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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 273 KB, 1032x611, Pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13547109 No.13547109 [Reply] [Original]



All you need is a phone number or throwaway facebook account to sign up, and then you just click a button every 24hrs to activate the miner. Takes about 5 seconds a day, while using 0% of your battery power.

It has no value right now and no exchange listings, but that will change in the future. It is still in early access, only 1.5k users so far.

You will need a referral code from an existing member to join, feel free to use mine : minepi.com/ushi

>> No.13547122
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I will add anyone who joins me to my securities team and you'll get an additional bonus
>Invite code: Wreak
>Invite code: Wreak
>Invite code: Wreak

>> No.13547134

Stop this pi network shilling here.
We wont get new users from biz
Biz is beyond saving

T. Pi miner since day one

>> No.13547171

join our team now and earn 15 Pi / hour, much more than if you begin alone or in a small group. we have been steadily growing for days.

invite: nexus


>> No.13547180

that isn't how it works ranjeet, don't lie to the new users

>> No.13547343

lets make a cult - code : prosperity1337

>> No.13547350

Yes. The only one who profits from that is this scam poster. New users earn 1.96pi/hr no matter which invitation code they use

>> No.13547382

this shit actually works and if you think about it, by the time this hits exchanges you would have generated literally free money for clicking a button once every 24h - and even if it fails, you lose absolutely nothing for trying

>> No.13547389

Did this video fall right outta December 2017? Fucking lol this has Pajeet written ALL over it.

What happened to Electroneum?

>> No.13547395

they benefit as well from the network, it's mutual. read the whitepaper

>> No.13547491
File: 140 KB, 675x1200, 38989D72-6811-4E95-BFA9-D2E024845721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pi is a new digital currency being developed by a group of Stanford PhDs. For a limited time, you can join the beta to earn Pi and help grow the network. To join Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/haru and use my username (haru) as your invitation code.

>> No.13547511

you mean use "prosperity1337" as invitation code

>> No.13547536
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>> No.13547657

My code is micblack53

>> No.13547682

Just add Makamoto and get catapulted right into a security circle so everyone gets bank

>> No.13547716

Lets get /biz in one place and infinite loop that bitch - prosperity1337 is the code

>> No.13547787
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>> No.13547880

join our team now and earn 15 Pi / hour, much more than if you begin alone or in a small group. we have been steadily growing for days.

invite: nexus


>> No.13548085

guys why is my hashrate dropping?
i had 4.40 this morning and now only 3
whats going on?

>> No.13548301
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Your underlings may not be mining

>> No.13548583
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>> No.13548597

invite: Sivulla

>> No.13548622

pi is unironically a scam, you really believe you could get rich mining a cryptocurrency on your fucking phone ? kek, cant believe the gullibility of these anons, doesn't take an idiot to realise there’s no such thing as a free meal. Look into people running this, they release a new phone malware every couple of months.

>> No.13548906


>> No.13548959

firstly apple updated their app store terms of service last year preventing devs from developing apps that could mine cryptos you fag, the devs behind this our the same devs that developed ‘Crypto Miner for Monero XMR’, go read the reviews kek.

>> No.13549008

you obviously haven't read the whitepaper yet. and there is no connection between that random xmr mining app and pi.

>> No.13549019

This is a crypto project backed by the Stanford Center of Blockchain Research. Stanford is up there with MIT as a leading university for computer science. I don’t need to post my invitation for you fags since I already have hundreds of invites. For all you fudders who think this is a scam, stay poor faggots.

>> No.13549089

Ronny took A-calc with Nicolas at Caltec you fags, and the lead developer, Vince, undertook a 6 month short course distance learning programme at Stanford. Nic and Ronny have literally been running this same scam since 2017, Vince is a new face though.

>> No.13549106


>> No.13549134

Actually, the less of you faggots who join this, the better it is for the rest of us. Means it will take longer before the next halfening happens and then we will get even less fuckall coins then we do now.

>> No.13549149

you dont have any coins. I dont even need to download the app to know it’s just a stupid time based counter with no option to withdraw right ? Kek, holy shit anons how could you fall for this ?

>> No.13549184

You’re correct pajeet, it is not actually mining anything. It’s acting as a faucet since it is still in phase 1. This is early beta as you can get on a project. Once phase 3 happens and we get to withdrawal our free fucking money, you can go hang yourself on regret. Or it can all go to shit and I’ve literally only wasted the time it took to talk to faggots like you.

>> No.13549198

also completely wasted your mobile device, nice going faggot, you now have malware !

>> No.13549212

Youre just sounding retarded now dipshit. How is it wasting my phone when it doesn’t use any processing or data? Dumb cunt, you think anyone can just upload malware to the App Store. If that was the case, your phone would be full of it.

>> No.13549301
File: 48 KB, 629x480, Reminder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Fool me once, shame on you
> Fool me twice, shame on me
> Fool me every time, welcome to /biz/

It's amazing how many times /biz/ falls for the same old scams.

>> No.13549323


>> No.13549356

Fuck I’m over it. If there’s no money involved then tell me what the fuck have you got to lose? I get it, dumb cunts lose money when they listen to biz shills but in this case there is no fucking money to lose. Fucking retards.

>> No.13549360

lemme guess, it asked for your facebook account and / or your phone number right ? Have fun getting phishing calls in 2-3 months from pajeets just like you while having your facebook monitored and trawled for useful information. Also, apple app store doesn't classify geolocation, MAC, IP, cell service or camera access as anything relating to malware, but you better bet your ass it can be used against you.

>> No.13549393

it’s called long con spear phishing, faggot.

>> No.13549395

Listen to this faggot. He thinks he is Assange and that people give a fuck who he is. I already get pajeets calling me up and I enjoy wasting their time before blocking their number. I don’t use Facebook since I’m not a faggot.

>> No.13549397

They sure emphasize that they're Stanford PhDs
I'm in but can't wait that this is a "social experiment" and we all got bamboozled

>> No.13549422
File: 18 KB, 500x397, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not have any privs on Android.
The only thing it asks for is contact list access and you can deny and still get your invite link.
This shit is just like the XRB distro and is even more normie friendly.
The reward rates are gonna get cut to 1% what they are now when this starts exponentially growing.

Are you honestly out on free money because you may get spam calls down the road ?
Those robocall centers allready have your number buddy.

>> No.13549431

literally only one of the team have graduated from a Stanford affiliated programme and they undertook a long distance shortcourse.

>> No.13549448

just because nobody cares about you Ranjeesh doesn't mean it’s out of the ordinary for people to give a fuck about who other people are. Not even sorry you’re so minor league nobody gives a fuck about who you are kek

>> No.13549468

Your mom’s got a 5 inch growth coming out of her ass from getting gangbanged by Russians. See I can write any bullshit that comes to mind as well.

>> No.13549470

>by the time this hits exchanges you would have generated literally free money for clicking a button once every 24h
that's why it's gonna be literally worthless

>> No.13549481

you are literally getting SCAMMED, it is impossible to mine any crypto on a fucking PHONE, it is literally just a time based counter and you will NEVER be able to withdraw your “earnings”. we’ve all seen this scam before, how the fuck does biz keep falling for it every time ??

>> No.13549499

Go back to your basement where you probably spend all day looking at pedo shit you paranoid faggot. Nobody gives a fuck who you are and you’re not worth nobodies time.

>> No.13549526
File: 13 KB, 443x332, images-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea is to have the consensus be ping back on the phones , right now all that is pinging back daily is a captcha for rewards distribution.
No one is claiming anywhere that there is real mining or security through proof of work occuring.
You are such a paranoid autist that you think a basic bitch phone app and a now centralized distro method is somehow going to scam me out of money or information.
I have given the app one of my burner sim numbers and it runs with no privs on my batphone.
Let me give you some life advice here, all of this is a huge scam , but you can make some free money on some of these normie friendly ideas.

>> No.13549543

by all means insult me Ranjeesh, you see this is the flight or fight reaction taking hold, you are a fighter, but it makes no difference, your reality is collapsing in on itself and until you accept the facts you wont be able to do anything constructive about it. Go ahead and keep “mining” this literal SCAM if you believe in it, I really dont care, it’s just quite pathetic to watch.

>> No.13549560


And this is the real key to all of these scams.

People getting in knowing it's a scam, but thinking that if they go along, they will be the ones scamming others; that somehow they will wind up ahead at the expense of other people.

>> No.13549573

The idea is to scam you out of as much money as possible, we’ve seen this scam countless times before, if they dont have a working product or even a detailed outline for one its a fucking scam, end of discussion. Like i said to the other anon, if you really believe in this fake a fuck phone mining app then keep “mining” away, just think of me when the day comes and it asks you to pay 1XMR in order to “withdraw” kek.

>> No.13549582

it’s called “a greater fool” scam, cant believe these anons are falling for it.

>> No.13549588

thanks for bumping my thread so much sanjay

>> No.13549634

Now how can I add to my security circle if I didn't invite anyone? I don't have anyone to invite sadly.

>> No.13549695

Once you finish 3 mining sessions you will be able to add the person who invited you to your security circle. You will also be able to add anyone you invite to it.

>> No.13549918
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>> No.13550432
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It will be a shit token on the stellar platform , so more likely it will cost xlm to transact in. And yes I will pay the fees to move the worthless shittokens I mined using captcha . It will be like 10 cents and I even have a bunch of free ones on coinbase.

You are just a counter culture faggot, I have known people like you my entire life . You are so entrenched in an argument now you cannot possibly imagine shifting your idealogy even a couple degrees.
I am going to fake mine this shit token and one day I will sell it on a shit exchange for pennies and then buy some VPN credit with it using some real crypto.
You will always be a faggot though.

>> No.13550593
File: 881 KB, 766x620, pi network pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13551095

>code: prosperity1337