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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13545705 No.13545705 [Reply] [Original]

Requested for 10 days extension on proof of Tulip trust, court only grants 2.


>> No.13545923
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>> No.13545936
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>craig perjures himself
>Serves 10 years behind bars for being a mega faggot supreme
>Tether implodes
>Bitcoin Core team arrested for pedophilia and jewry
>Ark Devs arrested for smuggling weed
>Roger dies from gay bowel syndrome
>Bitcoin drops to $100

>> No.13545975


>> No.13545998

he left his pen in australia

>> No.13546010

>Bitcoin Core team
who is part of that team? is Bitcoin Core some sort of company or something?

>> No.13546031

yeah blockstream is actually a for-profit company so that is correct

>> No.13546044

does blockstream own bitcoin core? and what even is bitcoin core?

>> No.13546049

>does blockstream own bitcoin core?
>what even is bitcoin core
Bitcoin Core is the software for bitcoin. If you don't understand this I don't know why you're investing.

>> No.13546055

wow so bitcoin is owned by blockstream basically? i thought it was decentralized or something

>> No.13546069

>brown id
>fascination with Bitcoin CRORE
>pajeet confirmed

>> No.13546090

haha no sir i am a bitcoin sv supporter but i didn't relly understand how deep the bitcoin core conspiracy went. craig is satoshi!!

>> No.13546157

oh ok sorry for the FUD

>> No.13546160

nobody owns bitcoin they control the current repo but this can easily change if there is a consensus

>> No.13546164


>> No.13546213

source or get the fuck out

>> No.13546225


>> No.13546243

they don't control the current repo. out of the literally hundreds of people who contribute, there are like three blockstream employees, of which the chief maintainer is none.

>> No.13546248


See 167 then 168

>> No.13546277

TL;DR: CSW has a valid reason for asking for an extension.

From court documents:

3. Dr. Wright requests additional time to prepare and execute the sworn declaration
regarding those complex trusts because they were structured in such a way that he does have direct knowledge of some of the required information, such as the names of the trustees (past and present) and does not have direct access to all information required to be produced.

4. To obtain relevant information will require Dr. Wright and his counsel to reach
out to individuals and entities in various foreign jurisdictions. This obviously will require
coordination across multiple times zones.

5. In order to facilitate the efficient collection of the relevant information, counsel
for Dr. Wright is flying to the United Kingdom tonight, May 6, 2019, but will not arrive in the
United Kingdom until May 7, 2019.

>> No.13546286

6. For the forgoing reasons, Dr. Wright respectfully requests that the Court enlarge
the time to comply with Judge Reinhart’s order by ten days as follows:
a. on or before May 18, 2019, provide to Plaintiffs a sworn declaration
identifying the name and location of the blind trust, the name and contact
information for the current trustee and any past trustees, and the names and
contact information of any current or past beneficiaries;

b. on or before May 19, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, produce to Plaintiffs a
copy of any and all documents relating to the formation, administration, and
Case 9:18-cv-80176-BB Document 167 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/06/2019 Page 2 of 4
operation of the blind trust. The production shall be accompanied by a sworn
declaration of authenticity; and
c. on or before May 25, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, produce all
transactional records of the blind trust, including but not limited to any
records reflecting the transfer of bitcoin into the blind trust in or about 2011.
The production shall be accompanied by a sworn declaration of authenticity.

7. This motion is brought in good faith and not for the purpose of delay

>> No.13546297


kek. he's fucked.


>> No.13546304

>he does have direct knowledge of some of the required information
>production shall be accompanied by a sworn declaration of authenticity
he swore about a lot of things i'm sure the judge will feel safe and secure in the knowledge creg is completely truthful

>> No.13546318

it's like all christmas togehter happening all ta once
>craig getting justed by boomer court and goes to jail
>bobos get liquidated left and right
>btc going up and up
>alts are getting fucked
this is it i have been waiting for this a long time.

>> No.13546510


>> No.13546540

so he literally says he is satoshi, sues anyone saying he is not, and is now flying home to prepare all the required paperwork and you people still think this is some elaborate fraud

>> No.13546560

not very elaborate

>> No.13546620


>> No.13546637
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The Kleimans are so blinded by greed they don't realize by forcing this reveal it'll show that the cones never existed in the first place.

Creg should do the needful and settle out of court before the deadline just to protect his crafted satoj fakery.

>> No.13546640
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Regardless how this plays out I'm pretty pumped.

>> No.13546654

>flees the jurisdiction
>T-this isn’t a f-fraud

>> No.13547581

His pen or his penis because this guy is a certified pussy