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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13518051 No.13518051 [Reply] [Original]

I am a member of CLC but I can't say who I am. There is an internal conflict going on right now, we're split between those who want to vote Timo out and those who remain loyal to him. It's a civil war. Some of us are plotting a putsch and it might just tear our group apart. Behind closed doors a majority of us are really pissed at him and the PR nightmare he's fueled. What's worse is he just keeps making it worse with arrogant comments, he has zero self awareness about how he comes off. We can't vote him out unless everyone else agrees. Most of us realize we won't reach our soft cap goal entirely because of his bullshit. We've been working hard on our project and the irony is that he isn't even an active member. He brings nothing to the table while the rest of us are doing all the work. It's infuriating. We're all gonna fail because of him and I'm fucking pissed off because there's nothing I can do to get rid of him. And now it's too late to do anything anyway, the reputation of all of our members is tainted already. What a dumb piece of shit.

>> No.13518072
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>> No.13518078

The fuck is he, 5'5? We know Sergey's a manlet, but he probably towers over this cretin.

>> No.13518108

>There is an internal conflict going on right now
Little does the general public know that they are a bunch of homos fucking each other in the put every night to make up for the "internal conflicts"

>> No.13518121

Nah man the guy on the right is only 5'6. Camera angles!

>> No.13518132

what the actual fuck

>> No.13518202

there's nothing of the sort, how fucking pathetic for you to be this salty over someone's successful trade

>> No.13518253

Your fault for trusting a random 4channeler. That being said you're larping and clc is shit with or without Timo.

>> No.13518278
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I have no way to know if this is true or not, nor do I care.
The fact is, if CLC is as important and fundamental to Chainlink's success as the project says it is, then they don't need to ask biz for funding. They could EASILY pimp themselves to data providers and ask for seed money.
If data is the new oil and Chainlink nodes are to be the future's indispensible oil rigs, then the people who own the oilfields will surely invest in any opportunity to sell exponentially more oil than they already do.
For data providers, there are almost no downsides to Chainlink or a marketplace like CLC has proposed. With decentralization, they get to distribute their delivery risk to node operators who will in turn pay a premium for the privilege to carry part of that risk. For very high value contracts, data providers will also be able to charge 5, 10, 20 or even more nodes for the exact same api call.
If you can adequately describe to them this level of contractually required redundancy, and that node operators will be willing to bid up the market price of data just for a shot to 'mine' contracts for profit on their own risk, data providers will quite literally start to imagine free money on a platter of titties.
Knowing this, it is a very bad sign that CLC has spent so much time to beg for seed funding from a board full of unrepentent, underemployed losers,
and it is for this reason that I. am. out.

>> No.13518284
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the face of just

>> No.13518287


>> No.13518289

>CLC is as important and fundamental to Chainlink's success
Fuck off, if Sergey doesn't think they're needed, they are not needed.

>> No.13518298
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If you provide proofs that you unironically fired Timo and published a tweet running his career, Ill think about buying it, but being associate with such scum, I can't tolerate that

>> No.13518309

> civil war
Remember not to trust egyptians and to leave a proper dude in charge in Rome.

>> No.13518328

It's a conditional statement you brainlet.

>> No.13518410

Thanks just internally split 100k

>> No.13518450

Eliminate the soft cap and sell 20% instead of 10% and you'll end up June with at least 1000 ETH, else perish.

>> No.13518738 [DELETED] 

He's gotta be a woman

>> No.13518763
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I thought the CLC idea was good at first when I first looked into it. I probably would have invested but not with someone like Timo on the team with his conflict of interests and arrogance towards potential investors.

If they got rid of him then I might reconsider but for now I won't be investing, I'm out.

>> No.13518778

If Burak was smart he'd cut Timo loose and continue on with the rest of the professionals in the team
What a clusterfuck
A stain on the chainlink community

>> No.13518788

Nice dragons den reference Johnny

>> No.13518854


>> No.13519606

I know the team is monitoring close these threads. Pay attention to this simple strategy and you'll have an extreme increase of contributions

>> No.13519994
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you guys better have a fat stack of LP ready, shit's going to pump hard when no services similar to honeycomb comes up a few months after mainnet

doesn't have to be them - perhaps bedataready.io is a good option, but bottom line is whales would have 1 year head start in reputation farming in various API niches of their choice, at least until relevant services props up.

at this point im even convinced that fudders are either LP holders or whales with their environment already set up. These two demographics profit the most from acting so dense in every thread. Pic related, back in LP ICO biz was saying to just run your own node and LP is a scam, but now we have anons saying to just use LP and don't bother with running a node?

>> No.13520032
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The only fucking way I'd consider investing in this piece of shit would be to help fund the developers.
Timo's gotta go as well. He's fucking dead weight.
In order for this to be worth the risk, they're gonna have to up the percentage ownership from 10% to somewhere around 60-70%.

If they had (ANY) actual working product (I don't could contacting API providers and signing agreements with them a fucking product), they could justify selling a smaller (but not fucking 10%) ownership.

>> No.13520044

You're a maniac!

>> No.13520266
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Why is that out of ~45 people who showed interest in joining CLCG, Timo's member intro got the most mentions? He was one of the least qualified people in the Discord. Would like to hear from other CLCG team members and especially those who didn't make the cut. A company should remain loyal to the mission of the company, not the one retard who fucked it all up. The fact that he hasn't been let go yet is killing your guys credibility.

>> No.13520310

Ah, we have someone who was rejected from CLC here. That explains a few things.

>> No.13520343

Lol this is pajeet levels of resume

>> No.13520361

topkek, that explains why he likes reddit

>> No.13520737
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They want you to invest and are using every excuse in the book to not show any kind of proof of development because there is none!

>We dont feel comfortable making a tracker because our idea is superrr secret.

RED FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The worst part is these guys aren't even joking.

>> No.13520770
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imagine being this much of a brainlet believing the LP ICO fud lmao

>> No.13520790

If he doesn't do anything then how is there any holdouts to vote him out? What do you actually have to show from all of your "work" ? This is almost XBY tier kek

>> No.13520856

he says they are going to release information before the token sale ends faggot can't you read

>> No.13520902

During the LP ICO there was no soft cap. People would win an additional percentage of the unsold crowdsale just by sliding, saging, derailing and fudding every thread.

With CLC-Group shares it's different. Why would you fud a crowdsale that needs to meet a soft cap of 2,000 ETH when only ~125 ETH was contributed. Americans are still not allowed to participate, which are the main whales here.

>b-but whales are waiting to the last day so it looks like there is no actual interest on it.
What's the point if you still need almost 1850 ETH more in order to avoid getting refunded.

The valuation is a shit show. 10% of the company? We are here for the money. Burak, 2 other tech guys, one of their white collars and a CM are more than enough to accomplish all this.

>b-but we have to pay sallaries of the 12 marketing guys
What the actual fuck. Send emails larping as a big corporation (which is easy with the website and the whitepaper) and you will only need one skilled guy to make data providers feel interested on you. Don't pay sallaries, pay them with CLC shares. That way they will know if they don't work hard enough they won't see a penny.

>> No.13521242

5'11 vs 6'1

>> No.13521283

>5'11 vs 6'1
More like 6'11" u really think his dude on the rights chin to the top of his head is 2 inches common

>> No.13521313

Manlet detected

>> No.13521344

I get it, you want them to have less members so you get more equity for less money. Hmmmm.

>> No.13521457
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Fattoshi Scamamoto

>> No.13521538

If he wanted to trade it thats fine but he decided to shout it out to linktwitter like some fucking retard and then had the gall to turn around and be like "oh hey were also starting this link business plz giv us eth lol" fuck this fat ass old picture using nigger

>> No.13521552

Hi Thhomas

>> No.13521573

This wasnt too long after Confido had their exit scam, Linkies were skeptical

>> No.13521649
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Genuinely no one is interested in this shit show.
Fucking ~130ETH. Top kek.

This is also correct.
I do not give a flying fuck if this moron has a phd, actually it kinda works against him--he fell for the uni meme.
The fact that they think that their little "company" with their complex and highly profitable "teknowledgie" is going to be copied easily confirms that this is the cash grab everyone is saying it is.
If they're so worried that its going to be easy to clone, then literally ALL that they're doing is calling/emailing already available APIs and confirming that they're able to resell them at a markup.
They're fucking retarded.
Honestly...... I'll just make a competing website and then NOT have a token sale. AND provide the API data at-cost to me. I'll update on Monday.

Fuck these guys.

>> No.13521679

>Yeah guys we promise we will show you our product a few days before the token sale ends....promise.
Fuck off timo, just show it now you cunt. Obviously your devs are not making anything

>> No.13521695

lmao closed source, the absolite state

>> No.13521719

okay okay, someone explain this fiasco. this timo guy posted something on twitter? what happened?

ive been here the whole time, but i still dunno what happened

>> No.13521821

/Biz/ already reached consensus >>13513015
No need to beat the dead horse anymore

>> No.13521840

Nice idea anon, please do. Keep us updated with your progress.

>> No.13521902


>> No.13521953

Jesus Christ who gives a fuck about your bullshit

>> No.13522978

Don't get me wrong. THEY are the ones who are asking for money under the "we want this to become a community-owned project" premise. If they want my 80 ETH, offer something valuable and don't act as if your project was essential for Chainlink (it's not).

>> No.13522983

>closed source for an open source project

>> No.13523223

You couldn't make this type of FUD up. This is how they are actually trying to scam us. Linkies need to unite against CLC.

>> No.13523234

From Steve Ellis himself:
>A big consideration when planning (the Chainlink network) was to enable people to run Chainlink in as many places as possible. An important tenet of Chainlink is a diversity of inputs. We want to make a Chainlink node affordable to run and easy to install, so that people all over the world can run one on whichever computing platform they choose. So, make it accessible and do so without compromising on security or developer productivity.

From Sergey Nazarov:
>We’re currently working with multiple data providers, payment networks, and various API services, which we are actively enabling to be these key building blocks for the next highly successful smart contract. If you have data feeds, payments, and/or APIs which you want to sell to smart contracts, we’re here to make that process easy to implement; please feel free to email us at support@smartcontract.com, or sign-up to be contacted about your API.

THEY ARE ALREADY WORKING ON IT. CLC Group is overlapping Chainlink team's development.

>> No.13523244

Of course they're already working on it. Sergey thought of everything and won't need the work of a few /biz/raelis who are getting greedy.

>> No.13523315

They're not overlapping because CLC Group has 0 intentions of actually creating anything. The entire thing is an ex-mod discord group with unsavoury greedy cunts like Timo looking to pull a cash grab scam. The writing is all over the wall with how they talk about the community.

>Gives green light to their team members to bet AGAINST the product they are trying to enhance.
>Over valued
>insult potential investors
>Complete lack of professionalism
>Lack of any sort of business qualification from the ENTIRE team
>Trying to compare themselves against LinkPool and lying about their % of share sales
>Unable to show a single fucking shred of evidence they are working on anything....Because its a "Trade secret" (Yeah fucking right) B--b-but we promise to show it a few days before we've almost scammed a fuck-ton of money for doing nothing.

This is what a train reck looks like

P.s fuck timo

>> No.13523672
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>there was no softcap
because there was only a hardcap. softcap was only announced after it had 60%+ contribution.

>Why would you fud a crowdsale that needs to meet a soft cap of 2,000 ETH when only ~125 ETH was contributed.
pic related

So far most fud has been acts of misdirection, bait or just regurgitation of already-addressed and invalid arguments, none ever addresses the value proposition of the core issue CLC is trying to solve. If you really hate timo so much then destroy it at the core so even their meagre amount of supporter would give up on them.

>> No.13523684

>then destroy it at the core
thanks I will

>> No.13523728
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great point

From Heikki in discord:
"Yes, we have discussed our plans with many members of the Chainlink team, inc Sergey. There does not seem to be any overlap or conflict between what our two teams are currently working on. In our experience, the Chainlink team is very welcoming to third party projects building services on top of their tech. However it should be noted that as we all know, they are quite tight-lipped about any specifics."

pic related, from their cto