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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1351581 No.1351581 [Reply] [Original]

What stocks should I buy? What's the anime market like these days?

>> No.1351594


>> No.1351596
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right here pal

>> No.1351605
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Buy Joe Cocks stock

>> No.1352025

I'll bite

>How can I invest in anime?
By investing into companies that produce it.
>What's the anime market like these days?
I don't know personally so do some market research.
>What stocks should I buy?
After you finished your market research use technical analysis to help you make an educated decision.
TA doesn't guarantee profits though so stay on top of your investments.

>> No.1352027

A non-shitpost? This isn't the /biz/ I know!

>> No.1352030

You're right, I dun goofed. How embarrassing...

What I really meant to say was:
Learn to suck dick OP, invest in knee pads instead.

>> No.1352045

Go to anime convention


duck yea investing

>> No.1352046

Anime as a business is pure shit.

Just invest in Comcast or something where 0.00001% of their money comes from anime through their Japanese subsidiary, while the rest of the business is actually good and profitable.

If you still insist, >>755621 is my post from a year ago listing a bunch of other anime-related stocks.

>> No.1352055

Trump is going to make anime real

>> No.1352083
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buy as much Kaiji stock as you can afford and wait for the rocket ship to kick into gear (also make sure to get out before the bubble bursts)

>> No.1353299

You sell dirty pictures of cute girls to perverts.

Buy an entertainment company just before it does a big release of new material and before a fuck ton of early investors have bought in. Check the price spikes over the last few years if you like archival research. This will help you know if the time is right. (You still might be wrong so be careful how much money you put down on the play.)

This can be risky and you can lose a shit load of money if nobody buys the new product. If it is a smash hit though, you will make a decent return. That is the time to sell.

>> No.1353531

Anime is an incredibly niche market that only stays afloat because autists in Japan are willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for a BD set and a few hundred more dollars for figures of their waifus.

This is also why the majority of anime for the last few decades has been regurgitated SoL shows with the handful of female character tropes. The industry would literally collapses if the autists stopped getting their waifus.

IMO, a better move would be to invest in western countries who license and localize manga and LNs, like Vertical.