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File: 248 KB, 620x350, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1353516 No.1353516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the halving?

The Bitcoin Halving is like a Christmas that occurs once every four years. Santa Clause delivers presents in the form of untold riches but only to those good little boys who've been buying and holding their Bitcoins and ignoring altcoins.

What is the halving really?

The Bitcoin block mining reward halves every 210,000 blocks, or about every four years, and the coin reward will decrease from 25 to 12.5 coins

When is the halving?

July 9th

Halving info:


The Bitcoin wiki:


How do I buy Bitcoins?


Bitcoin statistics:


Top 100 Richest Bitcoin Addresses:


Google Trends, Interest over Time:


Bitcoin Difficulty:



Bitcoin Forum filled with third-world signature spamming faggots, still better than leddit:


>> No.1353564

So... its a meme?

>> No.1353566
File: 448 KB, 1474x1093, wew_lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op's been holding his Bitcoins since 2012, have you?

>tfw Santa is coming for OP this halving

>> No.1353680
File: 194 KB, 660x393, 1459881114620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1353772

This halving is the first time in hears I'm thinking of doing something with my cold wallet.

I think BTC will surge up until the halving and then go back into the 400 range.

Where the fuck do I put my profits if I sell before the halving? Don't want to convert to USD becuase then I'll have to pay taxes. I just want to sell before and jump back in a couple weeks after.

Also, made some serious BTC off trump coin. (Still holding plenty Trumps) How ya'll getting those profits into your pockets without taxes?

>> No.1353787

So will the value go up or down after the halving

>> No.1353956

Anyone who says they know what will happen either way is a complete idiot. The truth is nobody knows, but we will find out pretty soon. I personally believe it'll probably go up, or stay about the same. Again, pure speculation.

>> No.1353958

The mere fact that there's only going to be 1800 newly minted coins daily instead of the current 3600 dictates the price will at least double

Whales might attempt to shake out weak hands but within six months we'll be over $1000

>> No.1353964
File: 15 KB, 256x256, 1463226529139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing happens on halves idiots

>> No.1353967

Long bitcoin at 670 at https://whaleclub.co/join/CiCCMS

Also Whaleclub is having a trading tournament right now, 1st place gets 2500 USD in BTC.

>> No.1353971

And you know this how exactly? There has only been 1 halving in the past, with pretty different circumstances around the coin. If it happened 5 times and nothing happened then ok you have a point, but once isn't enough to determine what will happen for this halving.

>> No.1353984

That's not how math works.

>> No.1353994

Care to elaborate? It's basic economics

How does "math work" in Johnny Nocoiners world?

Or you are invested in some shitty pump and dump altcoin?

>> No.1354013

NEW supply =/= total supply you fuckwit

>> No.1354020

lol this (>>1354013) you idiot

>> No.1354028

You're that same guy going around spreading FUD in all the bitcoin threads.

Safe to disregard fudsters like this folks, they have an altcoin agenda, jew bankers who feel threatened by bitcoin, or are just generally salty they sold their coins or knew about bitcoin but never bought.

>> No.1354038



Won't miners quit as the price doesn't double, sell off their stash/take profits, and we will see a dip before we see it balance itself out? I believe it's going up because of the halving (not to mention how useful it is now that a lot of countries are going to shit and have massive inflation) but it will take awhile. It's not like BTC will be 700 on June 9th then 1400 on June 10th.

>> No.1354039

Do you know how to read or are you just a sub 60 IQ gorilla? I didn't spread any FUD in fact I DO think the coin is going to go up. Don't blame me that you can't understand grade school math and common sense economics.

>> No.1354041


>having to erase addresses

thats why Monero will take over

>> No.1354044

Miners will stop selling their coins in anticipation of a future higher price

You don't spend a fortune on mining hardware and just say "fuck it" and turn off your miners randomly

>> No.1354048


When was the last time it halved? Really debating to hold or cash out half

>> No.1354050

2012-11-28 15:24:38

>> No.1354052

So elaborate you faggot, explain how the price won't double when the supply gets halved

You're obviously new here, if you had a fuckin clue and were around for the first halving youd realize how critical newly mined coins are.

Price of bitcoin before first halving was $10. Six months later it was $100+ and six months after that $1000. Work that math out you retarded contrarian faggot

>> No.1354053

And what was the total amount of coins in circulation during that time again? Seriously dude if you are having this much trouble maybe consider picking up a book or 2.

>> No.1354112

7 short days until the halving. If nocoiners were salty the price has been rising lately just wait until after the halving


>> No.1354125

>OP is a faggot, are you?

>> No.1354130

There's no need to be upset

>> No.1354149

If the halving occurs with the limited bitcoin pool being almost depleted, do you think the rewards from mining will be so insignificant that miners will either have to upgrade their equipment (resulting in more cost) or quit the scene because the incentive is gone since it's much harder now to reap the rewards of Bitcoin. With miners leaving, the Bitcoin value will drop. I'm new to this but that's just my thoughts on it, feel free to correct me on this

>> No.1354152

Your amount of faggotry does not affect my mood one way or another.

>> No.1354159

Miners are insignificant. Someone posted this in another thread but only 1800 bitcoins are mined in a day at the halving, down from 3600. That's nothing compared to the over 1 million bitcoins sold a day.

>> No.1354161

I explained it above, why can't you press return to make your shit more readable

Some small-time miners might drop out, but the big boys whove spent a fucking fortune aren't going to wake up one day and go, "hey Ching Chong, we've just spend a fucking fortune on all these miners, let's just turn them off"

Yeah, no

They're going to hoard their freshly mined coins

When nobodies selling except retarded cucks, guess what happens to the price

>> No.1354165

>Miners are insignificant

Stopped reading there

You know nothing about bitcoin and it shows

>> No.1354173

They really are. They serve the purpose of confirming transactions but the actual bitcoin they mine is an insignificant portion of the total market.

>> No.1354177

>Retarded cucks - selling one million bitcoins a day
>Miners - selling one million bitcoins a year at most
Do the math. Market price isnt dictated by miners.

>> No.1354180

If you had to guess, what would you place the price of bitcoin six months from now?

You say the price will increase post-halving, but you also say "miners don't matter"

I'm genuinely curious what you think the price will be

>> No.1354185

I never said the price of bitcoin will increase post halving. I'm not that guy. Who the fuck knows what the price will be? It isnt up to the miners. It is up to the whales that are buying and selling more than a million bitcoins a day. They can pump the price up by hoarding or they can drop the price by selling and shorting the market just as easily.

>> No.1354189

Where do you get your made up stats from?

Care to post a citation for your silly" 1 million bitcoins sold daily" figure?

>> No.1354192

There there are like 4 big companies that control like half of the world's amount of Bitcoin. If the halfing occurs, then the majority of the miners will probably quit due to the fact that newer hardware must be used to overcome the small reward that is caused by the halving. There would be no incentive for mining bitcoin after the halving.

Sure there is a lot of Bitcoin being sold every day but unlike a natural resource where its value is accepted worldwide and carries superficial value as well as monetary, Bitcoin's only use is to be converted into money. The support from miners are the only reason why Bitcoin is still relevant and if the incentive to mine is gone then the value will deplete

Again just my opinion, please be gentle, I'm a Bitcoin virgin

>> No.1354215

>Who the fuck knows what the price will be

I do know what the price won't be, and thats under $1000 in six months

Screenshot this post young one, take a gander at the 2nd pic ITT of me mining bitcoin on a shitty $200 radeon 7850 in 2012 when bitcoin was practically worthless

You might want to take some wisdom from people like me who were mining bitcoin when it was still considered a fucking joke and had the foresight to know it would be worth a lot more some day

>> No.1354220
File: 637 KB, 1434x1986, Screenshot_20160701-213238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 million bitcoin has been the average daily volume lately. The last 24 hours it was closer to 2 million. Now think of that 3600 bitcoin mined and sold on the market today and tell me it affected the price at all.

>> No.1354229

Shutup with the whole screenshot thing. You are anonymous so you dont care if your prediction is wrong. I will tell you who has the least amount of inclination at all where the bitcoin price will be 6 months from now. Hint: its you. You literally have no clue.

>> No.1354232

Mining Bitcoin was easy back then. The Bitcoin pool was vast back then. Now most of the Bitcoins are mined and are held by big Chinese companies. The Bitcoin miners who stuck through will benefit from this halving, but after this halving, the Bitcoin is probably going to slowly decrease in value. Since it requires more effort to mine and this will not only make some of the current miners quit, it will also not attract new miners and without miners, its value is going to go down

>> No.1354237

>without miners its value is going to go down

this is where you lost me
wouldn't that make the value go up (even more)?

>> No.1354240

Isnt the value of Bitcoin dictated from the effort of mining the damn thing? If the effort is too much, yeah the value is going to skyrocket, but if it is too costly then average miners are not going to mine bits of Bitcoin from a pool that's almost depleted

>> No.1354243

What the fuck...
This faggot is so dumb. There are more than 15 million bitcoins out there, only 3600 plus a day, it's not that much of a difference, if anything people will think that this might increase the price too much and buy btc which will make the price increase more than it should artificially. Also, "lol less miners means less bitcoins".
Holy fuck, people who spread disinformation like this should be hanged like the niggers they are. If there are 10 guys mining in one single day and all of them have the "mining power" of "1"(Example), all of them will get 1800/10 which will be 180 bitcoins per day. Now if there is only one guy mining with mining power of "1", since he is the only one, there will be 1800 bitcoins going to him. The number and power of all miners combined doesn't change the number of bitcoins that are going to be released in a single day.

>> No.1354245

>Isnt the value of Bitcoin dictated from the effort of mining the damn thing?
This was true years ago when the amount of bitcoin mined made up a significant portion of the market. This just isn't true anymore.

>> No.1354246

The miners are the one who dictate the price of value of Bitcoin. The popularity of Bitcoin spreads from successful miners and encourage new miners to participate and the cost of a Bitcoin is dictated from the effort of mining it.

If the miners are going to decrease after the halving due to the need of much more effort of mining little bits of Bitcoin from a now very limited pool of bitcoins, then I don't see why miners would care to stay

>> No.1354249

Why you mad bro? I'm here trying to learn and be corrected.

>> No.1354258

>The miners are the one who dictate the price of value of Bitcoin.
This is where you are wrong. Supply and demand is the only thing that dictates the price. The amount of supply that miners generate from mining is not the whole supply. You are forgetting the millions of bitcoins that are being traded daily.

>> No.1354262

Funny part is, I had a fucking shitty budget $200 radeon 7850 and I was still able to mine what was it? 1 bitcoin a week in 2012?

Jesus Christ, that's $700 of basically free money today!

When the 1st halving came and it took me two weeks to earn one bitcoin, did I just say "fuck this shit"?

No, I kept mining all thoughout 2013 on this shitty piece of shit gpu until I ended up spending some serious scratch on some asics in 2014

And wouldn't you know it, that fucking price of bitcoin just kept on rising! Jesus fucking Christ, sure it dipped from its ATH of $1150 to $170 but thank God for stubborn people like me right? Good thing I never sold haha

>> No.1354279

>thank God for stubborn people like me right?
Sorry to break it to you bro, but you, and people like you are insignificant too. Your measly 200 bitcoin is a drop in the bucket. The market is controlled by large whales that manipulate the price. Just like fiat there is under a small minority of individuals that control most of the wealth. Your fate is entirely at their whim. If they decide to crash the market tomorrow and get richer by shorting the market, that is what they will do.

>> No.1354302

What makes you think I own 200 bitcoin? Furthermore, even if I did, 200 coins surely isn't a "drop in the bucket" out of a mere 21 million total

The stench of "I had x amount of coins, but sold them for dragon dildos" or " I had x amount of bitcoins, but I decided to buy some shitty altcoin that is now worthless" reeks from you

The salt in your posts is enough to fill an ocean.

So what happened to, friend?

Why do u lurk this thread and continue to post fud and or nonsense?

You're clearly butthurt about something

Do yourself a favor son, buy a coin or two right now or as soon as you're able, before you see the price in six months and get so sad you graduate for shitposting in threads like mine to becoming an hero

>> No.1354305

Sad but true. Whales can actually make more money by starting a massive sell off and then shorting than by holding longterm. This is perfectly legal too since bitcoin is unregulated. This is just a hunch but I am guessing its one of the main reasons that bitcoin has just been fluctuating up and down the last couple of years without ever taking off. There is just more money in it.

>> No.1354310

>Why do u lurk this thread and continue to post fud and or nonsense?
I guess you are so allergic to common sense that it all smells like fud to you. Name anything I posted that is wrong or unreasonable. I am not trying to piss anyone off here. I am just stating the obvious.

>> No.1354314

>200 coins surely isn't a "drop in the bucket" out of a mere 21 million total
>not a drop in the bucket
I kekked.

>> No.1354322
File: 41 KB, 608x558, 1467217041375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you're retarded or just jealous

Take a look a the pic friendo, some anon made recently

>Being in the top .3% of an asset that is bound to increase in seven days is a drop in the bucket

go back to retard land and never return

>> No.1354328

What makes you so sure its going to increase in 7 days? Your gut? Intution? Sounds like some really solid math you have going there.

>> No.1354335

I never said it was going to increase immediately

It's going to be over $1000 in six months

What are you mad about, though?

You sold your bitcoins for drugs, right?

You bought something with bitcoin, but wished you hadn't, right?

You sold your bitcoin for fiat, but wished you hadn't, right?

Come on kid, tell us why you're mad that Bitcoin is bound to increase in value in the coming months

Let me tell you why I'm happy:

I've been accumulating my bitcoins for years, and I've never sold.

That is enough reason for you to continue to post in my thread utter fucking nonsense and ass pain

Keep going faget

>> No.1354346
File: 527 KB, 1368x729, ip.bitcointalk.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the ability to create global richlists and track transactions will be Bitcoin's undoing.

>> No.1354350
File: 49 KB, 479x435, 1393296289026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1354372

Utter Fucking Nonsense and Ass Pain

Where's the faggots posting the same boring pictures of Lambos and that stupid fucking "bus leaving" gif holding .002 bitcoins

You faggots make new threads with the same boring pictures of your lambos and your buses leaving and I dry heave every single time and cringe

None of you people hold a significant amount of bitcoin, you just want (you)'s

When someone like myself makes a worthwhile thread, with links to real information, it gets flooded with faggots, jealous they've never bought bitcoin, or mad they've already sold

Where are you .02 bitcoin holding faggots?

You're the reason this board is cancer

Go on faggots, post another cope reply

>> No.1354384
File: 114 KB, 300x300, RYoVoBSp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you just copy pasted some generic links, nothing to brag bro, pretty meh-tier thread, also the world is not black and white, I bet many of these memers actually hold bitcoin and do it just for kicks and pity of nocoiners.

>> No.1354398

>posting anime

pls go

>> No.1354402
File: 113 KB, 356x350, 1466900691873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look where you are m8

>> No.1354403
File: 100 KB, 395x450, 1399166275098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look where u are m8

Where am i?

>> No.1354405
File: 85 KB, 294x258, 1466701661607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in your house (browsing 4chan).

>> No.1354407
File: 37 KB, 560x427, photo_2016-06-03_14-03-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in your house (browsing 4chan).

And I asked you to kindly please leave my house

You're posting kids pics in my bitcoin thread and you probably hold less than one bitcoin

You're an adult male and you you're fascinated with kiddy pics

pity u

>> No.1354409
File: 541 KB, 1024x1280, 1466982159477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hold more than one Bitcoin but don't worry I'll be leaving, this may be the last time we speak so good luck anon.

>> No.1354416
File: 23 KB, 397x295, 1395072002326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hold more than one Bitcoin

You might hold more than one bitcoin but you'll always be a faggot who posts jap pics on a shitposting gook moot forum

>> No.1354420
File: 77 KB, 553x798, photo_2016-06-21_15-08-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP HERE, should I post a screenshot of my bitcoin holdings?

y/n ?

>> No.1354421
File: 104 KB, 600x572, p29SKey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people out there still holding ETH

kek a roo

>> No.1354430
File: 138 KB, 312x383, ip.bitcointalk.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's his first altcoin! H-he doesn't know any better!


When will altcoin fags learn

No one will beat Bitcoin

>> No.1354437
File: 1.03 MB, 1131x1536, dem_coins_doe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wew lad on May 21st he just decided "yeah, fuck it, let me stop acquiring Bitcoins"

Ah, Yeah!

>> No.1354444

i saw that bitcoin has gone down seven dollars today...Is it too late to jump on this bandwagon?Or should i buy

>> No.1354450
File: 174 KB, 960x895, 1365623052634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u gettin fresh m8?

>> No.1354451

i used to use bitcoin for buying online shit i feel like an idiot. I want to make up for it and maybe get back some of what i spent. I just wanted to hear what everyone here thinks about it. My quads proved my honesty in asking

>> No.1354452
File: 94 KB, 421x834, 1419923890184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those quads tho

I don't normally look at #'s

Yeah ma n since I realize now you weren't just being fresh, you should definitely buy some bitcoins.

>> No.1354455

just for reference, isnt 680 really expensive? Will the price double at the halving or will it be months later?

>> No.1354457

I don't know anything about any 680's but I know the price will double within six months of the halving

You can take it to the bank young man

>> No.1354475
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, ip.bitcointalk.org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder there's plenty of cocksucking, motherfucking pieces of shit trying to get goys like you to belive Bitcoin doesn't exist

For fucks sake, Bitcoin rose from $200 to $800 in the past couple months, did you hear about it in the mainstream media?

Fuck no you didn't, it's because the same kikes who control the banks control the media

Do you think Schlomo Shekelstein wants you to be your own bank?!?> Top kek!

Paypal is so terrified of Bitcoin they're trying to appease the goyim!

Meanwhile the average person who sells their shit on ebay gets fucking butt-raped by ebay/paypal combined!

They're terrified of Bitcoin and shit like Open Bazaar!

Fuck those kikes!

I'll watch the price go to .00001 before I sell !

Fuck those greedy cocksucking motherless kikes

It's red-blooded white men like myself who will ensure Bitcoin has a prosperous future!

It will happen!

>> No.1354484
File: 131 KB, 527x588, 1437640756981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin price's been $680 for like 8 hrs straight, even as a guy who's been holding for five yrs im getting pretty triggered

Fucking go up or down you nigger

>> No.1354491
File: 961 KB, 800x1200, the-thing-poster-1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I could watch The Thing once a week for years and never get tired of it

Your face when you couldn't get 10 minute's through 1982's The Thing without demanding a rainbow-colored dildo be inserted in your ass, that's long before you start to cry there being no women or she-boons in the movie


Buy bitcoin, you despicable niggers

>> No.1354493

>posting 3 times in a row
i'm pretty sure you are the guy that claimed to have 212 BTC yesterday, yet failed to sign a message with his private wallet key.
i asked you this yesterday and i will ask you again: are you willing to bet that the price of one Bitcoin is over $1000 two weeks after the halvening?

>> No.1354498
File: 980 KB, 3072x2199, 36966456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm "212 BTC Guy" even though a month from now I'll be "220 BTC Guy" but for reference I'll keep the 212 name for giggles

I don't sign messages, I post screenshots of my holdings which I did last night, or was it two nights ago

Are you asking me if I'm willing to bet if.. blah blah blah

Are you the top Kike of Goldman Sachs or something?

I love it when jewish people fear Bitcoin getting more popular

>> No.1354502
File: 152 KB, 1011x1041, tmp_31151-petry-20151101_180216885197054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what i thought. Guess everyone can make up his own mind about you now.

>> No.1354507
File: 215 KB, 600x551, 1400764989185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Guess everyone can make up his own mind about you now.

>posts a picture of some man-hating dyke

Where do you think we are? Cunt

>> No.1354517
File: 47 KB, 600x473, 39c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was saving this pic for when the price dipped bigtime but...

>> No.1354522
File: 43 KB, 512x384, 1465530581437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic makes the reddit people go and stay go

>> No.1354528
File: 78 KB, 502x686, 223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1354536
File: 592 KB, 620x415, 1463985978175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the mainstram jewish-controlled media keeps ignoring Bitcoin over the next couples years

>It doesn't matter, I'm still holdin'

>The price keeps risin, the kikes keep cryin'



>> No.1354546
File: 187 KB, 1024x818, 1458275441949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They didn't think Op was a cute 20-something girl who attends Trump rallies all the time.

Jokes on them

>> No.1354782 [DELETED] 

mfw there is a guys load dried on her belly

>> No.1354783 [DELETED] 

>The Bitcoin Halving is like a Christmas that occurs once every four years. Santa Clause delivers presents in the form of untold riches but only to those good little boys who've been buying and holding their Bitcoins and ignoring altcoins.
yet nothing happened in the previous halvening

>> No.1354791

I think we will see a big bull run leading up to it possibly hitting 1000 when everyone starts panic buying but the halving itself won't have a big effect initially.

>> No.1354795 [DELETED] 

i think the rally will definitely go on til the actual halvening by then ever gullible fuck bought his bitcoins and sits on them asscheek clenched waiting fr the moon rocket. the guys that bought the latest and don't see any growth or even a slight dip start to sell impatiently because the moon doesn't seem so sure now as they sell price goes down the more it does the more try to close their purely speculative position in bitcoin and the more price falls.
i think shortly after the halvening a small crash is imminent. so i will sell all my bitcoin to be sure before the halvening. i have a few days to wait and see how much i get for them. and if price stabilizes after i can still buy back in. i'm not going to hold through this bullshit. i think the major support for bitcoin price rally so far ran out (chinks and brexit) so now it's mostly speculation driven.

>> No.1354808

>That feel when your in the top half a percent.

>> No.1354821

>tfw want in into bitcoin train
>can only buy something like ~30euros worth

>> No.1354907

Question, are U.S. citizens suppose to pay taxes on BTC???

>> No.1354909

supposed to pay taxes on any capital gains. why do you think coinbase wants your ssn?

>> No.1354919

havnt used coinbase, but interesting and fuck that.
Well whats the legality of selling it in person?

>> No.1354922

Don't own any Bitcoin. Is there a way I could buy some anonymously yet have it be all safe and secure?

I find the wallet stuff confusing.

>> No.1354934

i think theres a paper method too

>> No.1354935

>yet you can't even into basic grammar

>> No.1354950

im pretty new to trading bitcoins

I've often noticed that the current market price of BTC varies by exchange (usually with GDAX being higher than kraken or bitstamp for example)

whats to stop me from buying on bitstamp and then transferring them to GDAX and selling for ez profits?

why doesnt everyone do this already

(this very moment is not a good example as all are trading roughly around $690)

>> No.1354961
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 50625220_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice da joos meme kiddo

p.s. im jewish and holding plenty of bitcoins right now


>> No.1354968 [DELETED] 

it's the same wallet = private keys required to spend your bitcoin and lists of corresponding addresses. print it out or have it on a disk makes no difference.

>> No.1354976

its called arbitrage

-you have to wait for confirmations and balance to be xfered
-you will have fees on both sides

>> No.1354980

This tbqh famiglia

>> No.1354994

If you want to keep their US equivalent value without risk you could change them to "USDT" (AKA teher dollars) in the TOP and rebuy in the dip.
This way you would avoid taxes if crypto is untaxed in your country.

>> No.1355010

To be quite frank,
ETHs a mess.

>> No.1355336
File: 8 KB, 300x226, 1208842792867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LTC crashes for no known reason (turns out it was a whale selling his coins)
>know that it will rise
>put 5 BTC into LTC
>mfw it's skyrocketing

There's supposed to be a big Litecoin announcement tomorrow. Until then, I'm putting stop-loss orders like a madman.

>> No.1355426

i remember another cold storage company that has like 3/4 options cant remember the name only have this one
anyone know another?

>> No.1355429

Will I get audited if I sell 19k of BTC?

>> No.1355662

$700 breached. 800 when

>> No.1355997


>> No.1356199

Always pay your fucking taxes.

>> No.1356231

Probably. You should be careful when converting btc back to fiat currency. If the bank/exchange suspects that you're laundering currency they'll freeze your account.

What counts as suspicious activity though? Just look at the number of people who have their accounts frozen from seemingly out of nowhere.

>> No.1356588

Babbys first halving

>> No.1356604

I don't think so, $20k isn't much

>> No.1356748

So how do you guys recommend cashing out? I have no problem paying taxes, I'm just wondering how? Is it 25% capital gain tax? 15% long term cg tax? Also, if I never convert to USD and use the Bitcoin to buy stuff online do I owe taxes on profits made from trading?

>> No.1356772

Recommend not cashing out, the price is going to be... interesting in the coming months

>> No.1357331

When should I pay taxes, the moment I sell BTC for $, or when I want to put those dollars in my bank account? Seems like a royal pain in the ass to have to pay taxes while the money's still on the exchange, waiting to buy the dip or whatever

>> No.1357388

You can buy gold from silver.com directly with bitcoin. Don't know if it would draw any attention. You technically don't realize gains until you convert to USD. Bullion is actually USD, but you'd be selling at a face value loss, therefore aren't realizing gains and even having "losses" on paper. I would consult a lawyer if you have any significant amount though, I could be horribly mistaken.

>> No.1357392

>When should I pay taxes, the moment I sell BTC for $
I think that's how it works. Now if you trade for $ on btc-e its a different story than any of the US run exchanges.

>> No.1357631

ugh, that's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.1357651

Bump for third-world nocoiner questions:

>should I just trade what little obamabucks I have for btc and start trading? Or try to hoard?

>how do you turn btc into currency?

I've been reading up on this and I find it fascinating (lol thirdworld) and I'm just about to take the leap. I don't want handouts, I want solid advice.

>> No.1357669

Do your own research as it may work differently when you keep money in an exchange, but that bit about "realizing" gains is how it works.

This seems to confirm it though:

What I really wonder is how switching from altcoin to bitcoin to USD is taxed. Would be a real nightmare, and although you could bounce the btc around and lie on the tax forms about where you got it.
>these aren't from trading Mr.Z paid me to do xyz on his house
It's probably not the smartest idea.

>> No.1357690 [DELETED] 

how about not paying any taxes?
i never paid any on the btc i had.
bitcoin atm gives you hard cash no names no identity no fingerprint or anal samplings.
use cash for expenses day to day where you can and that's it.

>> No.1357712

The 3,600 give the push, the rest is speculation based off of that push

>> No.1357748

when you pay taxes in April you declare your btc profits as additional income and pay the normal rate as you do for regular income tax

>> No.1357760 [DELETED] 

>panic buying
no such thing there is only panic selling

>> No.1357813

What? You do realize the 3600 is inflationary, right? What push do you think it gave the market? Its been 3600 since the last halving. Are you talking about the anticipation of when it gets lowered to 1800? Thats still only an 1800 bitcoin change in a market where millions of bitcoins are traded daily. The only push it gives is a psychological one for speculators who dont understand math.

Of course there is panic buying. Its the reason shills try to instill a sense of urgency.
>bitcoin is going to be worth $1000 next week!
>you dont want to miss the train!
>this is just a dip! You will never get it at this price again!

Implied urgency is a common sales technique. Its quite effective since most people are idiots.

>> No.1357827 [DELETED] 

that's not panic panic happens when you see your money burn.

>> No.1357832

Lol. Google "panic buy". Its a thing, bro.

>> No.1358000

Right but the question is do you file taxes on every single transaction from bitcoin to USD? Or do you just do it as a lump xx% increase of the initial investment?

And most people won't have a nice clean initial investment they'll have put in a bit here and there. And they will probably cash out in the same fashion. How are you supposed to know what gain you made on small btc sale, should you average out the buy ins against that sale price?

>> No.1358055

what do you guys use to transfer crypto to fiat

>> No.1358103

What's the username and pass that signal just posted? wtf? Is that a mistake

>> No.1358125

the YTD difference between the sum of all the money you put in and the ammount you got when you cashed out id assume, and im sure the IRS isn't going to go after you for a few bucks profit.

also checked.

>> No.1358136 [DELETED] 

like i said when you see you money burn you panic buy anything you think can be a safe vehicle for your wealth. such a thing happened in greece but it's more of a panic sell off national currency in my eyes than panic buy of bitcoin.

>> No.1358143

You're dumb.

>> No.1358148 [DELETED] 

people only panic buy by your definition (if you actually googled it) stuff they need in their life
nobody needs bitcoin. it's only useful in very special circumstances. like if i wanted to run with all my money fleeing my country and expecting seizure of assets.

so i hold my position. burden of proof is with you otherwise.

>> No.1358172

From investopedia:

>DEFINITION of 'Panic Buying'
>A type of behavior marked by a rapid increase in purchase volume as the price of a good or security increases. Panic buying has the effect of reducing the supply of the good or security, while at the same time driving the price up even higher. This type of behavior is often the result of a feeling of being "left out" if a purchase is not made immediately.

>Panic buying may result from a number of different events. A public's panic buying of a good, such as water or bread, may come as the result of news indicating impending bad weather, as consumers fear a shortage of items as a result of weather-related scarcity.

>In the stock market, an investor may see a rapid increase in the price of a security and buy shares out of fear that they will miss out on continued increases. This purchase behavior often results in a suspension of fundamental evaluation, which can result in losses once the market calms down.

It has nothing to do with "stuff people need", although the most common items that are panic bought are food and water in emergency situations. It also can be people just dont want to miss out on "tremendous gainz, yo". Wtf do you think happened in the beanie baby bubble? Do you think people were going out rushing to buy beanie babies because they actually needed them? No. They knew the market was scarce and were in a panic to buy up beanie babies so they didnt miss out on the massive price increases. Panic buying is absolutely a thing and when the price of bitcoin is going up, people see $$$ and think that they are going to get rich off of it so they are in a panic to buy them. Is it irrational? Fuck yea. But people are itrational, stupid creatures. Just look at all the stampedes and people getting crushed on Black Fridays before they were more organized. Its the same reason ponzi schemes are so effective. People are greedy and lose all sense of rationality and risk aversion when they see dollar signs.

>> No.1358178 [DELETED] 

>They knew the market was scarce and were in a panic to buy up beanie babies so they didnt miss out on the massive price increases.
wait you are telling me "beanie babie investment" was a thing?

>> No.1358185

Of course it was.


>> No.1358204

>. It also can be people just dont want to miss out on "tremendous gainz, yo".
literally every alt coin right here

>> No.1358210 [DELETED] 

i get that people tend to make rash decisions under pressure but to call it panic is just wrong in my opinion. fear of loss something you have is way greater and more powerful force then fear of loss of future gain or opportunity.

hence why most of the population is so risk avoidant. only a couple of crazy fucks work otherwise that probably have their wires mixed up altogether.

>> No.1358222

>Panic buying is absolutely a thing and when the price of bitcoin is going up, people see $$$ and think that they are going to get rich off of it so they are in a panic to buy them.

>people rush to buy bitcoins so they don't miss out on bitcoin going up
>this forces the price of bitcoin up
>in turn people see it going up and rush to buy more
Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy. What happens when everyone who was going to buy exhausts all the money they can spend on it though?

>> No.1358227

You guys talking of selling right before the 2nd halving must be clinically retarded.

Not only do you cuck yourself before realizing huge gains, you're scared to death of the kikes in the irs coming after you. What do you even think the point of bitcoin is.

Go back to plebbit and stay there

>> No.1358231
File: 40 KB, 1884x364, 1467143676501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens when everyone who was going to buy exhausts all the money they can spend on it though?
pic related, however i don't think that will happen again because of the "high" price of bitcoin

>> No.1358239 [DELETED] 

i'm so cashing out next week i will try to cash out above 700 but above 600 is more than good enough for me.

>> No.1358241

Pretty much.

You have to understand the psychology behind it. A lot of people who didn't buy bitcoin before 2013 consider it a loss of potential gains. They agonize over the fact that they could have made millions if they had bought at the right time. Maybe you or I don't really dwell on it at all and don't quite understand the mentality but there are those who do. Missing out on another "train" is just as bad to them as if they lost real money. Hence, panic.

The bubble bursts.

>> No.1358247

>Not only do you cuck yourself before realizing huge gains
This guy here is a prime example. Missing a potential for "huge gainz, yo" is worse to him than losing actual money.

>> No.1358251 [DELETED] 

>A lot of people who didn't buy bitcoin before 2013 consider it a loss of potential gains.
that's really foolish. i remember i predicted this bubble to go just about how it went when btc was only 400. it just felt like a deja vu. i also predicted the eventual crash after the halvening. buying now seems to be a bad gamble to me.

>> No.1358259
File: 159 KB, 2884x498, cuckd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic-related it's you posting in a couple months

>> No.1358263

All I can say is I hope a lot of people drop out from mining when the halving hits.
I got my life saving ($20) riding on this!.

>> No.1358264 [DELETED] 

lol give me one good reason why should the halvening affect bitcoin prices at all to any serious degree? just one. and don't give me that bullshit about scarcity bitcoin inflation decreasing is not scarcity.

>> No.1358271

>and don't give me that bullshit about scarcity bitcoin inflation decreasing is not scarcity.
The reward for mining will decrease, how can that not affect prices? Do you think people mine just for shits and giggles?

>> No.1358281 [DELETED] 

>how can that not affect prices
why would it? there is no mechanism that would provide miners the ability to influence prices to any significant degree. what they can do and this is important increase their expectations of fees prioritize high-fee transactions even more than before.

this will result in using bitcoin as a transfer vehicle or as currency more expensive. which will result in less inclination to do so by the users. longer transaction times also won't help. lot's of pitfalls ahead of bitcoin to overcome in this period. all of which can worsen the user experience.

the likelihood of the price falling instead of increasing is way way higher.

>> No.1358289
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x803, ip.bitcointalk.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no mechanism that would provide miners the ability to influence prices to any significant degree

They mine 3600 coins a day and in five days only 1800 coins. All they have to do is not sell them and the price skyrockets. The price doubles at minimum even if they continue to sell.

>> No.1358293 [DELETED] 

>All they have to do is not sell them and the price skyrockets.
except it won't. see here is the thing that 1800 is insignificant amount to the daily exchange in total. you can't even see it on a pie chart.

>> No.1358308

>the likelihood of the price falling instead of increasing is way way higher.
No disagreement there, it's an interesting situation. I'm not saying this guarantees the price to rise in fact the general sentiment is that it will fall shortly after - and so that's probably what will happen.

You know this reminds me how many silver mining operations are barely making any money

Also what I really liked about XPM was that as demand increased the reward decreased, but there was no capped limit. Which is essentially how a lot of people (boomers) claim the economy is supposed to work.

>> No.1358316
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 1 Oz1DTMqUVBoT_ztQF0labQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitskin Vinny Lingham seems to have a good idea of where Bitcoin price is headed


>> No.1358356

The fact that noobs jump on the bandwagon of these shitty altcoins really makes me sad

Then when it gets dumped hard and fades away into obscurity i feel better

>> No.1358373 [DELETED] 

this /pol/ escapee however has no idea whatsoever what the fuck he is talking about clearly.

>> No.1358554

Anyone remember that shitskin we nicknamed "Mohammed" who spammed this board with his nonsense "5 reasons not to buy into the bitcoin hype" for months about a year ago?

I wonder what that silly shitskin thinks about the bitcoin price today

>> No.1358571
File: 149 KB, 800x820, 1462329749097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol escapee

/pol/ is everywhere, Chaim

>> No.1358586 [DELETED] 

>5 reasons not to buy into the bitcoin hype
i don't think it is relevant to the price.
i'm not saying he is right or wrong but the 5 points still stand and should be considered.
"investing in" btc is which is really just plain speculation is all about timing.
time to buy in this bubble is long past right now only morons and sociopaths advise to buy.
the next bubble will be there for those that missed this ride.

bitcoin faces many serious challenges to it's stability and existence in the near future. all of which will impact on the price when get mainstream attention. worst about bitcoin is the mining becoming more and more centralized. that is what's going to kill it eventually and the fact that all related services are centralized and will be for the foreseeable future. i know i know there are projects and shit, well maybe they will not be ready in time.

>> No.1358607
File: 195 KB, 1808x1757, halving2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am excite

>> No.1358621

>time to buy in this bubble is long past right now only morons and sociopaths advise to buy.
the next bubble will be there for those that missed this ride.

Except nobody gives a shit except during the bubbles.

>> No.1358631 [DELETED] 

that's true i didn't gave a shit about bitcoin for years and years. i only bought because i was absolutely convinced this is really happening. and the main reason for this was utter morons like op spouting this nonsense about bitcoin going to the moon. made it really predictable what's gonna happen.
i cash out with above 240% returns overall i promise i will not cry if bitcoin goes up instead of down as i predicted. that's pretty decent gain for a few months worth.

>> No.1358639
File: 70 KB, 1043x463, 1418868269880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utter morons like op
>types at a 3rd grade level

Sure was pretty moronic of me to mine and buy bitcoin when it was only $12 and never sell.

>> No.1358662 [DELETED] 

i would say it was pretty moronic of you but we both know you are just lying out of your ass.
you should have sold at 900 and re-bought at 300 if you had the iq above a chickens and serious about bitcoin.

>> No.1358759

There's a lot of things I'd have done in hindsight. It was also moronic of him not to buy bitcoins for pennies when he had the chance, no?

>> No.1358854

Five short days until halving, hope you got some coins tucked underneath ur mattress for a rainy day

>> No.1358943

How do miners affect the price?
The more miners, the cheaper the money transfer.
Less miners = less transfer processing (verifications) = higher fees = less trade = different price.

While the price is likely to go up, it's also possible it will hit some hard ground for a while.
The best thing about bitcoin though, is that it's fairly adjustable.
Less reward for miners (amount of bitcoins, value of bitcoin, complexity) = less miners = more reward per miner eventually (lower complexity) until equilibrium.

>> No.1358949

These Trump coin shills really are going into shilling overdrive. Reminder they're taking advantage of trumps name on a site with majority Trump supporters.

Trumpcoin will be dumped by the shills hard after the election whether he wins or osses and I'm going to have no sympathy for you people bagholding this shitcoin

>> No.1358968

The price is guaranteed to go into four digit territory, and will probably crash back down to triple digits for awhile.

There's plenty of short-sighted cucks who can't see the forest through the trees and aim to sell every time the price rises even a little

>> No.1359014

Look at that, faggots sold yesterday from $700 for no real good reason other than they're panic selling cucks

Now those same cucks are frantically buying back

They think their $2 profit was worth it

>> No.1359027

>The price is guaranteed to go into four digit territory

You keep saying this over and over and stil have yet to explain why. Its not going to happen just because you really really want it to. There would need to be some radical change to the actual protocol, something bizarre like massive market manipulation and some type of huge organization that adopts bitcoin (not just approves it) for the price to go into 4 digits. Remember that this thing used to be 4 digits years ago and only because a perfect storm of mtgox, willybot, market manipulation, silkroad and bitcoins emergence into the public eye all occuring at the same time.

Now silkroad and darkmarkets are all but defunct, mtgox is dead and bitcoin is already well known and hyped to death. It just wasnt able to hold the 4 digits for even a month for the bubble to burst and everyone to try to cash out at varying levels while most people had their funds stuck in mtgox and were plundered for any gains they made. I am surprised after that fiasco that anyone trusts bitcoin exchanges at all. Greed is a powerful thing. It is because of that greed that I doubt bitcoin will ever reach anywhere near its ATH again. Theres really not even any gaurantee that bitcoin will go up at all. Once the halving is over they will have to come up with some other meme hype event to keep the investor money flowing.

>> No.1359028

>they sold at $700
>the price is $670 now
Those guys are so stupid, amirite?

>> No.1359041

Didn't read past first sentence

It's going above $1000 because there's going to be more demand and less supply

>> No.1359063

>>>1359014 (You)
>>they sold at $700
>>the price is $670 now
>Those guys are so stupid, amirite?
They're pretty dumb because they think they have the first clue where the price is headed short term

There can only be so many people with hands as strong as mine who watch the price slowly go from $1200 to $170 and never sell

People like me will profit the most

>> No.1359084

it's about time the halvening bubble bursts completely. testing 520 soon and settling god knows where.

don't get caught up in stubborn longs /biz/nuessmen

>> No.1359089

Top laff

>> No.1359092

>Didn't read past first sentence
Of course you didnt. You are literally not able to look at bitcoin in an impartial light and weigh it out using logic and common sense. Bitcoin has robbed you of any ability you had to see beyond your nose.

>t's going above $1000 because there's going to be more demand and less supply
Why is there going to be more demand?

>They're pretty dumb because they think they have the first clue where the price is headed short term
They're dumb for thinking they know where the price is headed but you are smart for thinking you know where the price is headed. Seems legit.

>> No.1359099

Ur the type of autist who would argue forever despite being wrong

I'm the type of guy to realize even when you're right it's not worth it to continue arguing with autist nocoiners on the internet

>> No.1359102

>Now silkroad and darkmarkets are all but defunct
what, last time i checked alpha bay was doing just fine

>> No.1359108

>you: bitcoin is gauranteed to go to 4 digits
>me: explain why
>you: the demand is going to increase
>me: why is the demand going to increase?
>you: ugh you're such an autist. I'm right and you're wrong

>> No.1359113

That anon was me, I actually made a more accurate version, and the numbers are even lower than that. A stupid amount of wallets have almost no btc, and a few wallets have thousands

>> No.1359115

Post it anon, so I know where my 214 btc places me

>> No.1359116

Alphabay is only a few steps away from collapsing. Their integity was detroyed when it was discovered that admins on the site were stealing a ton of bitcoins from buyers. Also, alphabay is a known honeypot. DEA agents are crawling all over that site. I would not recommend using AB to buy drugs. Seriously. I say that out of concern for a fellow /biz/raeli, not because I am trying to be a jerk. Look it up for yourself.

>> No.1359122

>All posts by ID NOJ are guaranteed to be FUD

>> No.1359127

i don't use it personally buy i know people who've use it and nothing has happened to them but maybe they just got lucky.

>> No.1359131

Got the info from one of the websites in OP's post. You should be on this page https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses-71.html

At most you're #7,070. So top 0.07568%

>> No.1359132

of wallets, not of people. Still impressive though.

>> No.1359134

we've had an insane demand bubble the past half year leading into the halvening based off of hype and fomo because of all the halvening shilling that has been going on.

that bubble has already started bursting and btc will settle somewhere between 300 and 550 when the halvening ends during a bear market and all hype about it being "gamechanging" dies off.

"wait what the halvening happened and the price is dropping wtf?" can you picture it?

currently treating btc as a market that has turned from bull to bear and investing with that in mind(margin trading). i suggest anyone to keep that in mind or at least be open to it while they trade.

>> No.1359135

I think u mean addresses, not people

I have my coinz spread out over dozens and dozens of addresses

The people in the top 100 addresses of btc just want bragging rights and don't care about privacy

>> No.1359142

I am sure there are some legitimate sellers on there. There is a huge forum just dedicated to people who got scammed, stolen from or arrested from Alphabay though. Just a word of caution.

>> No.1359143

>ID k9h is only here to post fud

The butt hurt from you plebs who sold and never bought back or who never bought at all pleases me

>> No.1359145
File: 78 KB, 840x348, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, yeah I do mean that lol

I doubt I'll find any info better than that from the outside of the NSA. Pic related will tell you most of what you need to know about btc distribution.

>> No.1359169

I'm rather new to all of this, would it be reccomended to dump money into bitcoins now and wait for the halving? Or should I wait until after and buy?

>> No.1359173

Since everyone is jerking off all over their crystal balls I'll add my 2 cents.

Btc price is gonna fall heavily after the halving by retards who don't understand it and bought in just before to "cash in". Buy the dip at <$500, it'll only stay down for a few hours before recovering to something more reasonable.

After that, price will slowly rise, but it won't go past $850 in 2016, the market cap is already stupidly high for an internet currency and you'll only see slow growth from here

Buy and hold is the only strategy left for btc, anything else is day trading and you'd be better served gambling on altcoins whose prices are highly volatile.
And to all you "btc is overpriced" cucks, the invisible hand of the market is clearly proving you wrong. The price YOU think it should be is irrelevant and you should probably start paying attention to real life a bit more. There is no "real price", not for bitcoin and not for anything else. There is only supply and demand, and you're just lusting after the days when demand was limited to drug dealers and idealistic nerds.

>> No.1359175

Buy asap and hold for years

>> No.1359176

This guy gets it. The bitcoin market changes all the time and usually it is predicated by some type of recent news that turns into an overblown event. The halving should have really only been a big deal to miners, whos bitcoin makes up only a tiny portion of the overall market. It was blown out of proportion as shills used it as propoganda to hype up the price. The problem with this is that when the hype ends the price will revert close to where it was before all the halvening buying as people cash in their profits.

Long term holders like OP, however, are different beasts entirely. They are true believers that think that bitcoin will reach 4 figures again based solely on the fact that it has done it before. There really is no refuting them because they dont use any type of real logic to come to their determination.

>> No.1359181

>under $500
>ever again


>> No.1359184

Why is this impossible?

>> No.1359188

i'm a trader, i'm not a holder. the chinese run the market, there is no point in posting fud here, it would be like pissing in the ocean.

As a trader i've made more $ on this bubble longing and trading btc with leverage than you have by having your holdings rise in value. With a much smaller amount of capital.

Of course you want to live in a dream world where everything is alright and your money is safe an well invested by letting it just stay in bitcoin, that is not the case in the coming timeperiod though. Perhaps opening your mind will allow you to save quite a bit of money in the near future.

I have no reason to fud here as a trader I look at the facts, make up my mind and act accordingly. If bitcoin is in a bull market or a bubble does not matter to me as I make money either way as long as i identify the general trends. someone who trades has no reason to fud, holders do though.

>> No.1359189

There's a couple cucks itt with IDs NOJ and k9h who are butt hurt the price is guaranteed to rise in the coming months but their btc position is little to nothing

Could also be eth or trumpcoin shills trying to make btc appear dead, who knows

>> No.1359194

>price is guaranteed to rise in the coming months
Why? What gaurantees it?

>> No.1359195

>I'm a trader

You're an idiot who thinks he can time the market

If you were smart you'd buy and not sell, for a long long time

How many of your trades have gone bad? More than youre willing to admit to

>> No.1359203

Should I follow what some are saying and buy AT the halving when it dips from retards immediately selling? Or should I just buy now and hope I don't lose money? It seems a bit of high right now.

>> No.1359206

Buy as soon as you can

No offense but you sound like the type to get peer-pressured into panic selling from faggots on this site or elsewhere

Op watched the price decline from $1200 to $170 and never sold

Are u a bad enough dude to never sell?

>> No.1359211 [DELETED] 



Whaleclub is also having a trading tournament with $10,000 in prizes

>> No.1359213

I'm only saying it seems high because it was 400 in Febuary. I don't care when I sell, I care when I buy.

>> No.1359218

Fuck off

>> No.1359219

I like how you're the "sensible" buy and hold bitcoin investor and everyone else is idiots because they decide to actually realize gains if bitcoin raises in price. In reality you're just pissed because every time bitcoin seems to get on a good rally, the guys like the trader you are responding to sells and the rally is stunted. Shame on them in actually making real money, amirite?

He is right about chinese whales controlling the market though. They make more money if it fluctuates up and down because of shorts than if bitcoin would make a continuous rise upward.

>> No.1359221

Gotta have balls to ignore the faggotry and never sell

>> No.1359222

>Op watched the price decline from $1200 to $170 and never sold
I wouldnt be proud of that.

>> No.1359226


Go be poor somewhere else, buddy.

>> No.1359227

Never sell.... like ever?

>> No.1359235

We had a prominent member of the dev community, Mike hearn, declare that bitcoin was a "failed experiment" a couple months ago

The price dipped from his fud, but quickly rose afterward

Even cunts like Mike Hearn are getting paid to declare bitcoin dead.

There are a lot of people unhappy that bitcoin is still a thing and it's only getting bigger. Case in point, take a look at the fudsters itt

>> No.1359236

I literally just said "I don't care when I sell."

I care when I buy. Highest BTC has been at is 1k-ish, right? It's at about 700 now, right? That means, in my eyes, it's a shitty time to buy regardless of how long I hold onto it because everything has a market cap.

>> No.1359238

time the market? are people who make money off the forex people who time the market? do you think it's magic?

you are clueless lmao. Example I shorted the bounce of 700 we just had, stoploss 715 and let it run, closed at 660 for a decent profit. Pretty low risk investment, i'm probably right on that move 60% of the time and only need to be like 30% of the time for it to be profitable.

How many of my trades have gone bad? That's like asking a poker player how many pots has has he lost, i'm a very profitable trader lets leave it at that.

you've still refused to listen to logic or address my price predictions over the next year though. good luck with your hold man.

>> No.1359240

yeah, nah, fuck off

>> No.1359244

All we're saying is that the price will drop. I believe in bitcoin, I think it's awesome. I just think that the price will drop BUT it'll recover and slowly build in value

>> No.1359248

That must be it. I am unhappy about bitcoin becoming big thats why I post so much pesky common sense. I should just shut off my brain and buy, amirite?

>> No.1359260

The price always drops. It was at $780 a week ago, now about $680

It always "crashes" to a level higher than before

>> No.1359268

So it crashed to above $1100? Cool, I must have missed that.

>> No.1359301
File: 749 KB, 1694x1611, halving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1359311

I'm itching to do some minor gambling and have no way to buy coins currently so I'm begging for scraps or minor donations.

I also have some steam stuff I'd sell cheap for coins, let me know if interested.


Pls BTC: 1QH9Zp--JJcghYf--zV48Ayn--eiLi571dX1kjJ8 (remove --'s)

>> No.1359319
File: 173 KB, 1048x798, 1434055102469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gambling is degenerate

>> No.1359326

There's no such thing as degeneracy.

>> No.1359327

depends on the method

>> No.1359354
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>> No.1359399
File: 55 KB, 970x724, 1462819874800-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anti-bitcoin shills are asleep, quick, post pro-bitcoin stuff!

>> No.1359407
File: 1.71 MB, 3000x2024, 127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Hitler were alive today, he'd own 214 BTC, just like OP

>> No.1359412
File: 2.60 MB, 4000x3000, 011 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you thought op only held bitcoin under his mattress

jokes on you, look what else is under my mattress

>> No.1359417
File: 190 KB, 1024x474, 1463237689320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Hitler wouldn't own Bitcoin if he were alive today

>> No.1359427
File: 1.54 MB, 1786x1030, 1393259871136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't own any Bitcoins?

>> No.1359473
File: 189 KB, 1971x289, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he put his money in an altcoin


you faggots get no sympathy from me

>> No.1359483

Bro, you gotta realize you're just shitting up the thread now, right? You at least had a decent argument before, but hitler memes? Just go to bed dude

>> No.1359485

>Using a two year old photo.
Post pic/w timestamp or lies.

>> No.1359488
File: 130 KB, 772x507, 1386100401092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldman Sachs pls go

>> No.1359490

You get your first computer yesterday?

When you become a big boy you realize upgrading your computer is a meme and do it once every six years at the most.

>> No.1359491

seconded. its bedtime for p9x5rwlf

>> No.1359494
File: 1.23 MB, 250x250, 1426103036895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it's time you faggots went back to plebbit

>> No.1359506













>> No.1359509
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>> No.1359520
File: 32 KB, 360x408, photo_2014-11-08_21-47-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1359530

The fought powers which didn't let jews run the media and banks, and wouldn't allow a black to be president.
Abortion was illegal in fascist countries, as was Marxism, gay rights, feminism, "freak"-iness, individualism, and deviation from conservative norms.

In other words, this photo is spot on.

>> No.1359532

Actually blonde with blue eyes and of German descent, but sure dude.

>> No.1359535
File: 300 KB, 1136x760, 1424371411890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to redddit, you degenerate pile of shit kike

>> No.1359554

If bitcoin price jumps up what happens to all the altcoins do they drop in price? or does that ratio stay equivalent

>> No.1359588

They drop in relative terms to BTC, usd value for the most part is unaffected

>> No.1359774

What are you talking about? There's like a 100 marketplaces going strong at the moment.

>> No.1360103

Are you sure about that? It seems like they would rise in value because you could sell at any point for pricier bitcoin than you bought.

>> No.1360603

what a cutie pie

>> No.1360760

I dont understand you reddit retards that say hodl like its some genius investment strategy. Are you hodling for a 10,000 $ coin. well that could be years

>> No.1360793 [DELETED] 

>You at least had a decent argument before
really? where?

>> No.1360803 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 400x537, should-have.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hindsight always 20/20

>> No.1360863
File: 180 KB, 1300x873, Ebay Money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half a dozen offers for ebay gift cards @~200% market value on localbitcoins.
What's the catch?

>> No.1360881

4 days, 15 hrs until lift off

>> No.1360892

Anyone here trade GBTC instead of holding actual coins?

>> No.1360893 [DELETED] 

code already used worth nothing you can't get money back cause fuck you bitcoins

>> No.1360913

Hello /biz/, im from Brazil and got 1600 dollars doing nothing here, im thinking about turn it into BTC. Am i doing right?

>> No.1360947

doesn't Local bitcoins use escrow?

>> No.1361121


>> No.1361143
File: 376 KB, 500x500, 1466835299306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends, is that your only savings? if so, no save it for a rainy day.
if it is disposable go for it, but be prepared for the roller coaster and expect to hold for a few years

>> No.1361168

Its disposable, im just thinking what is the best thing to do with $1600.

>hold for a few years

>> No.1361177

well you could get into day trading if you think you can do it, imo the easiest way to make a profit is to hold bitcoin for a few years and sell it

>> No.1361209

But i've been told that just few months after halving the price will slow down and drop.

>> No.1361215

Fuckin kikes doing their best in their media to make Trump look bad. I hope I live to see them shoah'd again.

>> No.1361218

trump will win and bitcoin will be at $5k next year
screenshot this post

>> No.1361219

it could, it could not, however long term it will go up hence why i said hold for a few years

>> No.1361260

Thanks anon. Just wanna ask, do i have time to buy BTC before the halving? I mean, how long does it take the day i create my bitcoin address to finally get my BTC in there?

>> No.1361302


>> No.1361306

depends on how you buy, here in america you can do a cash deposit into the sellers account and get bitcoin in ~3 hours or some sites like coinbase use ACH and can take upwards of a week
check https://localbitcoins.com/country/BR

>> No.1361320

Yes, yes it does.
Dunno what that bloke was going on about.

>> No.1361354

>tfw my sites/server got hacked and some virgin is holding the data ransom for bitcoins

Fuck you, Gimpy.

>> No.1361397

whats a good platform for US citizens to exchange on? Any fast ones, or am i stuck using localbitcoins

>> No.1361401

China runs the market. You're a retard.

>> No.1361505


The price isnt the same, why?

>> No.1361528


>> No.1361579

Feels good to be king

The shitcoin that was supposed to "replace bitcoin" is dead, when will altcoiners learn

>> No.1362410

4 days until halving!

>> No.1362414
File: 94 KB, 720x1280, XEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy XEM
>suddenly this
not bad for £4. i could get into this crypto stuff.

>> No.1362580
File: 215 KB, 1226x777, sdfasdfasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in Peace

>> No.1362603

too much.

>> No.1362695

I bought in at $730 a few weeks ago. Is now a good time to buy more? Or should I wait til this halvening things starts to play out?

>> No.1362758

what's the general consensus on whether this will affect the price negatively, positively or not at all...?

>> No.1362818

The price HAS doubled senpai. ICYMI

>> No.1362833
File: 20 KB, 250x201, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the halfing occurs

>> No.1362841

If you have the willpower to hold long term (were talking 5+ years) I would recommend to buy as much Bitcoin as possible.

>> No.1362859 [DELETED] 

>I do know what the price won't be, and thats under $1000 in six months
you don't know shit lol

>> No.1362864 [DELETED] 

>The miners are the one who dictate the price of value of Bitcoin.
miners have nothing to do with the price of bitcoin miners can only dictate transaction fees to a degree but it's a traitor takes all situation so they can't just blindly trust each other.

>> No.1362889


Pretty much this. I have a hefty amount of mining power, pushing 150THz and I don't dictate shit.

>> No.1362895 [DELETED] 

please tell that moronic stormfront fag what happens if you try to sell your mined bitcoins for double the market price!

>> No.1362954
File: 57 KB, 674x1000, 150708selleck1323_f2da7fa03d30e6ea8606968c111b58cd.nbcnewsux28801000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> When I try to manipulate the price of btc by selling my gains for 2x the price.

My wife laughs at me when I do this and says, "Bubby, you know better!" Then I motorboat her boobs.

This really happens.

>> No.1363022
File: 29 KB, 220x313, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just enrolled in CIS at university and I'm wanting to slowly dip my toes into Bitcoin and business. I will read the info available on the main website and watch a few videos.

Is there anything in particular that sticks out to you all that someone new coming in should know about?

How about something you wish yourself would have known?

Any responses are appreciated

>> No.1363045 [DELETED] 

>How about something you wish yourself would have known?
satoshi is really the nsa

>> No.1363073

cause brazil

>> No.1363095

Is coinbase an okay website to use? 3.75 percent ttransaction fee to go from USD->Bitcoin or back again when selling seems like it would fuck me a little bit. Is there a way to avoid this? Whats the best way to go about this?

Most of the resources ive read online recommend coinbase, but there is no way people are paying 3.75percent in fees for every buy.

>> No.1363118

Coinbase has been cucking it's users more and more over the years, demanding more and more personal info.

I'm happy with my btc position so I havent been there in over a year, I'm not giving those Jews a DNA sample

>> No.1363140
File: 109 KB, 480x1084, 1424585818291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use the Coinbase exchange GDAX. You can deposit money directly to your GDAX account (depending on payment method can take 5 days) or deposit bitcoin from a wallet and place a limit buy or sell to purchase or sell bitcoin and pay NO FEE. With Coinbase you are paying for the convenience of being able to go use a debit card or I think even a gift card to buy bitcoin. They also allow you to cash out into a paypal account.

Or you can buy and sell btc/usd on the GDAX exchange and if you place limit buys and sells and those limits are hit, you pay no fee at all to change between btc and usd. The only time you will wait is when you are sending the usd or whatever currency back to your bank account.

>> No.1363155

How do u purchase bitcoins then?

>> No.1363161

Oh wow, I had no idea. I appreciate the tip. Would you say this platform is suitable for someone looking to buy and hold long term?

>> No.1363243
File: 387 KB, 1920x998, ShareInStock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, simply buy the bitcoin and transfer it into a good wallet. Then when you are ready to sell if you do sell then you can just send it back onto the exchange. Some would say its not a good idea to just leave bitcoin sitting on an exchange for a long time but you could if you wanted to.

>> No.1363415

Good point!

A few questions about the wallet stuff.. what would be a good secure wallet to use? Whats a secure way to keep track of coins long term? I've heard the horror stories of lost harddrives and such.

Also, I can continually send coins to the wallet from the exchange, correct?

>> No.1363465

you can use a small netbook with linux and armory for offline transaction signing, print an unencrypted recovery seed and store it in a safe if you have one as well as store the encrypted wallet on a cloud service site.

then make a watching only wallet and install armory on a computer with internet access to initiate transactions

>> No.1363527

That might be a little technologically over my head at the moment. Are there any simpler, more user friendly options, or shall I just get to researching?

>> No.1363537

>not buying in the dip after the halvening

>> No.1363550

i strongly suggest armory for long term storage, however there are hardware wallets available like trezzor for something simple and secure but costs more money

>> No.1363562


I will start reading then! Thank you!

>> No.1363636

When the halving happens, it's going to destabilize the prices of all the altcoins as well, wouldn't it? Bitcoin is the main metric by which all the altcoins establish their value.

>> No.1363764
File: 36 KB, 640x720, HILLARY_SHILLS_ARE_HERE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turn on the TV
>Realize I've already made a mistake turning on the electric jew
>The kikes are bashing Trump, big surprise
>Little do they know people are retarded, but not many are buying your kike lies except commie scum
>Election rolls around
>Kikes in full damage control, Trump is Hitler etc
>Trump wins in landslide
>We don't have to shove them in ovens, they all an hero on their own
>Bitcoin goes to $5000 during Trump presidency

>> No.1363786

You really do live in your own little world, dont you?

>> No.1364340


I'm promoting BTC everywhere and I'm sure this world is going to change. Tried to buy some with my credit card but they all want my ID. Fucking silly. Any tips?

also will accept the smallest amounts, fanks if you do

>> No.1364352


I feel as though it's too late to get on board the massive profits as the price has continually gone up before it and suspect it will come down again for a period after.

>> No.1364380

if you already have some then wait for the halving. it could drop afterwards letting you buy in for some sick moon travel gains

>> No.1364399

implying you wouldnt wait years to make a %1600 gain?

>> No.1364609

cash, in person deal on localbitcoins

>> No.1364663

Virwox lets you deposit money via credit card without an ID, which you can then convert to SLL, which you can then convert to BTC.

Downside is they've got hefty fees, compared to other methods. Paying $440 (maximum allowed daily) will only result in something like $400 of actual bitcoin, since the deposit fee for that is around $20 and then there's a fee for conversion to and from SLL.

>> No.1364771
File: 25 KB, 720x480, 12376847_1701709243420243_604503646216873546_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to start a pump & dump group on discord for coinage?

I have 4 asic sha-256 miners and I just built a scrypt miner from 4 amd video cards.

We can mine for cheap altcoins, then coordinate huge pumps.

>> No.1365065

When he says "that could be years" what he really means is "never".

>> No.1365278

How do you guys buy and sell your btc? I have a kraken account, but funding it with USD is a pain in the ass. I've had a deposit order pending for over a week. I also have a coinbase account, but fuck their 1% fee. I bought 1 BTC on kraken on the fee was less than $2.

I guess I need to get my kraken funding shit straight.

>> No.1365299

Count me in, where do we start?

>> No.1365390


Go to the /biz/ discord and we'll chat about it in there.

>> No.1365398


I mine for altcoins, spread em out so I'm crazy diversified, then I cash in on each pump

>> No.1365416

Where do you sell your BTC? noob here

>> No.1365438

0vYw9ftUO4glCsJQ ?

>> No.1365448


I'm sidroast

>> No.1365456

Not seeing it srry man

>> No.1365465


>> No.1366067

Only answer you should ever believe: No one knows/ it's impossible to know.

My guess: short termp up, long term down. to 420 level

>> No.1366329

Everybody get on YOBIT NOW. We are pumping trump in 13 minutes (12est). Throw a few btcs into the ring and help us fly!
Trump GO GO