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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13520818 No.13520818 [Reply] [Original]

why is this board all crypto shit?

its called biz - business and finance, how is crypto which is essentially gambling without the fun or immediate return considered business or in fact finance?

>> No.13520827

sirs, when moon?

>> No.13520834

It used to be about stocks. But after the last bullrun, cryptofags and shills needed a containment board, and the stock gamblers were evicted and all cryptomaniacs shuffled in here to be sealed off from the rest of humanity.

>> No.13520836
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because i think most of the board can agree that the future is in currencies. we just fight and shill over which ones will last the test of time.

>> No.13520907

Stocks are usually rising, but are slow as fuck. 6% gain a year is nothing, compared to crypto.
Starting a business requires actual thinking and problem solving, working around the clock, basically 24/7 with no vacations or days off with no guarantee what your business will actually survive and make any money. Alot of businesses never make money. All of that makes it unattractive for majority.
Crypto is fun, volatile, and you can make alot of money quickly, without any effort, thinking, or even going outside of your basement. You just press a button, and bam, you lost your monthly salary in one day.

Human brains are designed that way so you always seek the easiest option that doesnt require alot of thinking. Thats why people are naturally attracted to cryptos.

>> No.13521048
File: 133 KB, 339x296, seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you expect actual serious finance & business discussion *here*?

>> No.13521056

this board has a /smg/ but the stock market is a literal ponzi scheme

>> No.13521073

I would come here way more often if there was at the very least a constant general about side hustles and ways of making money outside of crypto, stocks, and wagecucking. Any ways, either legal, illegal, morally wrong. Just so I can get better ideas.

So far all I have is
shroom growing and selling because everyone in my area wants them but they’re too fucking dumb to drive 45 minutes to go pick them or ID correctly. I could sell them for nearly any price I desired. I just don’t really wanna get busted doing this. But if they ever become legalized in my state, I’d have a head start for building a massive business

>> No.13521080
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It's shit and it keeps getting worse - constantly. Sad to see the state of this once great board, now filled to the brim with garbage. Even just around 2 to 3 years ago it was still solid, crypto faggots destroyed it completely.

>> No.13521096

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.
>(including cryptocurrencies)

>> No.13521097

I only use /fit/ but occasionally look through here before getting nauseous from the wall of crypto threads

So this, like /fit/, was also once a great board? Jesus this entire site is slowly turning to shit

>> No.13521121


Zoomers and a lazy & cynical breed, in case you didn't know.

>> No.13521124

Yes anon, it was. Daily threads about solid ideas on how to make money from nothing. How to start and run a business, thread meetups where people grouped up to start a project and actually good stock market threads as well. It's all gone now and just as you said, it's a sad but accurate representation on how shit this fucking website has gotten in general. I blame zoomers.

>> No.13521134

Zoomers are a lazy & cynical breed, in case you didn't know.

>> No.13521137


>Newfag detected

/biz/ was created specifically for crypto, to get the constant Dogecoin threads off /g/. Moot shouldf have just caled it /crypto/, anything else that happens here is just a side effect.

>> No.13521150

/biz/ is a crypto containment board created to get crypto-shit off of /g/
/biz/ was always a containment board, though it is true that it wasn't always this bad

>> No.13521157
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Buy some Buttcoin
Become rich with us anon

>> No.13521159

In all fairness of the Zoomers they’ve been here for the last 10 years. I think it’s more of a crab in a bucket shitty incel (the kind who don’t actually want to improve or change be it financially or physical health) thing.

I’d have liked to see that /biz/, could really use it

>> No.13521240

I remember constant /dogecoin general/ threads. Why there are none today? At which point doge was replaced by link as the biz coin?

>> No.13521249


>> No.13521607

Gib milkies

>> No.13521667

Lmfao WHAT? what dimension are you living in?

>> No.13521710

Tits or gtfo cunt

>> No.13521732

Fuck, I want dem meme tits. GIB

>> No.13522033

>Actual newfag who doesn't remember years ago when /biz/ was literally all just stock threads and heard someone say it was always crypto so he repeats that and calls people newfag

>> No.13522201


Ah, I see you guys weren't on /g/ on in 2013-2014. This was already after the tech savvy new about Bitcoin and now Dogecoin was the latest memes, constant general threads being posted. So moot created /biz/ to get all the Doegecoin/crypto threads off /g/. That was literally the purpose of /biz/. But soon after, the big bear market started and /biz/ slowly, for a few years, was more like 60% crypto and 40% other (the most "other" it's ever been). The from 2016 onwards it has become 95% crpyto again, like it was originally back in 2014.

This is the actual history, /biz/ was always intended for crypto containment.

>> No.13522268

You are either a newfag or your memory is broken if you think early /biz/ was just stock threads. You had a few stock threads along with shit like drop-shipping, "how do I make money?", "what should I major in?", and of course whatever the shill coin of the month was.

>> No.13522323


>> No.13522327 [DELETED] 

Wow, great thread OP. Never had this one before!