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13528012 No.13528012 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is not like Ethereum back in the day. Ethereum was known by 70% who knew about bitcoin. It was a great debate about the usefulness of smart contracts and actual fundamentals. Chainlink is just a bunch of cultish memes that nobody has any interest in outside of biz. And they're pretty fucking low quality btw.

Show me le epic ethereum meme dump.. show me how it's as cult like as LINK. It wasn't, it was a rational investment that most people made. It blew up and was usable less than 1 year into the fund raise. Chainlink is still not ready after 2 years. A bandaid solution that will be ready once the problem was fundamentally fixed and things are already computed on chain.

>> No.13528020

LINK’s adoption by organizations normies don’t understand will send it to the moon.

>> No.13528042

Yeah believe in your little secret king dream. Your project is actually the best, the popular kids just don't know about it haha jokes on them, you'll be the little smarty pants who laughs in the end. Popular Alphas will always remain at the top, there are no secret kings. Just gammas in their fantasy land.

>> No.13528051

you aint going to the moon faggot
stop daydreaming and be a good slave

>> No.13528095

why would they use link or even ethereum when there are so many other blockchains with higher performance?

>> No.13528129



Are you acually saying eht had no meme spam and 500 'its a scam' topics every day???

How fucking new are you??

>> No.13528143

Another eth killer no 373838 lol

>> No.13528165

>Popular Alphas will always remain at the top, there are no secret kings. Just gammas in their fantasy land.

So you read Vox Day - the Mensa member who nonetheless fell hook line and sinker for the QAnon hoax. :)

>> No.13528192

Fuck Vox Day that bald narcissistic cult brainlet, that's a concept by E. Michael Jones the famous jew exposer.

>> No.13528195

>he thinks Link is a blockchain

>> No.13528209

Ethereum's success proved that smartcontracts were useful. It's success is proof that link is necessary and will also be successful.

>> No.13528233

>that's a concept by E. Michael Jones

Really? I didn't know that. And looking up "e. michael jones secret kings" isn't giving me much.
Regardless, Link $1000 EOY. :)

>> No.13528262

Why do people keep insisting that ChainLink “isnt ready”? They are already operating arent they? Whats the point of running a node if its not providing a decentralized oracle service? Doesnt that make ChainLink also “usable”?

>> No.13528270

>Cool kids do know about it. They probably came up with it.

>thinks link is for value transfer

>> No.13528281

Oh is that why Samsung, Microsoft, and Amazon use Ethereum? Because there are better options out there?

>> No.13528297

who uses ethereum. who uses smartcontracts?
>but hurrrr da future is smurtcontraks
>dey gon use muh ethereum
>need dem links for dem oracles
ethereum is shit, it's slow, it's expensive, solidity is crap, more complexity added on top to make it more like EOS is retarded, and you're a bagholder who bought in jan 2018. stay poor

>> No.13528336


>> No.13528344

what do they use it for? link their wallets, i wanna see their bags anon.

>> No.13528387

No idea what their wallet addresses are but here



Now im not saying this is going to cause ETH to take off or anything, but if there were better options out there these multibillion dollar corporations would use them instead. Just because someone claims to be an Ethereum killer doesnt make it true. Even if the tech is actually better it still doesnt make it true. Adoption is EVERYTHING, and Ethereum already won.

>> No.13528430

>adoption is everything and ethereum already won
except nobody uses it.
>According to the source, ‘Samsung Coin’ is currently in development but the timing and direction of the new product has not been confirmed. The source did confirm that it will be powered by Ethereum.
wow samsung is making a wallet that supports erc20s on their phones. it's nothing faggot
your microsoft article is from 2015 faggot, geeee nothing has changed since then. oh wow amazon has a developer template!!!
you're such a retarded faggot it's unbelievable.

>> No.13528436


>Not knowing all those companies are also heavily involved with LINK.

Brainlets on this board, LINK makes Eth be what it wanted to be, but can’t on its own without substantial jump in technology.

LINK is in fact literally a workaround for the consensus issue on digitial contracts using best currently available technology. There will be nothing else to compete with it until real singularity level AI is achieved and that is decades away.

And who’s to say once they create a true artificial intelligence its going to want to process and confirm documents for banana shipments or bank transfers.

$1000 EOY unironically.

>> No.13528489

Nigger, how dumb are you? Im not arguing against LINK
>except nobody uses it
Now you are just refusing to believe shit that I have shown you indisputable evidence for. No point in arguing further. Be sure to not put any money in ETH.

>> No.13528559

Ah setting eos bagholder lol figures

Everyone allready building on eth.

Noone builds anything on eos/tron etc.

Its open source you dumb fuck... Its about adoption not whos 100 tps faster in 2019 lol

You think windows you typed your pajet eos shills on dont have messy codebase and are easy to replace?

>> No.13529209

>who uses ethereum. who uses smartcontracts?
A bunch of major players, but definitely not as many as there could be simply because 99.99999% of their use cases involve external data, and Chainlink isn't operational yet.

You sound angry though.

>> No.13529282
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, SMINEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Bullish as Sminem

>> No.13529302

It wont be 2 years until november. Fucking retard.

>> No.13529551
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1523312176265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who aren't holding link
>there are people who hate free money

you were warned

>> No.13529566

Ethereum early days were few years ago. These days it's memes that are important you fucking boomer. Keep up with the times or get lost.

>> No.13529581

>except nobody uses it.
kek. You told him anon, except you are wrong