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File: 43 KB, 677x417, zzzzmay2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13532192 No.13532192 [Reply] [Original]


Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:
Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Best free stock screener

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Options Markets 101:

Suggested books:

List of hedge fund holdings:


>> No.13532222
File: 5 KB, 994x25, Screenshot from 2019-05-05 18-18-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important China numbers still coming out later tonight at 9:45 EST.

>> No.13532225

Absolutely love this. This is so fucking stupid holy shit.

>> No.13532237

UBER doing an IPO at the start of the crash of 2019 oh no no no no lmao

>> No.13532239
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>> No.13532249
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>> No.13532261
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What crash

>> No.13532268
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>> No.13532271
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>> No.13532276

Futures don't mean anything, just buy the fucking dip.

>> No.13532277


>> No.13532283

God fucking dammit are we getting to oversold on wojak index already???

>> No.13532297
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Everyone get the wojak out of your system and then be prepared to buy the dip/correction/crash/apocalypse.

>> No.13532300

Anyone get happy when they seen a massive drop? Looks like an opportunity to me

>> No.13532301

Okay big guy, you first, Screencap of you buying the dip and I'll follow suit.

>> No.13532304
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futures wojaks also don't really count

if we get like 15+ pink Wojaks within 5 minutes of market open, that's where you start buying calls

the wojak futures market is very complex, I wouldn't pretend to understand all the nuances

>> No.13532328

Ah yes very true.

MACD looks shit to be frank, bit worriesome, guess I'm not reentering

>> No.13532330
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I fucking hate this guy and t he normie sheep that follow him

>> No.13532336

Yeah when amazon tanked down to $1300 last year. I was hoping when the Divorce details leaked it would tank again but didn't happen.

>> No.13532338
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It's recovering. A bit.

>> No.13532351

Last recovery was erased 3-4 hours before open and then fully fixed only 2 days later.

>> No.13532356
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>going into a recession like THIS

>divvy income and shitload of shares
Why wouldn’t you be DRIPing with that timeframe, and how are you getting the shares if not from DRIP?

Based. Didn’t know communists had such low taxes haha.

We’re VERY reactionary lately. I get a down <1% day and start AAAAAAHHHH posting. Expect Wojak inflation, the old metrics may not work. May have to wait until everyone gives up and /smg/ dies.

Yeah well. He’s rich and famous and you’re on 4channel. Maybe we should give positive thinking a shot?

>> No.13532364
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>> No.13532365

100%, yes. Also
>”seen a massive drop”
You’re better than this

>> No.13532371
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>> No.13532379

On particular companies I researched well yes. On indexes in this environment no fucking way.

>> No.13532380

The Big5Guy in the last thread is an imposter, he would never type


>> No.13532392

You aren't Big5Guy

>> No.13532400

So is it time to load up on SQQQ while it's at 52wk low?

>> No.13532401
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MYOS earnings on Wednesday, maybe it'll lighten my bag. I'm down about 3.5K on MYOS, and just about an even grand on QBAK right now. Troubled waters mildly related.

>> No.13532402

Shut up bitchtits

>> No.13532417
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>You aren't Big5Guy
I'm LCI guy..

>> No.13532435
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you still have time to switch from stacks to ... monero :D

>> No.13532447

You definitely aren't Big5Guy

>> No.13532453
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>> No.13532460

I'm LCIguy....

>> No.13532468
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Fuck you xoomer

>> No.13532496

Hows everyone on Dude WEED. Made a quarter on profit in a week or two on cgc. Not sure with regular market volatility if its a good time to jump back in yet. Ill be under on cgc and acb but my hexo recovered faster then i could pick it back up (PDT bullshit) if the sp takes off monday ill jump back in dude weed. They arent correlated but Ive noticed if SPY starts tank8ng dude weed are the first to start dropping with it.

>> No.13532507

got in at an OK price, holding mostly
CGC, HEXO, TLRY are my top 3, with smaller amounts of the other weed stocks

>> No.13532509

We all buying LCI guis?

>> No.13532515

>if SPY starts tank8ng dude weed are the first to start dropping with it.

FFFFFFUCK. Can anyone confirm?

I finally gave in and bought a good chunk of dudeweed, and some specs. God I suck at this.

>> No.13532520

lol no, scam stocks are the last to go in corrections. look at waht TSLA and TLRY do during market downturns.

>> No.13532527


>> No.13532535

how DARE you impugn the good standing of TLRY sir

>> No.13532557


>> No.13532561
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hello anons, first time /smg/ poster here,
im long on crypto obviously this is /biz/ afterall, but i have recently started trading stock options on robinhood.
ive lost some money and made some.
im just wondering that since this is /biz/ if there is any really valuable elite guide to options, like a final end game of all i would have to read.

im already using the options indicators in my screen cap.
what else should i use to time entry and exit on option positions?

also, i learned about the covered call, which seems to be the main strat for consistent profits, all be it reduced due to buying a put and a call on the same asset at the same time. what other ways are there besides the covered call that i should be using to secure ez gains from these kike institutional traders im betting against?

thx ahead of time anons

>> No.13532565
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even if the multibillion market cap company was bigger than a single building, its share structure makes it so the shares that are traded on the open market only have 1/10th the voting rights. And guess what? Only 89% of the sahre base is traded so the shares arent worth the paper they are printed on from a DCF perspective.

>> No.13532572

They are going to have a short squeeze.. probably $4900 EOY

>> No.13532579

Fuck off faggot.

LCI going to 9000

>> No.13532597

'albeit' is what you're looking for there

gonna be the largest company in the Canadian economy

>> No.13532602

Fuck you nigger, quit the FUD
LCI going to match JNJ in market cap

>> No.13532638
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>LCI going to match JNJ in market cap

>> No.13532660
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come on anon, how do i go from beginner to pro in the options trading game?

>> No.13532662


>> No.13532663

Just sold my car to buy more LCI


>> No.13532692

Options are about research, guts and figuring out why companies go up and down.
For example, I made a ton of money on TSLA options because it was clear there wasn't any fundamentals backing it's sky-high price, just people thinking "oh, it's an industry disrupter, it'll change everything!!"

>> No.13532696

I got SPY 310 calls expiring on May 31st. How fucked am I /smg/? Should I be unloading these on Monday or is drumpf bluffing and we will have a trade deal soon?

>> No.13532716

>is Trump bluffing
>will we have a trade deal soon

>> No.13532736

tbf with all the bad news about Tesla's spontaneous exploding cars, self driving running over niggers, Elon being a weeb, and many other bad news articles, as well as the company generally bleeding money and no one really buying their cars, buying puts on TSLA wasnt that big brained of a move. i would have done it myself if i was trading options all those months ago. problem is ive just been in the game for a month so far.

best trade ive been in so far was a profit of $828

>> No.13532738

-90% tomorrow on those calls

>> No.13532743
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Newfriend here. You guys daytrade or hodl? Not looking for a strategy. Just curious.

>> No.13532749

Just buy a good solid company like LCI

>> No.13532755

thats my take on it. you cant believe anything Trump says anymore. he says one thing then does the opposite. thats his track record now and anyone who isnt brainwashed by his kike propaganda can see it by simply looking at the facts.

i have SPY calls expiring in late july at $307 strike
based on my TA on SPY it should hit $310 in mid to late Aug sometime.

>> No.13532773


>> No.13532779


>> No.13532783

wtf is this shit? a circle jerk where you /smg/ fags just grammar nazi each other?

>> No.13532786
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it's all about feeling

knowledge is OK but not essential

you have to lead the markets. you have to know bet sizing.
you can't be hung up on being 'right' or 'wrong' at all

options are mechanically different from buying and selling stocks, but the things you need to outperform aren't any different, options just add some interesting time-play, and have much shorter orderbooks

nothing anyone can tell you in a post on 4chan will make you a good stock trader or option trader
that's the truth
it's about you

>> No.13532789
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He's just trying to pressure them into a deal and also grandstanding to people that he's the boss of negotiations. If a deal goes through in the near future regardless of Trump's antics, he looks like a hero. If it doesn't then people will forget about it for the most part. We will be heading into elections.

This is all a guy marketing himself as an alpha.

>> No.13532793


First of all don’t be a nigger
Learn how to joo and get rich quicker

>> No.13532807


>What the fuck is this shit? Is it a circle jerk where you /smg/ faggots just Grammar Nazi each other?

>> No.13532808

answer me this tho, since its obvious that you can take small bets on options positions and turn around and 10x, 25x, 50x your position - why are there not more fags just strictly trading stock options as opposed to stocks in general?

seems like there is way more money to make on options than can be flipped on just stock trading that 1%-3% gains. nomsayin?

>> No.13532813

These big sudden short-term move only bother people with options right? Are there people who freak out over something like this who are just long stocks?

>> No.13532816

>Can’t into implications

>> No.13532821

You can go into a casino and do the same 10x 25x bets

For the most ideal return % the best proven thing in the stock market is covered calls. Options carry high risk and don't give you even money or better odds.

>> No.13532829

well yea thats what i mean, covered calls hedging your bets so your win rate is 85% or most times much higher. since this shit is just so fucking easy why are more ppl not rich as shit off this? or did i just stumble into smart money zone with this options trading shit an just get lucky finding out about it?

>> No.13532832

Stocks are safer overall. If a stock goes down a bit, you just lose some money. If an option expires worthless, you lose everything you spent on it.
That said, options are the key to fast income growth unless you have the balls to short.

>> No.13532846

It's not 85%

Covered calls means you hold equity and sell calls. It's a slower grind.

>> No.13532849

> If an option expires worthless, you lose everything you spent on it.
but come on bro, you have to LET the option expire worthless. if it goes to expiry without you selling it, youre just lazy and not paying attention. in most cases with options you dont lose the entire amount you have in the option, i mean $1 is still $1 nomsayin

>> No.13532850

You won't make any money day trading unless it's ultra high volume. Leave that shit to the professionals and algos

Don't buy meme stocks. There's a reason everyone is shilling them and it ain't because they're outperformers. You might get lucky once or twice listening to advice on /biz/ but it's just that - luck. Not based on research.

Think of a good company you think has potential for growth and HOLD. If you are clueless go to zacks.com and buy "Fidelity of the Day Bull" and you shall be successful. Part of it is because these people are professionals, and part of it is because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy (everyone trading in the same direction).

Don't be a retard. Once you get 5-10% ROI sell. With options aim for 40-200%+. If you have a gut feeling it might tank before you hit your target then SELL... they say don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

>> No.13532853

active traders are more inclined to use options
that doesn't mean they outperform stock-only or stock-heavy investors

one way to use options is speculation
but there are other ways to use options as well.

if you want to go options only because you think you will make more money, no one is stopping you
but lots of people walk that path and get wiped out

the real truth to growing your wealth, no matter 'mechanically' how you do it, will always be COMPOUNDING.
you need to make a certain positive %, then make another positive % in the next time period, and so on.
The problem with options is you are opening yourself up to losing significant amounts on a single trade: even if it's only 1% or 2%, you are still ANTI-COMPOUNDING, which is the secret to not making money

however you do it: make math and time work for you. if you fight against math and time you will lose. most people who trade options (like basically everyone) loses this way.
Intelligent investors are PATIENT. they make money by having time and other people work for them. you can still use options, but be very careful not to lose your principal

>> No.13532860

i was under the impression that a covered call was just like a spread:

>buy call on SPY for $295 strike
>buy put on SPY for $295 strike

either way the price goes you are still ITM and OTM on one side so your profit is the difference between your avg buy in price. always still in profit.

>> No.13532863

just fucking google it

>> No.13532865

Yeah no

>> No.13532866

well what is what im talking about then? what strategy is that

>> No.13532867


>> No.13532871

You shouldn't be trading options if you don't even know what a covered call is

>> No.13532875

freaked out over a tweet and a -1.5%: no
worry about being long stocks if another 2008 happens, without more cash on the side to buy in: yes

it's nice to have a more stable position, but don't be caught napping. you should have a number and exit strategy for each of your positions.

>> No.13532880

someone explained to me that >>13532860 that is a covered call. if it isnt a covered call then what is it?

>> No.13532881

Going full boomer and selling covered calls on your dividend aristocrat DRIP portfolio is comfy af.

>> No.13532893

I took too many positions to evaluate all at the open without letting a few plummet...

And it’s getting tedious using both Schwab and RH

Start setting limit sells and stop losses now?

>> No.13532895

DRIP is auto reinvesting dividends back into buying more of that same stock.

fyi DeFi is coming now to the point where compounding via stable coin crypto is going to out pace boomer dividend stocks, even the high yield.

>rip DRIP fags

>> No.13532896

China Considers Cancelling Trade Talks With US This Week After Trump Threats – WSJ

>> No.13532901

based protectionism

>> No.13532909

Fucking Google it

>> No.13532915

Covered calls are a waste of time. Just sell puts.

>> No.13532922
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so 'coverage' refers to the writer (seller) of the options contract owning the underlying asset that the call is written on.
the opposite is a NAKED call (lewd), where you are selling calls on the asset without owning it

also just google it

just know where you will pull out. Let's say we have a really rough week and all the indices are down 10%. would you sell? how about 5%, or 15%?
it's about not taking a ride all the way down 20%+ losses

It doesn't have to be a single number, it can be a graduated thing where you start selling some shares now, some more if it goes lower, etc.
just don't wait, not have a plan, then panic sell at the bottom
remember you don't want to sell low, but you don't want to be dragged down either.

you just have to make a plan so that if the market gets fucky on you, you don't panic

are they gonna talk or are they gonna walk
bitch-ass chinks

>> No.13532923

nice to know that none of you even know what that strategy is even called anyways. nice to see the 4chan retardation coming out in your posts. you take the time to respond with just a shit post. very high IQ bro, classy even.

>> No.13532930
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Futures doing it's thing again

>> No.13532936

Just pointing out that I wished I got into it a lot sooner. Better late than never I guess. Still yeah I'm using drip.

>> No.13532938

im not talking about actually owning any of the stocks im buying options on.
that would be entirely pointless bc i have no intention of exercising the option like ever.

also how would anyone in the market even know that me selling a call option that i dont actually own the stock, etc?
seems like that info wouldnt be tx in the market data for the orders nomsayin?

also thanks for your post but nothing comes up in google.

>> No.13532939

It's because of >>13532896

no one takes the chinks seriously though
if they wanna pull out they can pull out any time
if they knew how to pull out there probably wouldn't be 2 billion of the little fucks though

>> No.13532946

Fucking Google it

>> No.13532953

Chinks have gone through periods of famine and death.

They can handle the blow. We can't though.

China is prepared and absolutely not scared of walking out.

>> No.13532954

oh i get it that "google it" is a /r/wallstreetbets meme but its kinda lame ya know.

>> No.13532966

>increase tariffs
>buy shit from other countries instead
not a big deal

>> No.13532974

>nothing comes up in google.
I think you're just trolling. actually I should have known when you posted 'all be it'

let me be real honest with you though
if you need to have really basic stuff spoon-fed to you, you will never make it. you might make some money and convince yourself that you're a trading mastermind, but you will be better off buying and holding index funds

they want to walk let them walk
they aren't walking
they're just squirming around trying to suck whatever they can
if they hit a period of famine and death, a great unrest now, it's over for them

>> No.13532982


thanks anon

>> No.13532983
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>S&P futures down 1.61%

>> No.13532986

so i was exactly right about the covered call and you fags were literally just trolling me like fag bait.

see, this shit is why almost no one wants to use /biz/ for fucking anything other than scamming faggots. wsb is more useful than this fucking place.

>> No.13532987


>> No.13532994

Anyone buying DF at these prices?

>> No.13532996
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Posted this last thread, but how we feeling on going into plugs earnings this week? I feel like they can't be turning a big profit, but I'm also thinking 2.45 is pretty much support and its not gonna be leaving that for anymore than a brief period. Sold at 2.55. But was thinking of buying back in this week.

>> No.13533001

YRIV is going to the moon. But not before going through the floor all the way to China. Going all in on YRIV regardless.

>> No.13533014

I'm fucked. All those retirement sites say that 30 somethings should have 45k in the bank at least. My networth is only 40k. And that ain't all in the bank either. Shit.

They say by the time I hit 40 (4 more years) I should have 63k. Fuck.

I can retire from my job at 50 w/full pension/benefits,etc. Thank god for my 401k.

>> No.13533016
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A-am I rich? Have 5 other puts on SPY

>> No.13533024


...is this a larp?

>> No.13533030

sounds realistic. a lot of ppl browsing biz are poor retards hoping to "make it" with crypto

>> No.13533045

>expires today
still gonna be pretty much worthless unless trump tweets something negative like 2 or 3 more times

you might be able to sell on open for a couple bucks 283 is so far away, like a month ago

>> No.13533061

>tfw had 10k sitting in an account for like 10 years because I procrastinate. Most of my theses would have panned out well because lolApple, Disney, Netflix, etc.

I-imagine sitting out the b-bull run.

>> No.13533073

China about to announce that they will cancel this week's trade talks according to state run media.

It's officially bear season again. I hope you're well positioned.

>> No.13533087

If they cancel just a this week I'm not too worried. It's walking away for months that would pain my ass.

>> No.13533090
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Got a few expiring 5/08 too. $270 strike, should I hold?

>> No.13533097

Holy shit, I just looked at the futures, are we going to hit circuit breakers tomorrow?

>> No.13533101

cancellation means no deal this week
no deal this week means 25% tax

>> No.13533104


>> No.13533112

>Have heard they are done considering and have canceled, we will find out soon enough

>> No.13533113
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Rocket man is saber rattling again. Fucking china is using all their cards to hurt trump
Are you fools not seeing through this? It's gonna take a long time to put humpty dumpty back together.
Bull season officially over

>> No.13533118

ok ran the math; realistically by the time I hit 50 and retire I'll have 54k in the bank. My 401k and pension are not counted. Nor is the value of my brokerage. Then when I hit 65/67 I get my S.S income. The only debt is my house.

So assuming "Mr Murphy" don't pay me a visit and bring with him a big fat bill or three between now and 2032 I'll end up ok. Thank god.

>> No.13533119
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Reminder to STOP replying to trollposts and b8.

I literally don’t know. I will either need to set stop losses tonight or react quickly in a case by case basis on the ~16 positions I’m in at Premarket and open. Feel like that’s setting me up for a panic-action.

The positions where I’ve lost the most are biotechs that shouldn’t be too sensitive to the broader market, and I feel crazy selling at this point, and Altria which should be good in a down market, right?

Then I’ve got healthcare, I’m up on but who knows what this week will be like, and apple and Disney, which will probs continue to tank tomorrow.

>I’m fucked
>Loljk ima be fine
Well fuck you, almost thought I had someone who could relate with me.

>> No.13533125

The big guys were luring retail in on Thursday and Friday with the fake "DEAL BY FRIDAY" news.

Mom and pop got fucking bull trapped fucking hard.

>> No.13533129

That's okay. Everything isn't shit with no deal. I just want negotiations to keep going.

>> No.13533135

You should have sold all your biotech when Pitbull said he was bullish on the sector https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/30/pitbull-looking-for-the-next-start-up-investment-likes-biotech.html

This was the shoeshine moment to get the fuck out.

>> No.13533140

SSE opens in 55 minutes
We'll have to see how much money the Chinese national team puts into their markets

I'd be fine with a hard no-deal
let's see how far china wants to take this
my will lose a couple %, whatever

>> No.13533144
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>TFW bagholding SQQQ since $10

>> No.13533149
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>Chinese Vice Premier Liu He has cancelled his trip to Washington this week for trade talks following a tweet by President Donald Trump threatening more tariffs because the talks have moved too slowly. #China #Trade #Breaking

I hope you didn't buy

>> No.13533154

Don't forget, FED is still shorting VIX with no survivors.

>> No.13533158
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We live in a society

>> No.13533160
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Hang tough on China, President @realDonaldTrump. Don’t back down. Strength is the only way to win with China.

He's got old jew Chuck on his side

>> No.13533165

Chuck is shorting that's why.

>> No.13533186
File: 55 KB, 577x1024, 1556908902721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Chinese are also feeling more confident about the state of their economy ... and so think they are less vulnerable to tariffs than they were last fall. People who talk to them have been telling them not to miscalculate and overplay their hand, but it appears they may be."


china feeling strong
we'll see how strong they really are

damn I gotta work morning shifts this week

>> No.13533188

>say “fuck it” and tell RH to add to my BTC position as a hedge
>Don’t use limit order, RH buys it at $10 above highest value on the chart?
>goes down immediately
Well fuck. Remember to NEVER not use limits on RH. Fuckkng paneer.

Can’t tell if he’s being sarcastic.

Never heard about this.
Pit bulls are scummiest dogs and should be regulated like assault rifles btw.

>> No.13533207

Reminder that only retards and npcs hold dean foods in there account.

>> No.13533211
File: 131 KB, 645x773, 1422689418712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CoD4 and Portal are "Ancient Gamer"
I don't want to be old anymore.

>> No.13533216
File: 40 KB, 604x404, D4TmwwLWkAEKp6O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see that coming.

>> No.13533225

Kinda want to swing BTC right now... how much do I need to worry about taxes? Am I going to have 30 pages tracking every little $100 transaction to print out and sort through, where I end up losing money anyway because loltaxes?

>> No.13533235

So let's see:
54k - bank
36k - Divvy income
70k - 401k (at minimum, I dunno what the final amount will be)
48k pension (rough guess)
20k S.S (estimate)

Total income a yr $174k. I live in a low col state so that'll go a long way. Hell I do ok on my puny 27k now.

>> No.13533238

dont buy crypto on robinhood, u cant transfer it off the robinhood app. its stuck forever in limbo and gets auto reported to the IRS niggers. its just about the dumbest way you can even buy crypto

>> No.13533265

>you can never get it off
But I can just sell it? And if I want, buy more on another platform?

Where else can I trade both stock and crypto? Maybe I’ll get Etrade when they add it. Oh shut I should probs invest in Etrade...

Anyhow where is better?
Also, as long as they give me all the tax info so I can do my taxes right, why should I care if they report it to the IRS? I’m not trying to cheat the gunmnet.

>> No.13533281
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>> No.13533300
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Buffet bought Amazon at the fucking peak

>> No.13533314
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the last game I played was command and conquer: red alert. being old is okay.

>> No.13533318

yes. It's not hard, though. Just track your shit on excel along the way (which you should be doing anyway) and then print it off when you do your taxes.

t. guy who sent in a 22 page attachment of at 8 point font with 0.5 inch margins with his tax return

>> No.13533322
File: 64 KB, 713x473, 5t70epx2ohw21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you fools need even more proof that the market is rigged? In one day, we had:

China trade deal collapse.
War with Iran.
Isreal instability.

Gee-golly what a coincidence. Do you really think Trump didn't tell all his friends and advisers to close their long positions on Friday? He knew this shit was going down and he knows that there's NO WAY to prove you had a conversation. Insider trading is impossible to prove. This shit is so fucked. Unless you are in a position of power you will never make it.

>> No.13533337
File: 31 KB, 365x365, 7s2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always buy the tariff Fud dip

>> No.13533339

Trump wants to become a war president. We are 100% going to war with Iran.

>> No.13533342

I'm invading Venezuela and north Korea as we speak


>> No.13533344
File: 200 KB, 932x814, chef goyardee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most monitored and recorded man on the entire planet who is literally never alone and who's lost over a billion dollars since becoming president


>illegal insider trading

>> No.13533345

>Do you fools need even more proof that the market is rigged?

who cares? if it's rigged, play along. what do you think 'buy the dip' means?

>> No.13533351

smg bought ath again


>> No.13533380

>tell advisers and friends that are not monitored
>they make trades and become rich
>hurh durh i lose so much money i no insider trade
>presidency ends
>get high paid positions from friends where you do shit all
>get random donations from friends
>get huge speaking fees from friends

Are you sub 100 IQ? Of course he would never do this himself. He will benefit from this indirectly and in the future.

>> No.13533382
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SSE (Shanghai) opens in ~16 minutes

>> No.13533398
File: 113 KB, 850x693, vacuum cleaner question mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the trade deal shitshow tomorrow going to affect technology stocks? They're already taxed by 25% instead of 10%.

>> No.13533400
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>> No.13533414
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a little red unless you hold Tesla, which will be green from pure magic

>> No.13533416

No one gets spared. Whatever is up the most will fall the hardest though. Watch your cornhole.

>> No.13533417

If China is serious, they'll ban Apple from their country in retaliation, sending tech into a death spiral not seen since the dotcom bubble.

>> No.13533422

Green Tesla
Green Google
Red everything else

>> No.13533451
File: 3.72 MB, 581x327, but why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would Tesla be green?

>> No.13533452
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>> No.13533461
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Trust the Musk.

>> No.13533481
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>> No.13533486

funding secured

>> No.13533494
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>> No.13533496
File: 342 KB, 876x627, JUST&#039;d_bull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be thanking SO HARD for those cheapies tomorrow.

>> No.13533498

I fucking hate Drumpf guys.

Why couldn't he just wait to tweet his retarded shit til I closed my positions Monday morning?

>> No.13533503


>> No.13533507

Your good man they bounce back quick its not as effected unless its a big downturn.
Damn son you must be bagholding to openly talk about that nightmare.

>> No.13533508
File: 55 KB, 300x300, everyone&#039;s getting raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why couldn't he just wait to tweet his retarded shit til I closed my positions Monday morning?

>> No.13533510
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yes i was wondering too what the hell is he doing, we'll see how it plays out or is granpa losing touch to reality

>> No.13533516
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>> No.13533518

unironically, because the Iran and Venezuela invasions got pushed up by a few days

so now we're doing it all in one go

>> No.13533519
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>> No.13533521

bls stob

>> No.13533523
File: 429 KB, 206x196, idk lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a lunatic

That's how a conventional, low-level politician goes from a six figure job as a congressperson to a multi-millionaire, maybe. You think Trump wants a "high paid position where he does shit all" from one of his "friends" he, by your logic, ostensibly lent a billion dollars through his presidency to?

>> No.13533529

war with china would be great for my portfolio

>> No.13533541


dear god

I thought China would have their national team ready to buy buy buy on open

guess not

>> No.13533543

Fuck, had a feeling I should stay cash gang but I'm also a retard apparently.

>> No.13533545

Is it reasonable to invest in IPOs or should they be avoided?

>> No.13533547
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>> No.13533555

You're acting like this market can't take on direct fire from Trump's twitter. The market will be back to ATH by the end of the week.

>> No.13533565

china just went 2 months backwards in 5 minutes

I want to see DEEP red

>> No.13533586
File: 16 KB, 923x713, 1549684768790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all seriousness I could see the market selling off 5% or so spread out over the next week or two. It's not gonna straight up tank to December levels. The trade war was not fully priced in.

>> No.13533590
File: 71 KB, 990x685, dow100kcase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be the asshole that sells the bottom
Buy the dip. trade deal just postponed to 2020 as expected

>> No.13533599

Redpill me on passive vs active investing. It's not exactly a well-kept secret that fees and commissions cut into returns and that professional money managers tend to not out-perform the market, so why do people still pay advisors to take their money? Why do people invest in mutual funds where managers take large fees, or hedge funds for that matter?

>> No.13533600
File: 1.58 MB, 1656x1224, 1529986392152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, who was that guy that went balls deep in SQQQ again? He had thousands of shares or something.

>> No.13533612

No one look at the Hang Seng Futures.

>> No.13533628

active investing is a scam for people that haven't realized what you just said
listen to buffet and go all in on S&P500 and don't be an idiot like boomers in 2009 and pull out of the market at the bottom when it recovered after 2 years

>> No.13533638

is it worse than -3.8%?

>> No.13533653
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>> No.13533656
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 29F9C21B-76C9-4AFF-A4B6-8A3868F1199C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in lads this is going to be a rough week

>> No.13533664
File: 662 KB, 596x544, F173B771-240F-4B47-B0E2-2F1701D66E0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we made fun of him...

>> No.13533703
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>> No.13533710

My SPY puts will be worth more.

>> No.13533712


That may have been me. I sold and switched into TVIX instead. We have a record short position in the VIX futures ever, ready to be squeezed

>> No.13533724

I'm gonna sell a call credit spread on DIA for 264 sell and 265 buy exp may 10

is this good idea

>> No.13533729
File: 590 KB, 2048x1151, Porn Fetishes (Visualized).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No tier for SOCOM (1 or 2), UT2004, or WC3
>no civ 3, 4, or RTW/M2TW tier
>no GBC schooltime fun

shitty meme trash

I now feel better for selling mine at $1600
excited for AMZN cheapies soon.....
and its finally time to harvest some SQQQ/TVIX holdings!

spooky, its almost like the world doesnt stop even when trading hours stop...

maybe if you just cry and complain enough, someone will give you some free money?
or maybe youll be so annoying that people will pay you to shut up?

its only a red day if you dont know how to properly risk management

>> No.13533734

I don't know if short squeezing VIX is a thing
the reason a short squeeze works is because there is a limit to the number of stocks

with futures contracts, you can always just write more

>> No.13533747
File: 51 KB, 546x550, 1556926915845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went all cash going into this weekend, thank god

Is there any way to take advantage of this sell-off? Should I FOMO into SQQQ at opening bell tomorrow or is it too late?

>> No.13533753

in this case unironically buy straddles on xlf

>> No.13533754

Was thinking of SPY puts at open myself. But I feel like everyone is thinking of that lol.

>> No.13533770

Lawl Jesus Christ. What a heinous, apocalyptic way to make money

>> No.13533782

you should see investing.com stock futures' comments on green days

>> No.13533815

Probably the last game I actually enjoyed, with the exception of GTA 5

>> No.13533816

wouldnt it be better to exercise the option since at least then you would have the stock?

>> No.13533836
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DOW futures climbed out of the -500 territory

>> No.13533844
File: 48 KB, 550x375, when youre a weeb but also a successful person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can get in premarket (before 9am), and get out before noon, otherwise its a very risky short term play, and youll probably just end up holding (my) bags

your better bet might be grabbing some index funds or something while the dip is happening (just pretend its December 24th again)

if you can see a powerplay like this already happening, then its (most likely) too late for you to do the same. there are literally millions of traders that are thinking of ways to make some money off of this who are in the same position as you (perhaps some in this very thread, lurking your post so that they can copy and screw you)
you can still theoretically beat them, but the probability distribution is not at all in your favor

also its premarket prices, which are meaningless once 9:31am rolls around, see >>13533836

>> No.13533887
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>> No.13533890

I think we just found the support level. Time to go long.

>> No.13533897
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>> No.13533902
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war doesnt really make money tho, if it did America would be lot more rich

>> No.13533911
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> Boeing knew of 737 MAX safety system glitch a year before the deadly Lion Air crash
what a company

>> No.13533912
File: 101 KB, 796x1082, BEAR&#039;d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I go back to last week and buy TVIX too?

>> No.13533923



>> No.13533924
File: 747 KB, 920x1260, 05 - UKnfaae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical Trump power move. Could easily fail, but could also result in a "success" by this Friday. May as well throw the dice with my networth.

>> No.13533932


>> No.13533941

cat girl a cute. CUTE!

>> No.13533954

Heikin Ashi will fuck with whatever tradingview strategy you use. it will give you deceptively good results. Do not use it.

>> No.13533968

noice. What was your average price? 22.75 here

>> No.13533984
File: 51 KB, 900x550, S - N curve FE vs Non-Fe vs Plastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While total war is a massive net drain of resources for all involved, small incursions/regime changes, and asymmetric warfare, like USA tends to do nowadays, is not at all a bad way to make money, as long as mission creep doesnt get out of control...

thats just standard operating procedure for any big industrial player, especially a national/continent wide hegemon like BA

things get much more scary when you find out how planes are made, or learn a tiny bit about material properties (specifically metals, and how shitty Al is in general, with the one exception of its low density)

quite a few metallurgists I work with wont set foot on an airplane, no matter how new or "safe" it is
funny enough the smith who has his doctorate in Al working is most adamant about never getting on a plane, even more than the Steel and Iron working PHD's

>> No.13533987


>> No.13533991

CGC puts
LYFT puts
AMD puts
Do them at open and scalp that shit

>> No.13533997

They still have a gigantic backlog of orders tho.. otherwise yeah, this was a windows vista moment with a body count and they should be publicly executed

>> No.13534002

youre way more likely to die in a car crash

>> No.13534008


>> No.13534026

>otherwise yeah, this was a windows vista moment with a body count and they should be publicly executed
Based and redpill

>> No.13534038

>involved, small incursions/regime changes, and asymmetric warfare, like USA tends to do nowadays
It's still not profitable because you use money to build a thing which blows up either by design or because other guy built a thing to blow up thing (which blows up by design or by etc..)

>> No.13534055

Carb fud?
>one thing I don’t do:
>eat bread

Kek what a goof this guy is

Holy shit. I KNEW I shouldn’t get emotionally attached to my stonks. But I didn’t have the heart to sell TIM at the ATH

I literally don’t know how to risk manage... I’m probably 75% equities 25% cash. Real glad I took 20% out of my VTSAX, but I left so much goddamn money on the table.

>> No.13534075



>> No.13534077


>> No.13534080
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>> No.13534086
File: 116 KB, 1342x794, fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will happen morons.

The market is STRONG than ever.

Just buy, buy and buy.

>> No.13534089
File: 9 KB, 223x226, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good God. Looks like burgers are back on the menu.
Also congrats are in order to that Anon who bought vix.

>> No.13534093

> that Mnuchin 'liquidity call' bull
what a joke it all is

>> No.13534096
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> dip

>> No.13534100
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>> No.13534119

Huh? Did mnchan say to raise liquidity? Did he actually warn us to cash out equities?

You know who said to ring the register?
Jim Cramer.

>> No.13534130
File: 49 KB, 352x286, MFW 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well obviously, but catastrophic failure in a plane captures the imagination far more than it does in any car or truck

and now thanks to this new 737 debacle, the average age of the global passenger fleet is going to creep up even more...

in those cases, the profit is less lives lost (and a 20 or 30 something in the military still has plenty of tax dollars left to earn)
it is a profit long term, but only if you expand what variables you use

Ive notived every time my portfolio reaches the level it made mid september, the market crashes and moves sideways for the next month (or more)

no matter how i change up what stocks i hold...

>> No.13534133
File: 260 KB, 900x948, 1516420231586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i got called retarded for my theories china would fuck everything up and now you're all going to get stopped out at open

>> No.13534136
File: 92 KB, 1742x607, 1556391560644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't concerned about anything.

>> No.13534151

Mr. Xi is on a dangerous position where he could easily be replaced or even prisoned if he shows any weakness to the US, such that he would rather fuck the economy rather than make a deal.

>> No.13534157

How do you know this? Are you his man-servant?

>> No.13534158

how much cash you sitting on bros? you are keeping your powder dry right? 20% here

>> No.13534172

I know everyone’s saying don’t panic sell but... this seems like a lot of chit hitting the fan all at once. Will RH or Schwab punish me for fireselling?

If I sell I can at least beat all the “buy and hold” S&P owners, right? And then just buy again when we actually put boots on the ground in South America/Iran?

Explain to me why I shouldn’t crash out of the market at open?

>> No.13534176

Not only that. But the last thing trump has to his presidency is the stock market. If the chinks fuck it up for him there's no way hes getting 4 more years and we'll have such an anti-chinese leader taken out of power. Just think about how much trump has been a pain in the ass for china since hes been in office.
Probably his cum sucker. Whenever Xi is displeased he drains him of his cum and then shills LCI to everyone in the room

>> No.13534184

do it nerd i dare you

>> No.13534185
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>> No.13534186
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This is by far the dumbest, most American thing I have ever read on 4chan

>> No.13534192

>i'm able to pick market tops and bottoms
better men than you have tried and failed

>> No.13534221

I don’t think that, but I think I can recognize that this house of cards is on the verge of collapse.

I know I’ll miss the bottom. I know I missed the top. But I can get the trend, right?

>> No.13534230

lol that dude is ugly af

>> No.13534231

I'm holding VIX calls and Ford puts from last week

What color lambo should I get

>> No.13534236

What Trump asks are structural reforms of Chinese economic/political policies including the removal of Great Fire Wall and an independent Judicial System that isn't controlled by the Chinese communists. These reforms will directly challenge the dictatorship of CCP while they are mandatory for resolving the unfair business competition for foreign companies in China.

>> No.13534249
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>> No.13534250
File: 270 KB, 1132x1429, 1539681922450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> removing the Great Wall (Against the Big Gay)
fuck no
every nation should build a great firewall against US

>> No.13534258

> the unfair business competition for foreign companies in China.
Not unfair enough, since they still prefer working in China even with all the tech transfers and what not. They could just abstain, you know.

>> No.13534262

risk adjusted returns bro.

do you think some random cryptokiddy like yourself is going to be able to find an actual edge in options markets? Its a much more sophisticated market with more instos than the typical stock market.

You probably can't see all the assumptions baked into the contract price like implied vol, theta decay etc, so even if you think you're getting a good deal you probably aren't. If you seriously want to try get into options trading I'd suggest really understanding the black scholes, and I hear the Hull textbook is an industry standard.

However if you just want to speculate and gamble go right ahead, although sports betting is also fun.

>> No.13534264
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>(((independent))) Judicial System

>> No.13534267

>this house of cards is on the verge of collapse.
>But I can get the trend, right?
sure, you're smarter than everyone else

>> No.13534275

Pence asked rate cut from Powell since he knew that the trade deal wouldn't happen (this request happened before Fed announcement). So apparently this market 'correction' that Trump/no-deal caused should have had (hypothetically) a rate cut, but that's now missing.

>> No.13534288

Newfag here. Starting to buy stock of Ameritrade a few questions

1. How do you guys stay up to date on companies ? Through tech/business magazines?
2. How much money should you throw at it to start up?
3.best phone app to use?

>> No.13534295

Based Trump btfo'ing Jews and gooks in one swoop

>> No.13534318

I don’t think I’m smarter! I just think that I can get a few % better than HODLing, because the big money can’t big moves quickly, and most individual investors will be following the “buy and buy and don’t ever sell” strategy that we’re all fed.

At least, that’s the theory I’m trying to bounce off of you.

>> No.13534322


>> No.13534324

I uh... I think you mean mudslimes, skinny Latinos, and xinese.

>> No.13534328


this is what winning the trade war looks like

sure futures are down 2%, but chinese stocks are down 5.5%

>> No.13534343

Fuckkng Hell. Is this how the global economic downturn starts?

Yield-curve-kun tried to warn us!

>> No.13534344

I own too much TQQQ

>> No.13534363

Stock price is the worst metric you could have used. SHCOMP peaked in 2007 when Chinese economy was barely larger than that of Germany.

>> No.13534370
File: 37 KB, 703x755, Thanks Drumpf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell at open?

>> No.13534382

everything you said is true, but it's still harder than you're expecting it to be, especially when you have years of savings on the line. not to mention the tax events you're creating, which may not be a big deal to you right now, but as you build a bigger portfolio it matters.

>> No.13534403

But he was the one who supposedly got Ray Dalio's All Weather allocation out of the man

>> No.13534411

>tax events
Oof, an unexpected complication appears.

It’s bad because I get taxed every time I sell? Is it the same with an IRA/Roth?

I mostly have have my funds in a seperate trading and index fund account... are we just talking about tax events from selling? Stuff like putting myself into another tax bracket? (Not gonna happen this year for sure.) Or things that will happen years down the line?

>> No.13534478


>> No.13534510

cant use DRIP on robinhood, but its ok cause they dont charge per trade.

>> No.13534535

buy stock sell call buy put is called a 'collar'
covered call has no long put

>> No.13534545

you are the actual brainlet meme

>> No.13534554

that is a long straddle , completely diff from CC

>> No.13534562

based donald clearing my stock portfolio

>> No.13534607

Pretty much just hodling a lazy portfolio and then going big on some random post on /biz/ for an adrenaline kick.
I bought LCI a month ago based on this guy alone

>> No.13534632

Does BTC tank with the market? I bought it as a hedge, but it seemed to go down on the trade war news. And I wouldn’t mind having an extra $370 for cheapies.

>> No.13534645
File: 275 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_6196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh guys I bought this on Friday, wat do.

>> No.13534676

Dunno, I’ve never made money before.
What app is this?

>> No.13534692

Tasty Works

>> No.13534694
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>> No.13534704
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You chose correctly. When you sell put it in GALT and hold til they get bought out.

>> No.13534743

Why even invest in galt if you couldn’t get in on the RO? Easy gains already been got.

>> No.13534758

Because you will get 10x return on your money when they get bought out.

>> No.13534769
File: 135 KB, 361x375, 1536509007111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK check AAPL

>> No.13534776

Guys I usually don’t post here but I’m bagholding a heavy fucking bag of TQQQ right now and I’m feeling the fear.

Can someone give me a strategy to minimize my losses on the opening bell? My broker doesn’t do premarket.

>> No.13534806

Assume there will be a rebound, which is more often than not the case, and sell then if you think the actual correction is coming soon, or keep it if you think this is just market noise, or your shit's actually fucked tomorrow so google exit bags.

>> No.13534807
File: 23 KB, 240x251, 1406457507370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can someone give me a strategy to minimize my losses


there are no breaks on the leverage train

>> No.13534809

Its fucking nothing

>> No.13534811

Markets closed man.
Go home.

>> No.13534813


>> No.13534814

Should have bought slightly OTM puts as we hit the new all-time highs in the Nasdaq 100. It's too late now. Enjoy the gap risk.

>> No.13534820

> China called on its “National Team” of state investors to prepare to stabilize the stock market if needed on Monday, people familiar with the matter said, as the Shanghai Composite Index plunged the most in seven months - Bloomberg

plunge protection team ready set go

>> No.13534825
File: 122 KB, 912x641, 1544035942726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly sell it if you're this much of a pussy

>> No.13534827
File: 37 KB, 753x502, bef936c9-a7c5-4fa5-b8d3-4569283ac996--coconut_and_lime_Fotolia_34937995_XS_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just HODL until the nasdaq reaches 9000+ later this year

>> No.13534830

>Should have bought slightly OTM
If I wanted to invest like a boomer I’d be in QQQ


>> No.13534831

>Not suitable for most investors. These exchange traded products (ETPs) represent unique risks, including leverage, derivatives, and complex investment strategies. These securities are designed for daily use only, and are generally not intended to be held overnight. To find out more about trading these funds, please read: Leveraged and Inverse Products: What you need to know

No thanks scammer

>> No.13534835

Oh please god let the shit hit the fucking fan! I'll cash in my shiny boomer rocks and go all in on the mouse for pennies on the dollar!

>> No.13534837

I think he paid 1500-1600

>> No.13534839

>if I wanted to invest like a boomer
and yet here you are freaking out like you were going to retire in a few months

>> No.13534851
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>investing in TQQQ while being a massive pussy
>in the year 2010+9

>> No.13534864

>textbook triple top
>blaring recession indicators like record low unemployment + yield curve inversion + flat yield curve
>tons of layoffs/store closures
>tech companies valued according to their sustained growth for the next 20 years
>rest of world already in slowdown

yeah i'm sure it'll bounce back just hold bro :)

>> No.13534874

TQQQ options are surprisingly liquid. I have no clue honestly. I guess people like trading vol on it or something (but even then that sounds stupid)

>> No.13534905

Income that you contribute to a Roth is taxed, but after that the money has zero tax events. The downside is you can't take any of your earnings out of the account until you're 60.

>> No.13534911


new hawaii thread

>> No.13534914
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Would be nice to see Algo's reverse double fuck people by buying the immediate dip ten minutes in and then soaring to 3000.

>> No.13534924

You can, it's just that you have to fork over 10% as a penalty.

>> No.13535035

I just straight transferred in the max amount from my bank account... how do they know if it’s income or not?

Am I gonna get Audit’d?

>> No.13535793

So you don't recommend to buy?