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13535270 No.13535270 [Reply] [Original]

you strike it rich somehow and fuck 10/10 whores, wow post nut depression will drain yourself over time

you eat the best sushi daily until that gets boring and you get fat

you do alcohol and coke until habituation and the comedowns make you depressed

any fucking shiny toy will get boring after a while

this faggot life is rigged from the start. i did cocaine for 2 years after making it and its literally hell going through withdrawals now. existence is a jewish scam.

>> No.13535281

Or, you could persue money to live securely and stably while taking care of your own mental and physical health to be the best person you can be.

>> No.13535286

Learn to enjoy life nigger.
I have spent the last 6 months of my life smoking weed like there is no tomorrow and I have not regretted a day of living.

>> No.13535287

OK, so why don't you KYS now?

>> No.13535298

There is no point, therefore the whole deal is learn how to accept that in the long run we are just a probabilistic accident with no purpose.

You don't regret it because your brain is shrinking as we speak you nigger.

>> No.13535299

unironically you need to Read the bible, 1 John 1:1 is a good start. ESV version.

>> No.13535305

quote the most important verse for me fren

>> No.13535310

You're unlucky to be born with a low baseline level of happiness.

>> No.13535313

There's no such thing as post nut depression. If you really hate money then just give me everything you own. You're obviously too stupid to exist in this world.

>> No.13535315

i was very happy as a child watching animes. what the fuck went wrong

>> No.13535322

>no such thing as post nut depression.
are you retarded? are you the type of cuck to cuddle with a whore after busting over her back? fuck out my thread virgin

>> No.13535323

Read some Seneca. He was one of the richest guys of his day and still managed to live a fulfilling virtuous life.

>> No.13535340
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Spotted the virgin.

>> No.13535351

>no such thing as post nut depression.
based strokeposter

>> No.13535355

You think post nut depression exists, so it's obvious you've never had sex. This might sound hard to believe but sex feels good, especially when you orgasm. You'll find out one day, no need to rush puberty.

>> No.13535359

just lower your expectations anon fuck me you're a human being not a demi god allah have mercy on this nigger faggot

>> No.13535367

are you retarded? is your brain retarded? or are you just having regret sex with straight ugs?

>> No.13535370

More money -> a bigger safety net -> less chance random chance wrecks your shit up

>> No.13535373
File: 293 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_2019-05-06-02-49-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13535375

lel ur retarded m8

>> No.13535413

fucking monkey brain virgins top fuken lel


>> No.13535558

So you are just subhuman then. Real people don't experience it. There's a reason you have to resort to middle eastern/African languages like French to describe the thing. Is it a guilt thing over being gay? Immaturity? Doesn't matter. Commit suicide and you won't have to deal with it anymore. Or just stop having sex if it makes you cry so much.

>> No.13535570

Keep larping virgin

>> No.13535643

You also do the needful and give a helping hand

>> No.13535649

Confirmed for guilt related to gay. Have you tried not sucking every dick you see? It's easy if you aren't a bad person.

>> No.13535662

Microdose shrooms or LSD, that may help you get your childish optimism and happiness back.

>> No.13535675

frugalism is the goal.

I just want a portfolio worth 1,000,000 and living a simple but happy life

>> No.13535686

Face forward or face your death, your choice.

>> No.13535694

A person writing this has a mindset of a person who had their life setup for them, with little agency of their own who is just STARTING to understand what the hell is he doing - but just glancing at the surface. This is reinforced by the feeling of having an ample safety net or no experience of a major disaster or responsibility. It's a "threadmill of neverending fun!" for him, not a progressively more effective way to stave off the horrors of the world and safeguard the island of happiness that was craved by his efforts and tangible efforts of the people around him.

>> No.13535705

experience is inherently dissatisfying. this is a central tenet of buddhism for almost 2600 years.

>> No.13535760

There is no point. You do stuff and then you die. All your achievements and assets and everything are meaningless because you are dead and no longer exist. Some reproduce to carry on their legacy, but give it a couple of generations and you will be completely forgotten.
In the end ya gotta do something in between your inevitable fate. Life is for the living after all, so may as well try and make it.

>> No.13535802

Wasn't Budda basically smothered with luxury during the entirety of his youth? His whole story is him coping with his choice to escape this.
Everything would be disappointing after you experienced the upper limits of finenss. This is only the case for the vast minority of people fortunately.

>> No.13535841

yes, he was a prince. but there's no suggestion whatsoever from history that he ever regretted his choice to leave. and he would have been welcomed back at any time had he wanted to return.

>> No.13535842

This true and not true at the same time.

Yes, your standards change and you want better things, sure. At the same time you still realise how far you have come. For example, 2 years ago I was driving a 10 year old beater. Now I’m driving a factory custom order Benz. Was getting the Benz the coolest thing in the world? Yes. Do I now want an Aventador S? Yes. You know, that actually doesn’t matter at all. I think the real happiness redpill for us introverted autists is a large passive income - complete freedom to do what you want. That will make me damn happy for sure, because I’ve worked very different jobs and have truly liked none.

>> No.13535857

Ask me how I know that you're a child.

>> No.13535858

the world is unironically just, on a long enough time horizon. normalfags like OP get depressed after their binges, while good people live happily, build generational wealth and achieve immortality through their progeny

>> No.13536084

That image and this post is garbage.

I used to have absolutely no cash, only lint in my wallet.
I had no freedom.
I spent all my hours slaving at work, not even earning enough to pay off bills and rent, I was stuck in an abusive relationship, especially since I didn't earn enough on my own to survive, and just kept thinking about KMS. I never had any spare money for "shiny toys".

Then I somehow managed to luck out and become financially independent from mobile app development, and buying in to bitcoin before 2017.

I left all of that, and now I can afford anything I want, and never have to work again. It's PURE BLISS. I have all the time in the world to do what I want, started lifting, learning to play some games competitively to maybe e-sports levels, or even just watching Twitch all day, and just smoke weed and bang hookers all day

I've been doing this for over a year and I've never been happier. If you fail to enjoy life even with all the money in the world, that's all your fault.

>> No.13536264

This, except not micro.

>> No.13536276

Uh yea ok

>> No.13536296

The experience shaped his entire life, even if he didn't regret it

>> No.13536303

based OP.

take it from me, who ran up 100MM during the bullrun (dumped every penny into ETH at its release). only sold 30%.

money does nothing except magnify your predilections. as a natural introvert and "loser", all it did was allowed me to isolate myself even further (because I did not have to go to a job).

now i'm a fat alcoholic shut-in who just browses the chans all day. AMA.

>> No.13536316

Wow what is even the point eventually we will all die might as well just kys op

>> No.13536329

you're not the average bitcoin investor.

the average bitcoin investor will be a loser with social problems stemming from society hating the gifted. you have to be online 24/7 to eventually find out about bitcoin early enough to make serious gains on an investment.

>> No.13536365

What is your net worth senpai? I too would like to become a permanent neet

>> No.13536387

it's garbage unless you are extroverted