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File: 41 KB, 594x582, 781E6248-74EC-46C0-84BA-BE19677FB7B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13540563 No.13540563 [Reply] [Original]

==Riot Games employees are expected to walk out today==


>> No.13540573

Should I short the walkout?

>> No.13540583

Riot Games employees are expected to walk out today

>> No.13540593

I think it's going to be <100 people though. Regardless, this is the kind of shit you get when you hire roast beasts and millenials in good faith.

>> No.13540612

Riot Games employees are expected to walk out today

>> No.13540707

women should know their place

>> No.13540743

Imagine the kind of money and you must have as a soft, software deVeLoPEr to leave your job because the company is ""sexist""
Really grinds my gears

Riot Games employees are expected to walk out today

>> No.13540752
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>Riot games
Let's hope the whole company leaves and never comes back

>> No.13540781

Riot games employees are expected to walk out today

>> No.13540802

Giving a crap about sexism... Oh hey, did you guys know that anyone can choose any reason they want to hate your guts at any time? Its called real life.

>> No.13540860


Also do they make any good games?

>> No.13540871

>walking out for a couple of hours
Very important piece of news, thank you

>> No.13540959
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You guys are contrarian retards. Workers get treated like garbage, male or female. When it gets better for females it overall gets better for men too. Old timers at my old job (Lockheed Martin) had stories about back in the day managers would chimp out on a regular basis, literally scream in your face and throws things, and you couldn't even complain about it.

>> No.13540966

League of Legends was good for a while

>> No.13540974

They make League of Legends which is played by people too autistic and antisocial for Runescape

>> No.13541341

if 100 woman walk out of any company doesnt sales exponentially increase?

>> No.13541432
File: 754 KB, 607x609, niggerhonk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys are contrarian retards
You're a retard who will never prove we're contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
>Workers get treated like garbage, male or female
What is the evidence men are treated like garbage there? What is the evidence women are treated like garbage there (as someone new to this)?
>When it gets better for females it overall gets better for men too
Your fundamental assumption is that men and women have the same interests. What overlapping interests were impeded for both genders by this company?
>Old timers at my old job (Lockheed Martin) had stories about back in the day managers would chimp out on a regular basis, literally scream in your face and throws things, and you couldn't even complain about it.
Have a spine and quit. You're not owed good treatment, but that doesn't mean companies can't suffer the consequences of poor treatment from the free market.


>> No.13541499

I would tell you not to reproduce because you're too retarded, but I know you couldn't even if you wanted to, so it's a moot point.

>> No.13541526


I don't think I've hated anything in life more than I hate Riot games and the entire League of Legends community.

>> No.13541621
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yup, still got them bantz

>> No.13541719

fun fact

Sergey funded RG during their infancy

>> No.13541732

what a riot

>> No.13541866

I know this is sarcasm, but it unironically happened all the time when there were more unions, for problems not unlike riot games'

>> No.13541901

They weren't rioting because black. They were rioting as part of the mechanics union.

t. My grandad was one of the old timers you speak of

>> No.13542049
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>> No.13542073

Good I hope that fucking game dies.

I played a lot during seasons 2-4 but after that, the game went extremely down hill. You can't even call someone a faggot without your account getting banned. What a shame.

>> No.13542095

yeah the tribunal shit was orwellian as fugg

>> No.13542156

the sexism they're complaining about
>Every few months, she said, a male boss of hers would comment in public meetings about how her kids and husband must really miss her while she was at work.

>> No.13542464


> One organizer told the site that they expect roughly 100 employees will go, a small fraction of the studio's estimated 2,500 employees worldwide.

They're fucking retarded if they cave to this

>> No.13542491

Nice trilby there.

>> No.13542505

did you guys see Ninja ASSWRAP Tfue at Loot Lake?
It was epic tho

>> No.13542676

I don't understand

>> No.13542869
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Loot Lake=Mythical Land of the zoomernite mythology

t. Ph.D in zoomer studies

>> No.13542913
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>snowflakes walk out
What will their faces look like when they are denied reentry?

>> No.13543194

What does the pog mean?

>> No.13543234

Dunno, but they definitely lay off a lawyer

>> No.13543513

>Silence one of us, you silence us all.

Huh? What?

>> No.13543654
File: 56 KB, 783x474, league of legends toxic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13543712

Most employees walk out at the end of the day. Maybe some run out if theyre in a rush though. Late for a dinner date perhaps?

>> No.13543734

What a bunch of faggots

>> No.13543897

Should just term the 100 employees who walk out. Game studios are a terrible place to work because they have an endless stream of young hopefuls wanting to work there.

>> No.13543960

Nice high res boomer.

>> No.13543961
File: 78 KB, 960x960, 0Faqms7eCPw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who fucking cares those faggots will perma ban you for saying NIGGER in a video game. fuck riot and fuck all online games with chat+report systems. how about you NIGGERS at riot get a fucking life and disable chat if you dont like seeing words on a screen