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13537916 No.13537916 [Reply] [Original]

im the only degenerate morning sipper here, arnt i

>> No.13537933

no and desu stella artois sucks

t italian morning drinker

>> No.13537947
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Yes alchoholism is fucking disgusting. If your over 15 you realize how sad and pathetic it is to be addicted to shit like this.
I bet you are fat and Pant real hard when you go upstairs you human blob of shit.

>> No.13537954

im lean, good looking, 10K link, and I drink whenerver the fuck I want.

>> No.13537956

It does but the liquor store was closed last night so i had to resort to yop shelf gas station brew.

>> No.13537970

whats the best trading drink?

tea or coffe?
i drink tea with lemon

>> No.13537973

Im 6ft 190 and can do 3 sets of wide grip pull ups , extending all the way down then bringing my chin to the bar, thats one pull up

>> No.13537988

Adderall water. Or modafinil, i have both

>> No.13538050

Wifebeater is the patricians choice of piss lad, well done

>> No.13538091

Yikes, drinking alcohol before noon... bro, your an alcoholic. Get help.

>> No.13538115
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I garuntee you a disgusting blob of a manlet. Day drinkers are not known for their ability to take care of themselves , you are no different .

>> No.13538174

Morning drinking is best drinking

>> No.13538197

>assuming everyone in the world is in the same time zone as me
ass out of you, and me
Project more pussy. Im about to go eat the dankest indian food in town. I smoke reggie bitch, and sometimes dank mids.

>> No.13538204

This fuckin nigger knows

>> No.13538367
File: 39 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting nigger tier blob of a manlet smoking weed and drinking all day.
No one here thinks you are cool, we all know you consume all these drugs to cope with the nightmare that is your reality.

>> No.13538376

yes, you are a nigger.

>> No.13538492

3 set of one rep with 2 min break in between doesnt count

>> No.13538536

>12” cock
>head chef at Wendy’s
>$300k starting

>> No.13538585

>describe yourself as a morning sipper
>get menstrual when some repeats it

>> No.13538668

I take two addies with breakfast. Then sips and go lift. By the time i leave the gym im literally robot mode. Sometime i struggle to leave the changing room as im grinding my teeth and rushing. I push myself home, crack those knuckles and get ready to trade all day. I have several comprehensive protein shakes pre-made next to me.

>> No.13538784
File: 2.02 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190506-115742_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, op here, you made me lol at this pajeet restaurant , im so high i forgot to turn flash of cam

>> No.13538804

Rich white men next to me laughing yacht parties, pretty sure they are high up in off shore oil and or under water welding

>> No.13538809

What mg are youre addys faggot larper

>> No.13538973

I woke up this morning and did a line of cocaine followed by a ice cold brewski

Fuck it feels good to be in a bull market again

>> No.13538987

This is what the fuck im talkin about nigger

>> No.13539002

i'm on my second bottle of gin, but it's ok because it's almost 18:30.

>> No.13539015

Bottoms up pussy asian, youre about to est some fucked up food concoction then be passed out by 20:00 cap this

>> No.13539022

Sorry asians,

I meant to say europoor

>> No.13539044

I love this degeneracy. Railed some coke and Ritalin on Saturday but I’m just chiefing with some coffee today

>> No.13539109
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>fucked up food concoction
i've got 2 kilos of sirloin and a 2kg salmon in the fridge, plus a shelf full of porcini and truffle and a larder full of dried fruit, nuts and healthy snacks. i'll be up until i lose consciousness. all pretty cosy here desu fren.

>> No.13539243

Mornings are for coffee, cleaning and workouts.
I don’t care how rich you are, keep your vices for after 5 p.m, or enjoy losing everything you build, you brainlet.

>> No.13540080
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Based and degenpilled.
Im currently sipping a sculpin, just got a nice hot stone thai massage

>> No.13540087

you had me at kilos.

>> No.13540098

No, and stella is pretty good

t. Belgian morning drinker

>> No.13540158

* Jupiler blocks your path *

>> No.13540166

Based and Prosecco-pilled

>> No.13540189

Us belgians for the best beer, what are you talking about?