to be combined in the same space, especially when the artistic design process is iterated millions upon millions of times daily worldwide. It IS magic but at the same time it is completely mundane.

>> No.13553385

I'm the anon that discovered this connection yesterday while taking a shit at work and I couldn't agree more. Nice digits too.

>> No.13553398

thank you for discovering this fren

>> No.13553407

You shit at work every day, Sheniqua.

>> No.13553486

im not timo never selling my link newfag took you two years to realize why we use zelda memes fucking moron

>> No.13553496

Which street do you work on?