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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 240 KB, 1200x900, 577ae6515a641358x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13521666 No.13521666 [Reply] [Original]

Back in the day you had legit sick cunts playing in tournaments like pic related

now you get some retard memers

there are literally ZERO good games worth playing now

There are no "perfect" games being made anymore like old cs, runescape, wow, cod4 etc i could go on

every game now feels forced and dead on arrival

what will the future hold for the gaming industry?

>> No.13521680
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Why would you need another game when the perfect one already exists

>> No.13521703
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they already made the best game of all time 30 years ago
everything else is retarded

>> No.13521704

R u stupid
Yes u r

>> No.13521714

Iv been watching this canadian incel play rust, i dont even play games anymore

>> No.13521716

It's not dead, just everyones burned out or been turned off by companies focusing on lootboxes and "esports" more than making actual good products (actually good and fun games).

>> No.13521733

Smash bros melee

>> No.13521740

The good games of today are not exposed to you by massive ad campaigns, meaning they exist, but they are not in your face. Same applied to good music: you are not looking in the correct places, and get blind by mass media. In other words: you are an ignorant that complains and want spoon feeding.

>> No.13521747

666 trips gaming confirmed work of the devil

>> No.13521768

name some games and no indy twee qt undertale ebinns faggotry

im talking about decent multiplater games that will stand the test of time or at least have a 3-5year peak like the games i mentioned

>> No.13521781
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a lot of modern games are completely fucking faggy and don't have that pure edge of Quake 3, agreed


I've tried VR and that's pretty fucking awesome, the future of vidya is there

>> No.13521782

Multiplayer games are literally sport-tier

>> No.13521788

It's not dead but the golden age is gone

>> No.13521797
File: 57 KB, 461x77, Factorio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Redpilled
Pic related is also good as well

>> No.13521802

It isn't lootboxes. Everyone is just burned out by everything in general. Life is just working long thankless hours in a wage cage making what everyone tells you is a great salary, you cant afford half the home your parents own and cant make retirement contributions because of crushing student debt. Who even has the mental capacity to want to actively play a video game after that? The most you can hope for is to sit in front of mindless capeshit for a few hours and be hypnotized by flashing images long enough to forget that you are going to have to wake up and repeat this all tomorrow.

>> No.13521811

Squad is pretty good multiplayer.

>> No.13521820

video gaming is much more competitive now. if you actually think that any of those clowns in pic related were better than modern day pro gamers you need a reality check

>> No.13521827

No more great games, we get the mass produced watered down death matches now,

>> No.13521828

bro there's still plenty of people who work to game
as long as they can play video games when they get back from work nothing else matters

>> No.13521831

The video games scene needs to be purged of faggots, snowflakes, social justice warriors and furries. Only that would be a long-expected revival.

>> No.13521859

Furries are kay

>> No.13521861


Greatest game ever made

>> No.13521870
File: 285 KB, 510x426, 1550955998571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered that there are actually plenty of good games but they're brushed off as being for zoomers? Not talking about fortnite, but borderlands 2 was pretty fun, has massive amounts of content and no micro transactions, BL3 is coming out in Sept and I personally am excited for it. Sure there are a lot of cucks in development and a lot of the humor is cringy but all in all it's a pretty good franchise the pre-sequel excluded.

There's also smaller titles that are insanely good with quality development such as Deep Rock Galactic, Enter the Gungeon, Subnautica, Stardew Valley, Terraria, Rust, Dusk, AntiChamer, Factorio, etc. There are plenty of good games out on the market, they just don't really get a lot of attention because of media manipulation shilling only AAA titles or continuations of large franchises.

>> No.13521895

As in theyre worth dedicating a lot of time to and mastering yes?

>> No.13521906 [DELETED] 

>a movement of contagious gay pedo buttfuckers is okay
Yeah, no

>> No.13521916

>Business & Finance

>> No.13521919

yes they get paid more and probably practice more, however it doesnt have the pure "gaming" and underground legit playing for the game feel

now it feels like memes and shilling, plus the audience consists of whining SJW fags and manchildren who dont like shit-talk

>> No.13521920
File: 352 KB, 761x800, furry buttfucker's testimony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a movement of contagious gay pedo buttfuckers is okay
Yeah, no

>> No.13521925

Idk man, I'm a big fan of Cities: Skylines and its fanbase doesn't seem to be rife with the faggotry you get with cesspools like CS:GO or (God forbid) Overwatch. Then again, it's a different type of game entirely, but different strokes for different folks, you know?

>> No.13521926

Counter Strike still superior Esport game imo. Not as good as 1.6 but still really good.

>> No.13521928


casual pointless shit

>smaller titles

meme2 hour indy games for sjw reddit fags

>> No.13521938

You sound like someone who got banned from pubg for not being able to contain his own edginess

>> No.13521960


Virtual reality

>> No.13521969
File: 120 KB, 1200x800, 47D8DFFE-7526-4399-8901-1538F7082F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never see the most competitive game ever made ever again

>> No.13521970
File: 200 KB, 692x390, 46d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plenty of good games still released like overwatcg and apex etc. Wow was probably an outlier. Never played another game as much as I played wow(since beta 2004? till last year). Blizzard unfortunately seems to be going downhill and overwatch will likely be the last decent game they released.

Part of the way you feel is probably you just getting older / bored of gaming in general

t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.13521974
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1556338403194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only play the big titles like WoW!
>why are all of the videogames shit?!?!?

A video game is fun regardless of whether or not it's a large title. How hard is this to grasp? You probably pre-ordered fallout 76, huh?

>> No.13521993

So were just gonna pretend like nintendo doesn't exist?

>> No.13521997

fuck off basedboy

>> No.13522008

To be fair nintendo games are pretty boring these days, and Nintendo games are almost exclusively what I played when I was a kid outside of Runescape and a few PS1 games.

>> No.13522018
File: 58 KB, 489x765, cb6aaa9ab70b93011a14fbd9b6c80b1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quakefags GTFO

>> No.13522089

Gamers back then were zit faced nerds staying up until 5am pounding down mountain dew. Now they're all faggot kids with gay haircuts begging you to follow them on twitch.

>> No.13522101

League was the last good game

>> No.13522108

this guy fucks, this was my childhood

>> No.13522120

absolute garbage, kys

>> No.13522141


VR is pretty based. Wait a few years for it to become god tier

>> No.13522146

What games do you play, anon? Please tell us

>> No.13522172
File: 76 KB, 412x500, Monopoly Tycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can you rig auctions by savescumming in that?

>> No.13522179

>good game
That shit died after 2 months like every other battle royale game.

>> No.13522220

Anf thats a reason to get into making games. There is an oversaturation of shit products and not enough good games.

>> No.13522262


fucking THIS. i love quake 2 but quake 3 didn't have shit on UT or UT2k3/4. fags love quake 3 cause it runs on toasters and UT2k3/4 took some heavier hardware to run.

I remember buying a 2.4 ghz pentium 4, 512 MB DDR, and a Ti 4200 128 MB card for it. you could run quake 3 on a pentium 2 with a geforce 2 mx.

>> No.13522278

You're just a boomer

in twenty years time people will be saying there are no games like fortnite and minecraft anymore

>> No.13522312

Don't want to share your deep love of the new battlefield 7; tranny warfare huh? Can't say I blame you. Maybe he plays the games all the epic gamers play like LoL or dota 2 guess we'll never know

>> No.13522313

I quitted my gaming addiction these year.
It's simply no fun anymore.
And the shit gets really expensive.

>> No.13522319

Have you heard of a game called dota 2? It has longevity based on grinding of skill rather than grinding of xp. Or you can be an oblivious shitter and enjoy the fact you can just blame your team if you lose.

>> No.13522325
File: 680 KB, 700x875, 1556948079120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck valve ever since the transitioned to just getting kids addicted to gambling, I want hl3 you twats

>> No.13522340

>perfect game
Wrong board zoom zoom

>> No.13522342

>wah it’s not for me anymore
tough shit faggot, not everyone is unhappy with the state of vidya

>> No.13522353

Super Mario Odyssey is good
>inb4 onions

>> No.13522356

you're the same guy from /biz/ right? the guy they called turtlemarine?

>> No.13522365

Runescape was unironically the perfect game pre-2007
>first of all extremely addictive
>skills you choose which to level up
>new items unlocked at new levels
>thriving and lucrative pvp
>player driven economy based on free trade
>social aspect, add friends to friends list
>Staking (bet people you can kills them first) in the dueling arena
>clan fights in wilderness
>scamming abounded (life lessons)
Good times, good times.

>> No.13522369

Gaming is worth more than film, TV, theatre, music, books, and comics combined.

>> No.13522374

>tfw you’re no longer the target demographic

>> No.13522382
File: 145 KB, 500x392, ThoughtfulHugeCarp-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one reason gaming is dead is simply democraphics, both europe and usa there are no white kids anymore, birth rates are very low all large gaming generations are 25-35 year olds now

>> No.13522383

you can play old school on your phone you know

>> No.13522384

Wish I would have played more RS back in the day, I liked it though even up until EOC. EOC was the final nail in the coffin, I still have no idea how any company can be do stupid and disconnected with their own playerbase. They even continue their alienation of players up until about a year ago with that gay pride OSRS event

>> No.13522405
File: 330 KB, 1244x1166, 1549840086287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look im all for gassing the kikes too but I doubt that's the reason for the gaming decline. Pretty much every kid these days doesn't want to touch anything that isn't """cool""" or memed the shit out of. Look at Fortnite, CoD, Apex Legends, CS;GO etc. Zoomers want to play what's cool, not what's fun.

So the rest of the gaming industry suffers because they're the easiest demographic to milk money from. When we were kids it really was as simple as "make good game, kids buy it" but these days they've figured out that there is more money getting children addicted to gambling using virtual currency meanwhile the stupid fucking boomers in office are too incompetent and out of touch to enact any actual laws against this, it's sickening.

>> No.13522414

we're gonna make it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_0G6WPuss4

>> No.13522425
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, serveimage(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need for other games. You have Warhawk.

>> No.13522428

Black kids play basketball in the hood.

>> No.13522447
File: 27 KB, 260x331, 51fYRsiEEeL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far the best game ever created. I'm sure my fellow boomers would agree with me. Anyone here still play?

>> No.13522474

Listen satan, you faggot, the Japanese are churning out incredible games on the daily you stupid cunt.

>> No.13522482

you just grew up with different games and now act like the default old person saying "back in the days everything was better".

i miss some old games aswell like wow and rtcw but gaming and esports is bigger than ever probably

you just happen to not like the games anymore

but kids these days grow up with those games and like them just the same you did as a kid with the games back then

dont be such a hypocrite

>> No.13522522

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