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13517241 No.13517241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I fuck this fat girl tomorrow? It’s been so long (6 months) and I’m so damn horny but I know I’ll regret it after. Please talk me out of it bros

>> No.13517450
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pride is just a pointless psychic boundary imposed upon yourself so that your "self", a small and illusory part of your true identity, can feel good about itself and comfortably function under the stupid rules that you've internalized from your parents, friends, society, and what you've seen in the media. Break the conditioning. Fuck the fat chick. Who gives a fuck? The only thing its going to hurt is your stupid pride. Your nuts and your lizard brain will thank you. Pride is not an evoluntary need. Its not eat/sleep/take a shit/pride. Its eat/sleep take a shit/fuck. Fuck that fattie

>> No.13517530

At least you have a girl who wants to fuck you. I’ve never once had sex in my life without paying for a hooker.

>> No.13517532

Jack off before any rash decisions anon

>> No.13517537

The self is the only part of you that is your identity though. Everything else is just instinctual animal behavior.

>> No.13517549

How fat is fat

>> No.13517551

Not really. It depends on how you conceptualize "self". It sounds like youre conceptualizing it as "self concept", when it goes deeper than that. What about the "I", or our sense of conscious awareness? Without that there could be no self concept. Its the thing that holds everything else in our minds, and its the base of our "I" and the "self" built on top of it.

>> No.13517553

who cares

your gonna die one day and the ppl who judge u are gonna die one day... and everyone on this earth is gonna die one day... and nothing will be remebered.

>> No.13517567

Your "self" is just the identifications of your "I". Its the same reason that the blanket you've had since childhood is special, and if it gets lost replacing it just isn't the same. Your identifications go into your physical body, your likes, dislikes, the things you do/dont do, or allow yourself to do, ect. Its bascially how you spend the psychic currency of your life force

>> No.13517570


>> No.13517590

'conditioning' and 'pride' exist to prevent unappetizing behavior becoming the norm tho. This is why alcohol exists, to bypass rationality occasionally. OP is consciously and soberly debating going on a whale-humping expedition. Next, it will have become a habit already. Its a slippery slope, climbing up that ass

>> No.13517593

do it you faggot its just another notch on the belt

>> No.13517602

Don't do it. I've been there and my whole body still shakes in disgust every time i get reminded about it. Rub one out, i'ts not worth it

>> No.13517620

yea well slides are fun

>> No.13517698

But does the self hinge on pride?

>> No.13517812

Do not fuck fat chicks soldier.

>> No.13517843

If you rub one out you won't think about it anymore

>> No.13518691

Fat chicks give good head because they are so used to pounding food in their throat.

>> No.13518709

>not only liking fat girls

Honestly can't comprehend how you can't find a fat gluttonous embarrassed girl with a massive ass and soft rolls not the sexiest thing on earth

Thank God in a way that normalfags don't share my patrician taste. It's better that way

>> No.13518712

This guy is asking the right questions here

>> No.13518715

Fuck her. Remember, pussy is always pussy

>> No.13518717

dont do it that smelly hamplanet will soil your soul. Go get a hooker or do a very nice masturbation session. Much better than a warpig

>> No.13518723
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Is it true that going without sex is harder once you've actually had it?

>> No.13518734

no. sex as a nessecarily awesome experience is a meme. a lot of sexual encounter can be shit and not worth it.

>> No.13518742

you are enabling fat girls by fucking them, if you want less fat girls in the world you have to stop fucking them.

>> No.13518748

Fap 3 times and then see if you still want to do it

>> No.13518757

I banged a whale (200+ lbs) once for about a month. She would have been cute if she lost like 60 lbs, but not at her state. As soon as i saw her naked i said to myself 'oh how the mighty has fallen'. She to this day has been the only girl I've gone limp while in the act of fucking.

I've applied this experience. Now theres a whale of even bigger statue who i know for a fact is a huge (double entendre!) whore that I'm about 95% wants me and I could bang with little effort. I would hate myself for knowing i banged that fatty.
Never again!

>> No.13518773

how can someone even entertain the idea of fucking a whale is beyond me. you had really respect for yourself when you did it. probably fell for the "pussy is pussy, i'm a man i need to fuck" meme

>> No.13518805

I had been single a long time, we were colleagues at work, and she made it very obvious she was interested, so it required almost no effort or risk of rejection. Basically she was super easy.

But like i said, as soon as i saw her naked and those flowing rolls, i almost yacked. Asked myself 'am i reallly doing this? Ok.' She also gave terrible head, which didn't help at all and was counter to stereotype.

>> No.13518817

I almost fucked a fat chick and am glad I jacked off instead. It's seriously gross. I'd rather stay an incel.

>> No.13518869

kys brainlet

>> No.13518893

Fat people are fucking disgusting and usually stupid too, I don't think pride has anything to do with it Dunning-Kruger. He's talking about wasting hours of his life he'll never get back to nut inside an unkempt landwhale which is an objectively shitty proposition by any metric.

>> No.13519015



Thanks God later.

You will understand.


>> No.13519034

>Thanks God later.
>You will understand.

>> No.13519085

Spoken by someone who will never amount to anything.

Pride is the standard at which you hold yourself, and by extension, the standard at which you wish to be held to by your peers.

Your peers will always judge you negatively if you fuck a whale/ugly girl.

>> No.13519232

a few years ago fat girl rodeo was a thing in my third world country
dudes would start talking with fat chicks at clubs and suddenly hug them while their friends would start counting while the whales tried desperately shake them off
shit got so serious and out of hand that regional and state championship started popping up
go for it OP, it's usually better than jacking off

>> No.13519243


>> No.13519251
File: 23 KB, 788x656, 7C695198-20AB-4700-9EBA-DA5DBEB6CCCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it for practice, get your self esteem up a bit. Unless she's JUST disgusting then fuck you. Post pics.

>> No.13519331

>should I fuck her
Only once she's mounted your face backwards, and rubbed herself off on your tongue with your nose pressed against her asshole

>> No.13519350

yep post pics.

>> No.13519535

this new joker movie going to be very based.
its the only one origin story of joker that make sense.
this is a joker that i like, a joke of society who become a villain.
compare it to joker from suicide squad who is a muscle chad with green hair, very very fake.

>> No.13519549

I have fucked several girls ranging from fat to thicc and can 100% confirm that fat chicks are the absolute best lays hands down no doubt about it. You don't need to pick a landwhale, but if she's got some extra meat on her and looks like she's insecure about it - she will let you piss on her and cum in her ass. DO IT!!!!!