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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13536306 No.13536306 [Reply] [Original]

Which country will be the first to phase out physical currency?
It's clearly obsolete by this stage now that cards exist and only remains in the same way that fax machines do.

>> No.13536326

Northern Ireland

>> No.13536358

Ethiopia is working with cardano so maybe the s o I infested cuck will come through but doubt it

>> No.13536397

Most likely Japan or Korea.

Nobody uses physical currency anymore. Everything is paid digitally there.

>> No.13536403

This. After Brexit they'll be so fucked that they'll do anything. Probably the first country with bitcoin as national currency

>> No.13536410

So when are they going to give up fax machines?

>> No.13536416

Physical currency is already non-grata in Sweden, actively discouraged from use and generally not accepted in stores. Which is hardly good because banking cards are all completely tracked.

>> No.13536443

>banking cards are all completely tracked.

>> No.13536467

Yes good goy

>> No.13536480

Been living in Japan since 2002.. 99% of the people still use cash daily. There are still shops and restaurants which don't take cards. Even more so outside Tokyo and Osaka...

Do the needful and kys

>> No.13536496

China. WeChat is already super common


>> No.13536498

Think the Tokyo Olympics will fuck that all up?

>> No.13536504

Sweden is already phasing cash out

>> No.13536526

Kenya or Uganda

>> No.13536613

It will be Estonia , they already have blockchain elections and most things to do with their government is done online.

>> No.13536657


>> No.13536671

probably a low-population cuck country like Sweden, Switzerland or Canada.