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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 620x372, Greg-Lansky-Article-201902191953-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13531555 No.13531555 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you selling porn, /biz/?

>> No.13531563

Someone pays for porn?

>> No.13531567

i would if i knew how to do it

>> No.13531574
File: 31 KB, 240x240, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RILEY, i would definitly pay for her pussy

>> No.13531618

I really hope someone kills that jew for psyoping people into liking blacked porn.

>> No.13531669

Yeah some random dude is gonna kill the guy who provides porn for him to jerky his tiny dick to. People like you are why Jews own the world and will continue to do so.

>> No.13531680

Sup, Schlomo.

>> No.13531703

Who the fuck buys porn?

>> No.13531718

People with incredibly fucked up and niche fetishes after being desensitized from normal pornography

>> No.13531734

Anyone with 0.0% access to the internt and who have no friends or living relatives.

>> No.13531737

how to short her roastie vag?

>> No.13531742


Pornographers should be burned at the stake. Not even being edgy.

>> No.13531746

Well someone is buying the regular porn too. I imagine it's mostly lefty boomer cucks who think that watching free porn is "wrong" somehow.

But mostly it's just a money laundering vehicle.

>> No.13531747

How the fuck does he get so much money to buy a gold daytona? I thought nobody pays for porn...

>> No.13531763
File: 2.96 MB, 480x270, butters sales pitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I can make more other ways.

>> No.13531796

>People with incredibly fucked up and niche fetishes after being desensitized from normal pornography
Internet in 2005: Goatse is gross lol
Internet in 2019: Dreaming of gaping sissy holes

I wonder what will be normalized in 2025.

>> No.13531835

Riley has a nice Innie

>> No.13531899

You mean like putting a bunch of existing porn on a site with a bunch of ads?

>> No.13531906

porn is not for profit
it's to destroy people, he is financed by higher ups.

>> No.13532363

i do , paid porn is way better than free

>> No.13532456


>> No.13532601

Probably the killing of jews.

>> No.13532707

Dear god I hope so. We really need clown world to end

>> No.13532722

How do I? I have about ~10 vids with different chicks. Pretty hott stuff with hot chicks

>> No.13532733 [DELETED] 

Riley's pussy is gorgeous.

>> No.13532756

I don’t believe in warping people’s minds for profit

>> No.13532791

i pay $30 a month to be able to watch the newest ultra hd porn on my 4k curved widescreen monitor

>> No.13532792

Nah you just love black dick and are gay.

>> No.13532796

Tori used to be great but has been shit since she came back
Kendra is awful, dead fish, only redeeming quality is her tits
Riley is great but her best scenes are actually with white guys
No idea who it is on the left
Lansky is shit, all his scenes are shot in the same soulless style, boring lighting and mechanical fucking, awful

>> No.13532827

Oh no that sucks

>> No.13532877


I have lots of self-made material for a niche porn, but I have no idea how to sell it. I’ve tried patreon, Amazon, and youtube etc. Nobody will buy it in any kind of significant numbers. Literally like one or two people expressed interest in buying but then didn’t.

How the fuck do you sell it? Any tips

>> No.13532904


>> No.13532947

I don't sell porn because of morals. I don't support the decay of young woman's life. Stop watching porn you incel faggots

>> No.13532961

>he knows its wrong but still fell for it

>> No.13532971

Try being more hansome fren

>> No.13532993

I would sell my ass for cash but I don't have the resources

>> No.13533017


>> No.13533060


>> No.13533295

I sure as fuck wont pay for porn, but if someone were to make a film, a couple of films, perhaps even a subscription site, with daily gassed kikes - now thats something I'd be into.

>> No.13533319

100% agree. Porn is literal poison to the mind and body and now we have whole generations of men addicted to this shit

>> No.13533506

Look at how lifeless and full of despair all of their eyes look.

>> No.13533540
File: 60 KB, 1304x317, DD911ED2-327D-4392-B5CD-180835474961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas the kikes racewar now

>> No.13533611


Only two of them definitely have that expression.

>> No.13533853


>> No.13533875


I've done it a few times. Once you're making over 100k a year, 30 bucks a month is nothing.

Plus you get every video you want in high res without ads.

It's definitely a better masturbatory session.


>> No.13533919

It just so happens that I'm not jewish enough

>> No.13533939

Can we get Gas Chamber Porn trending on google?
Would be kinda hot to watch people fuck as their faces turn blue and drop dead right at orgasm

>> No.13533940

Imagine being so lame that you have to sit alone in your room and touch yourself. Fucking Kek the absolute state of losers.

>> No.13534067

nobody buys porn
it's a CIA pop control psyop funded by kikes

>> No.13534933

your right about it being boring. maybe target market is women who fantasize about fucking powerful men in upscale environments.

>> No.13534955

only tori comes close and she's just working it. they are all very happy to be there and it shows.

>> No.13534959

hi riley! bitch you fine!

>> No.13535400

they look like they fuck black guys

>> No.13535595
File: 100 KB, 981x736, dogfart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you know pic related was around long before Blacked

>> No.13535617
File: 167 KB, 900x1259, LyF6OvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13535765

>everyone here asking why do people pay for porn
well why do people donate to twitch thots?
desperate men and soft times

>> No.13536001

Yea I’m sure they all have great self esteem and good relationships with their family...... maybe the 2 on the right don’t look obviously miserable but they def have the 1000 cock stare of permanent damage.

>> No.13536344

is he actually jewish though?

>> No.13536376

Because I’m not a (((JEW)))

>> No.13537232

Is this an /rasianmasculinity meme?

>> No.13537274

i paid for a vr porn site subscription for about 10 months because the free stuff is very low quality and resolution matters more in vr... the vr stuff is pretty fucking awesome desu, especially because i rarely get the house to myself, so those times are fantastic

>> No.13537282

test post to see if this fucking board is swapping desu for desu... desu desu desu

>> No.13537285
File: 61 KB, 600x584, 1_OdEDGZ7aq5Gc9itJm0oxWQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to shake that dude's hand.

I fucking love BLACKED.com so goddamn much.

God bless Greg Lansky and his work that has pissed off so many /pol/cucks

>> No.13537293

T B H - fucking board... wtf, I've never used t.b.h. before and I guess I won't start since /biz is swapping it w/ anime tier words

>> No.13537558

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.13537683
File: 192 KB, 600x400, 69DBF5A0-3E14-4658-9B33-1632526871DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
