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File: 11 KB, 224x225, shart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13545269 No.13545269 [Reply] [Original]

Is this actualy something that happens in usa. That fat people go around in wallmarts and other public places and literally poop themself without noticing it themself and just walk up and down the isles with a wisible brown spot on their asses for all to see?

t. europoor fascinated by american "culture"

>> No.13545299

ameripoor from junkyard america reporting in. yes its a real thing and yes you occasionally see it happen. big fat fatties on meds for their blood pressure which has a laxative side effect. a lot of the time they dont even realize it either.

another thing in america that may or may not be normal is that there are about 5 or six electric scooters in every retail store. i am a retail slave and have to help these fucks get their shit and its so depressing. just yesterday i had to help a 600 pound woman up off a pile of can boxes that she made as her makeshift seat because there were no carts left and help her waddle to her car. she was out of breath and panting heavily just walking like thirty feet. care to know more?

>> No.13545314

you better tell us some more fat fuck stories

>> No.13545321

One time a black dude farted real loud in front of me at a wal mart. I really needed a 9V plug and that was the only place that would sell me one at fucking 1AM. god damn wal mart

>> No.13545324

I’ve never seen it here but I imagine in the poor states it happens a lot. People eating fast food for every meal without the thought that it may be bad for their health. I hate the stereotype that Americans get but the average American is a piece of stupid dogshit.

>> No.13545352

Oh man this is good. Please continue. I always thought the shart meme was actually a meme to poke the americans a little, and that's why I started this thread. I wanted to have a little fun and banter. The scooter thing is really fun too and it's like an other world. I have never seen these kind of scooters in europe and while we have fat people it's nothing even close to the litteral fat mountains you can see in america. As the saying goes; Only in america

>> No.13545366

not a fat fuck story, but a walmart story

>be me, a couple years ago
>hanging with friends late at night
>decide to get some soda and chips from wommart
>go in, its 1 AM
>ghost town
>grab our stuff and start checking out
>suddenly drunk bitch comes up and starts attacking us out of no where
>shes hitting us really hard, and screaming
>brother shoves her into the candy rack and she gets sent sprawling
>cashier just looking at us like this happens every day
>as this is going on a shady guy is stuffing shit into his backpack near the entrance then bolts out
>as we are walking out, see drunk bitch join up with the shady dude and enter their car
she was a distraction so he could rob the joint.

>> No.13545385

My first, and only real job (NEET life) was working at an Ace hardware. Basically a more mom/pop style home depot.

One day a middle aged woman was strolling around the store for a bit before crapping on the floor while standing, about 5 feet from the women's restroom. She swiftly left but paid no mind. Multiple customers/employees witnessed this. Manager began barking at people to pick it up, but nobody moved. I shit you not this son of a bitch grabbed some paper towels and scooped it up by hand without pause.

>> No.13545432
File: 20 KB, 800x567, 1554184116508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ID
>that story
fucking KEK

>> No.13545812

were they basketball americans?

>> No.13545833

the new Avengers - watermelonman and KFCwoman

>> No.13546039

i thought the scooters were a meme. but I went to the US once to a walmart and there were all these fatsos rolling around on scooters. also tons of crackheads and homeless people. almost got robbed by a 300 pound negro too. America is a strange country.

>> No.13546083

I cant believe people actually use those.
Isnt that embarrassing?

Where the fuck is these peoples shame when they consciously decide "I'm too fucking fat I dont want to hold myself up right now"

>> No.13546091

Sometimes the scooters are for people with a genuine disability but gluttons will take whatever they can get.

>> No.13546123

Apparently it has to do with some drug they take (proscription). If you go to a Walmart even in the 'nice areas' you will realise the mutt memes are true! No need to be fascinated with the third world! Outside of the city most have the obligatory 11 3/4 of cars on blocks out font of their trailer home. The Burgers are so brainwashed! they actually think they are a free country!!!!!
t. lived in burgerland for 12 years