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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13544570 No.13544570 [Reply] [Original]

If you could go back in time what advice would you give your younger self about crypto.

Aside from buying at 10 cents.

>> No.13544594

buy LINK at ICO then avoid /biz/ till May 2019
you toxic cunts have added no value for the last 12-18 months

>> No.13544596

Only buy BTC

>> No.13544606

Just kys desu
The money doesn’t change anything
Wish I wasn’t trolling

>> No.13544617

Buy at 11 cents

>> No.13544632
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So weird that you posted this pic. I started making this a link meme months ago, actually late last year, but never finished it or shared it anywhere.

>> No.13544642

Based. We need to find a way to make sure niggers and spics will never be profit off link.

>> No.13544649

Don’t be scared and make the plunge

>> No.13544670

Buy Bitcoin at 9 cents.

>> No.13544695
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Avoid MtGox, of course.

>> No.13544867

I would impact on myself the knowledge I have now, to not look at coins with no real use cases and just hype but to learn due diligence and search for projects with a team capable of building their idea to the point of mass adoption, projects with a team like ECOMI.

>> No.13544915

white ppl n there happiness n shit... bet u a nigga made dem lunchs

>> No.13544934

Ask Andrea out, she clearly likes you and that other bitch doesn't.
Stop thinking you're worthless, those people who fucked with you are all in prison or worse off.
Dont hang out with those guys in the beginning of high school, they're not good people and you'll end up hurting your mother.
You have the potential to be great in school, your past is holding you back and you won't realize that until grade 11.
Ask Olivia out as well, dont let it get to the point of her begging you to explain why you dont feel the same way about her before ghosting her.
Start working a bit earlier on, you could have made more money.
You'll meet an Arabic guy online whose going to tell you about bitcoin. Listen to him. You'll regret it if you dont.
We have a soul, you're going to find that out the hard way.
Start going out more. You're a likable person, you just dont realize it and you're going to hurt everyone around you until you figure it out.
No matter how you turn out I'm happy that we made it this far.

>> No.13544938

Sell your fucking ethereum because becoming a millionaire will ruin your life.
You will lose your close friends from jealously
The love of your life will leave you
You will turn to booze and cocaine to numb the pain

>> No.13544959

Don't go to Thailand (Thai jail, British asylum)

Otherwise I got everything crypto related correct the first time around. Bought/mined BTC at $4.

>> No.13545173

I was planning on going there this winter. Why shouldn’t someone go to Thailand? I was also going to hit Bali and Saigon (3-5 month trip total)

>> No.13545341
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Look up and help Craig Wright.

>> No.13545419

I would support Snowden

>> No.13545435

ill take some off of your hands to ease the pain

>> No.13545456

>Aside from buying at 10 cents.

buy at 0.0008 USD

>> No.13545471

Don’t ever believe anything the REQ team says

>> No.13545497
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Oh there are ways

>> No.13545624

I'm quite sure that without the autistic shill of this board, LINK would have been trading at $0.05 right now.

>> No.13545701

It's just advice for me personally.

>> No.13545722
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>all these people who """made it""" mysteriously won't give any money away or part with a single BTC/ETH despite complaining about how money doesn't matter or change anything

>> No.13545760

>Sell your fuckin
why dont you give us some of your pain causing assets
at least you make us happy

>> No.13545767

how much you made?
and what you even doing here if you made it bro?

>> No.13545785


>> No.13545787

Shut the fuck up you begging nigger

>> No.13545815

I got my parents to invest also. I have my own place and ~70 BTC left. It's not like I'm sitting on a gold toilet, but I'm happy I invested. I just fuck around between, /g/ /fit/ and /biz/ to post stuff I've made in Java or shit post in the fph threads.

Also, I still work, but I don't feel stressed using my free time for creative projects because I feel like I have a safety net.

>> No.13545818

That rule about taking your crypto off the exchange is a wise precaution.

>> No.13545839

>ressed using my free time for creative projects because I feel like I have a safety net.
thats like my dream you described, but i was too late to buy cheap.
i dont really care about myself really. i just want to buy a house for my parents( in their 60s) and i unironically done with life.
its like this: you play a rpg game and finish the main objective, but then you also try to do side quests.
thats my life: buy house for my parents so they can be comfortable -main objective
everything else: my side quest
(reason is that my parents sacrificed so fucking much for me, and that is the only way that i can repay them)

>> No.13545843

Too late

>> No.13545847

when rappers and female youtubers start shilling time to sell.

>> No.13545876


>> No.13545882

If you could go back in time you'd dump cash in a memecoin and make no profit? Weird.

>> No.13545890

sometimes people are too afraid to even change something when you present a solution (albeit fantasy) to them.

>> No.13545910

You will never sell at the right time, and even if you do it may end up being the wrong time on a 5-year time frame.

>> No.13545947
