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13525650 No.13525650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw diagnosed with terminal skin

Stage 4 metastatic melanoma to be exact. Not gonna make it after all it looks like.

Goodbye /biz/

>> No.13525660

I'm sorry to hear that anon
if i could take over your sickness i would because i unironically want to kill myself

>> No.13525672

>if i could take over your sickness i would because i unironically want to kill myself

I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It's miserable. If you have any moles that are bothering you get them checked out early don't be dumb and put it off like I did

>> No.13525673
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why all anons getting cancer?

>> No.13525685

will do

>> No.13525716

If I had cancer I would try two things.

One would be a deworming med that has shown anti cancer properties in trials. This guy is long winded but the details are in his story: https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/single-post/2016/08/22/Shake-up-your-life-how-to-change-your-own-perspective

The other would be induced fevers. That’s a tough one because when studied it wasn’t 101 or 102. They were knocking the patients out and pushing 108.

Those are the only two alt treatments that look like they might work in some cases.

Sorry this is happening to you anon but I hope you find a miracle.

>> No.13525730

There's a girl I know with Peritoneal Cancer, I wrote her out a 5,000 word essay on why she should try going vegan because of the possibility of it fighting cancer, but her intestines are apparently ruined so it's too late for that.

How long have they given you?

>> No.13525733

garlic and hot peppers

>> No.13525737

Actually I would try a zero carb diet in concert with the other two. Most cancer cells are fucked without sugar to burn.

The diet and med are easy to do at home. Fevers need a people with medical experience. But I would do anything to find a Dr willing to try.

>> No.13525746


Seconding this.

Here's a video which summarises this stuff in about 8 minutes. Not sure how applicable it'd be to your type of cancer, but it's worth a try:


>> No.13525753

Also try fasting, some say cancer cells are literally starved to death.

>> No.13525764


Did she survive?

Doc said about 3 months, anything longer would be overly optimistic.

>> No.13525779


It's a little late for that

>> No.13525783

Try CBD. Get weed oil that is verified to be really high in CBD content and take a lot of it daily. Not hemp derived shit either, something like 1% THC and 10% CBD. Make sure you enjoy life as best you can my friend.

>> No.13525787

If I had hancer i would try one thing
I heard congolese tribes sacrifice a female virgin to cure cancer
Go shoot a kindergarten OP
t. mossad

>> No.13525789


Sorry to hear that bro.

How old are you? I hope you can make it somehow and make the most of what you have left.

>> No.13525790

start praying, and invest in nano bots.

>> No.13525791


They gave her 1-3 months at first, but now with treatment (actual medical treatment, not diet) she's apparently got 12 months or so, but apparently it's certainly terminal. Peritoneal has a low survival rate.

You could really at least TRY reforming your diet now. I don't know what your diet was like before, maybe it was already perfect, and there are obviously limitations to this stuff, and as I said to this girl - if you're going to die it might just kill you faster to put you on a diet you might not enjoy in your last months... but personally I would at least try incorporating some of that stuff.

I mean 100% I would be drinking beet juice and chili powder every day, and cutting sugar.

If you wanted a few tips or anything you could message me. I could also comfort you a little about dying.

kik: venerablewizard653

>> No.13525793

The deworming drug saved a guy with cancer everywhere and 3 months max.

No guarantees but it’s being investigated rn for a reason.

>> No.13525823
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Sorry bro

>> No.13525836

fuck man, this was a reality check for me. i can only offer my prayer for you and to try find peace through whatever means. If your time is limited try and enjoy your last few months even if that means mushrooms/CBD, if you can find inner peace before you go then you have made it fren

>> No.13525846

What’d your moles look like? Why’d you get them checked? What made you finally go in? Are you in Florida? Age?

>> No.13525854

Have you tried immunoterapy?