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13517154 No.13517154 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to start a youtube channel on politics from the left. I'm not a lefty but being on the right gets you banned and I want lots of pay piggie money.

Can anyone suggest a good way of boosting a new channel fast or how to thread the needle of politics in this age without getting death threats etc? I want 100k subs in a year.

Help anon.

>> No.13517163

gotta be provocative
>without getting death threats
hold that thought

>> No.13517178

Cut your dick off and become a trannie

>> No.13517188

I couldn't even pretend to be a leftie convincingly. I don't think I could spout half of that shit with a straight face

>> No.13517195

ok if you want to get subs do this:

go to rallies and talk shit until you get punched or touched. take someone to film you. when you get punched even if its the lightest touch, fall down like a crying sack of potatoes (like fake football injuries). scream like a little bitch for medic or amberlamps or whatever.

>> No.13517205

Just make videos hating on Trump.

>> No.13517208

Just be a transexual black asian mexican muslim woman and you’re good to go!

>> No.13517287

Shill it on crappy subreddits.
That said, there's a lot of retarded infighting in the left, especially among socialists/anarchists/commies. They constantly attack and ban people for not being 'real' X or for being 'undercover fascists' and bs like that. they're truly a souldraining crowd to engage with. Your best bet is a casual normie channel and just shill retarded normie talking points. Shill it on FB groups.

Bonus points if you slip in redpills or accelerationism.

>> No.13517400

Leftism has literally no future anon, the future is ethnic tribalism where the political landscape isn't shaped by differences of opinion but by racial groups.

If you want to make a successful political channel you should better read the Unabomber and become a luddite, it will become massively popular in the future

>> No.13517453

you are retarded if you think being on the left is a good idea in the media today

watch this video and understand the left is dying


>> No.13517540
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Tim makes a good argument for a centrist youtube channel to nab the largest viewer base. Seems the sweet spot maybe slightly right of center.

>> No.13517589

Go on twitter and use the search bar to buy an account that already has 100k subscribers, you’re welcome

>> No.13517646

Wouldn't that be risky? I wouldn't know if the seller stolen the account or if they used junky bots over the course of the account life to gain those subs and risk account closure.

>> No.13517663

Nigga, I'm two points to the right of Gandhi according to politicalcompass. I used to worry about corporations like Halliburton sending the country to war overseas for oil. Now I worry about Faceberg and Twitter channeling public discourse into a narrow chute like cattle go through in a slaughterhouse. Thanks to neocons and neilibeeals, the left/right paradigm doesn't mean shit today. It's a question of whether or not someone is J-woke, and to a lesser extent, a race realist.

>> No.13517685

Onions sponsorship when?

>> No.13517693

Fucking autocorrent, I said Soilent