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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13513979 No.13513979 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to LARP your way to millions?

>> No.13514026

yeah it's called sales. You have at least 10 avenues to sell stuff and make millions. Learn to pitch, learn to engage with people. It's professional LARPing.

If you're a god at LARPing and you can also afford to hire employees, you can do a startup. Then you can engage with decamilionaires and con them out of their money.

>> No.13514782

tony robbins did it. he hasnt done anything else but larp

>> No.13515259

Salespeople are the scum of the earth. The more they lay on the quicker I am to tell them to leave me the fuck alone & make sure I give the next guy the sale because fuck salesmen.

>> No.13516162

if you're good
if you're bad you're stuck mining on a loss and claiming you're someone while people laugh at you (drunk)

>> No.13516273

Yea, its called working at a VC/IB/HF, all these guys here are just pro LARPers its the ideal biz career path

>> No.13516534
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>> No.13516564

Shut up dork

>> No.13516586

All the largest companies have salesman, because every company needs sales.

>> No.13516602

Yes. Until you're caught.


This chick basically pretended she was a rich heiress and she unlocked a world of celebrity shit and convinced people to advance money for her. She actually was trying to kind of be legit in the end.

>> No.13516626

>If you're a god at LARPing and you can also afford to hire employees, you can do a startup. Then you can engage with decamilionaires and con them out of their money.
im working on this. still at the idea stage.any advice? on that or the sales advice

>> No.13516633

Yes, enter theranos.

>> No.13516658

>Yea, its called working at a VC/IB/HF
elaborate? got any experience at that? how would one break in? whats it like? What sorts of positions and whats the salary like?

>> No.13516714

Okay so I warm you up with a paid actor to hard sell you up front, then when you’re nice and pissed, I walk in just after things settle sweet and slow.
