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13552746 No.13552746 [Reply] [Original]

the fuck do i get drunk without passing out and shit all over my apartment??

>> No.13552766

you do yoga like a real man

>> No.13552783


>> No.13552802

Yikes, you must be asian if you can't drink

>> No.13553351

I know this is kind of off-topic, but I have been browsing reddit's TRP sub for the first time earlier today. And it really stood out to me how their agenda openly rejects people trying to surpass their most lowly of behaviour (e.g. in form of nofap, or being monogamous as to not destroy society), but then also complains about women not rejecting their lowly behaviour. In turn making me think that you have to be truly retarded to browse TRP, not immediately seeing their hypocrisy. As they actively PREACH dystopia, while at the same time complaining about it. And on the same note, they also completely reject abstinence, because they believe to be lowly animals, entirely incapable of ever surpassing their instincts. And while I never used this word before, I found "Untermensch" to be the one best describing them. (They are the more opportunistic types, using knowledge of primitive behaviour that should be surpassed, as an excuse to pursue said primitive behaviour.)

Then I also visited /r/inceltears, which despite being on the opposite end of the political spectrum (feminists, I think), seems to follow the same degenerate ideals. And they, too, prided themselves "hate fucking" others while hating on "incels." Pretending for it to be irrational to care about a woman's virginity. As if doing so to judge the partner's decency and ability to think beyond "muh butterflies" isn't common sense? With the users, too, sounding radicalized and some talking about wanting to force children into having sex or masturbation, which was again an overlap with TRP. But then it comes as hardly a surprise, for the very same people which once invaded other countries and raped their women and children, to slowly turn towards rape in the name of "democracy." Only with the vote being their weapon, as opposed to the loaded gun. And again "Untermensch" was the word best describing them.

>> No.13553366

Anyway... is it normal, that after reading these subs, I suddenly had the strange sensation of society being better off if users frequenting subs such as "TRP" or "inceltears" were to be gassed? And that by doing so, you might stave off a potential civil war. Or a threat to the west in general. It's a realist's move. They are a threat to peace and society. Violent, idiotic, and radical. At least it's what I felt reading these subs. Their collective stupidity... If I wouldn't know better, I would believe for them to be trolling. But they seem sincere. And to a degree their idiocy even terrifies me. Never before have I personally felt this threatend. By a radical enemy who will stomp you and your personal beliefs out if you sit idly by.

Tell me, Anons, are they really this threatening? Or do they simply seem this way? On the internet. In their subs.

>> No.13553379

u unironically have sex with a man. anal penetration strengthens your sphincter

>> No.13553437
File: 56 KB, 600x800, mbga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reportnig this post for being off topic

>> No.13553476

Who's that manlet in your pic? He looks like he's missing a bollock too

>> No.13553755
File: 7 KB, 155x155, angryocaciocortez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being white trash

>> No.13553814

I tried to get to the bottom of this a few years ago. The goyim there are accelerationists who have been groomed by self-admitted jews like GLO that admit to not following their own degenerate 'advice.' TRP is a psyop that blends truth with self-destruction.