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File: 117 KB, 1280x713, photo_2019-04-17_16-12-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13518345 No.13518345 [Reply] [Original]

You know what these redistribution licenses cost? Because I do.

There will be no neet nodes.

>> No.13518392

Thanks just bought 100k redistribution licenses

>> No.13518402
File: 161 KB, 1125x1363, 1556957579491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nodes are useless retard. Smart contracts are bullshit for various reasons. When you put your property on a smart contract, when you lose your keys are you going to move out of your house now? If you die, is the property gone forever and can't be owned by anyone ever again?

Some people say "well you have multisig and have a will, once you die it gets handled"

Except it doesn't. Who decides if you're dead or not? Who has the ultimate say? The doctor? Your spouse? The government? Whoever that person is, you'll have to trust them. Which goes against the whole smart contract idea of removing trust in the first place.

Now people will say that's why you need an oracle (aka chainlink), but an oracle doesn't know either. At best you can aggregate data. So if you want to know who won the football game, you can get data from fox sports, espn, etc. And then you can say ok this team won. Except you're trusting all those sources. It doesn't remove trust. That's because whatever computer, they can't verify things themselves because they don't know how to. How is ETH supposed to know, with 100% certainty, that you're dead? Even doctors call people's deaths and sometimes they come back alive minutes later.

Also, to write a smart contract with no trust, you need to learn ETH coding, be very well versed and hope you don't make a mistake. Because if you do, you can lose all your money or your property. You need to write bug-proof code. As any software developer if that's possible. You need to do this multiple times not just once in a smart-contract world.

>> No.13518431
File: 215 KB, 1055x538, brag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the time biz realizes this, clc will have failed its funding round

>> No.13518616

>So if you want to know who won the football game, you can get data from fox sports, espn, etc. And then you can say ok this team won. Except you're trusting all those sources. It doesn't remove trust. That's because whatever computer, they can't verify things themselves because they don't know how to. How is ETH supposed to know, with 100% certainty, that you're dead? Even doctors call people's deaths and sometimes they come back alive minutes later.

There's the philosophical and then there's the practical. You're operating deep in the territory of the former.

>> No.13518824

Biz has two months to work it out. So does everyone else.

>> No.13518846

he makes some good points. basically the oracle problem. what the fuck is sergeys chainlink going to do about the oracle problem?

>> No.13518866

>guys, chainlink is going to allow data providers to monetize APIs for use in smart contracts, this is game changing, $1000 EOY

>guys, data providers are going to charge money for access to data via APIs, this is game changing, $0 EOY

>> No.13518882
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart contracts

>> No.13518950

How many clc and lp to make it?

>> No.13518981

Thanks for sharing this. Now in true biz style I'm going to ignore it and call you Timo

>> No.13519475

But muh timo

>> No.13519931

I don't see how this is different from any blockchain, where you're trusting whoever owns 51% of the hashing power.

>> No.13519976

Daily reminder that CLCG tokens are a vastly better investment than buying LINK itself.
If Timo doesn't succeed the entire chainlink network is doomed to failure.
Swift, Microsoft, DocuSign, Salesforce, EY, JPMorgan, Accenture and all the rest of the partners are counting on CLCG and Timo to negotiate these delivery details with API providers.
The 4IR itself will not succeed unless Timo gets his money.

>> No.13520045
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, absolutestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apply for a citizenship in israel, you'd fit right in

at this point im even convinced that fudders are either LP holders or whales with their environment already set up. These two demographics profit the most from acting so dense in every thread. Pic related, back in LP ICO biz was saying to just run your own node and LP is a scam, but now we have anons saying to just use LP and don't bother with running a node?

it doesn't have to be them, it could be any competitors like bedataready.io, but bottom line is post mainnet whales would have 1 year head start in reputation farming in various API niches of their choice, or at least until relevant services props up.

>> No.13520059

Which team member are you?

>> No.13520068

>Daily reminder that CLCG tokens are a vastly better investment than buying LINK itself
Fucking hell timo stop drinking mouthwash

>> No.13520182
File: 938 KB, 1375x1850, 1547396297604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q2 2019 first stage mainnet. No reputation services, no certification, little adoption apart from large corporations, similar to the infancy of telecommunications.
>Q1 2020. Network gains traction. CLC completes honeycomb MVP and offers STO.
>Q2 2020. Mainstream awareness should begin by now with multiple consumer smart contracts and DApps propping up. Demand for various flavours and types of APIs exponentially rises.
>Q3-Q4 Honeycomb full product launch with various high profile API providers on board, offering nodes to connect to every listed APIs with no upfront cost, just in time for the awareness phase much like binance before the 2017-2018 bull run.

As an aspiring linklet node operator I have strong interest in seeing them succeed. The interest wouldn't have been quite as strong if fudders could actually address how exactly are linklets supposed to negotiate for custom pricing. Do you have to form a group and go to the companies under the name of said group? How do you prevent them from flat out ignoring emails from literal whos? What happens if you want temporary subscription from different providers? Do you have to contact them one by one and hope for the best, while preparing a well written pitch for every single one of them?

So far all fud has been acts of misdirection, bait or just regurgitation of already-addressed and invalid arguments, none ever addresses the value proposition of the core issue CLC is trying to solve. If you really hate timo so much then destroy it at the core so even their meagre amount of supporter would give up on them.

>> No.13520209

Giving money to mooozlims and an Aussie faggot biz r smarter than that I hope allahuakbar

>> No.13521074

I thought some of the fuders definitely are playing an angle here
Frameo was the most vocal fudder on Delphi discord and was spreading lies about how much money they were asking, and a few days later he revealed he was a setting up his own nodes with niche APIs so clc was competition for him
Reminder to think critically and look into the fud sources, some people here would rather fuck over the entire community for their own selfish purposes
All it took was to meme a person as an easy scapegoat to contaminate all in depth discussions on the topic