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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13512784 No.13512784 [Reply] [Original]

If you could recommend your younger self ONE book related to business&finances, which one would it be?

>> No.13512791

the one with the title "buy 1000 bitcoin at $1 hold till $1 million"

>> No.13512792
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>> No.13512795


>> No.13512806

bitcoin whitepaper

>> No.13512834
File: 774 KB, 997x1681, Zentralbibliothek_Zürich_Das_Kapital_Marx_1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this

>> No.13512850

Who‘s the author?


>> No.13512860

She is so fucking hot. Can you imagine walkin up to her and just put it in?

>> No.13512865

should say december 2017 else past you would have sold at the august ATH. $3k was insane already. heck, imagine holding bitcoin from 10 cents to $3k, would you believe your magic future book telling you to hold until december, or start to think maybe your own actions changed the timeline and you need to take profit now?
ideally you'd actually have a book with bitcoin price chart month by month, so you can follow it

>> No.13512883

Because it accurately describes capitalism and how and why it's inevitably going to collapse.
>inb4 COMMIE
Yes, I'm a communist but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in how capitalism works. I want do as well as I can under it for as long as it lasts because it'll still be a good amount of time before it collapses.

>> No.13512918

Die you commie faggot. What possible reason do you have for posting on this board.

>> No.13512922

Bitcoin whitepaper
Mastering bitcoin

Anything bitcoin related really as soon as it came out.

>> No.13512952


>> No.13512956
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I just found out this is the same girl

>> No.13512967

the bitcoin whitepaper

>> No.13512991
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>Die you commie faggot.
Lol triggered right-winger detected
>What possible reason do you have for posting on this board.
I just told you, I'm interested in how capitalism works and how I can do as well as I can under it for the remainder of its existence. I'm really interested in China and their economy for obvious reasons. Also the memes here are pretty good.

>> No.13513005

I read the right books, I just grew too apathetic to use them.

>> No.13513023
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Also this

>> No.13513031
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And this

>> No.13513041
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>> No.13513044

>as long as it lasts
You will be dead long before this system fails.

>> No.13513057

I wouldn't be so sure. The US has like 10-20 years max left as the world's superpower. China is catching up and getting more of the world on their side through investment and diplomacy, and socialism is still the end goal of the CPC.

>> No.13513114

I read it when I was younger and liked it at the time. Now I view it as a cope. Yeah sure those guys were millionaires but most of them weren’t actually wealthy. What’s the point of penny pinching for 40 years to have a net worth of 2mil. I especially enjoyed the car cope:
>Hehhe everyone who owns a luxury car is an idiot. FROM POINT A TO B.
t. own a new leased benz, no regrets

>> No.13513134


Kill yourself Commie

>> No.13513162
File: 33 KB, 321x499, 51OZOVQU8aL._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning through Intimidation, by Robert Ringer. This is a book that breaks down all human interactions, whether it is for business, employee/employer relationships, or any other human interaction. It highlights the author's ascension from normal dude to power real estate broker (in the 70's), but don't confuse him with con men. I have made sure my nieces and nephews have read this book by age 16.

>> No.13513175

>Boohoo not everyone is a braindead right-wing faggot like me
Fuck off

>> No.13513188
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The thing is, you have to change your mindset first before you know you should get into finance and investing, I think the book that puts the most people on the right path, and the book I wish i had read when i was 18 would have to be Rich Dad Poor Dad, there is no better Mindset business book ever written, this book has taken more people out of the wageslave mindset than any book ever written, had I read it at 18, i would not have wasted a decade being a wageslave and collegecuck.

>> No.13513233

Taking notes here, thanks anons

>> No.13513259

The book would be a note to myself, it would say one thing: NEVER START PLAYING WOW, IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE.

>> No.13513285
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>> No.13513324


Here is some more wisdom for you from a 35 year old boomer, I never had any concept of how important sales and marketing is in business and in life, if you ever want to start your own business or be successful in any way you have to learn how to sell, in that respect I will list a couple of my favorite sales type books.

1. Dotcom Secrets: Russell Brunson
2. Ask : Ryan Levesque
3. How to Master the Art of Selling : Tom Hopkins
4. Secrets of Question Based Selling : Thomas Freese
5. Influence : Robert Cialdini

^ These books have changed my life more than any of my MBA classes ever did.

>> No.13513331

lmao literally the worst book ever

>> No.13513367


>> No.13513411


Literally the all time best selling business book ever written, you know why, cause it had the audacity to attack the golden calf that everyone false worshiped, he showed the entire world that buying your own home was the worst decision you would ever make, and he taught millions the actual difference between a liability and an asset.

What have you done cuck?

>> No.13513520
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>own a new leased benz

seems like you missed the point of the book tho. it wasn't about penny pinching, it was about living an average life and being able to retire comfortably at a reasonable age instead of greeting people at walmart until the day you die.

bet you drive a CLA or base C300 btw lmao

>> No.13513533
File: 1.18 MB, 1147x1524, 791AE340-E526-410A-8981-420C19B2F0CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Millionaire Next Door.

Live below your means, save and invest the rest.

>> No.13513584

Who is this aryan goddess?

>> No.13513633

>implying that the linguistic boundaries which encompass a person's understanding of 'capitalism' mean anything important.
The utter state of word worshippers.

>> No.13513642

Fuuuuuck I remember this chick now. There was an era where the majority of beautiful women actually fucking looked and carried themselves like this. We have truly failed bros. I unironically am waiting for femme bots to save us. Once the thots realize we can get much hotter ‘women’ to do whatever we want they will fall in line

>> No.13513909

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

>> No.13514075


I wish I had read The Game, 48 Laws of Power, and Sperm Wars when I was 18 years old. Those books really changed how I look at life, success, and women.

>> No.13514125

I wouldn't be so sure of that. Power and greed are strange things. I would assume their graduated version of socialism will be bastardized. There are no safe guards in human nature

>> No.13514135

>buying your own home was the worst decision you could ever make
yes goy just rent for 80 years until you die hehehe.

Not to mention housing literally always goes up. Even after 2008 housing has pretty much bounced straight back after ~5 years. that book is fucking retarded. i read it when i was a 14 year old. it's full of bullshit and that guy robert kiyosaki is no different from those trading guru's who try to sell you their course.

if you want good shit OP.
>The alchemy of finance - george soros
>how markets fail - john cassidy

that shit will teach you how the world actually works on a macro scale

>> No.13514165

Red pilled books to some extent. Sperm wars would wreck most 18 year olds tho

>> No.13514178

If authors knew anything about finance, they'd be too busy being rich to write books.

>> No.13514211

Nassim Taleb's Skin in the Game

>> No.13514248


"Not to mention housing literally always goes up."

Some people never learn

>> No.13514282

based any other recs? biz wise or in general?

>> No.13514297

Nice cheers from another boomer.
Nerds vs Salesmen

>> No.13514301
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>> No.13514329
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>reading a remedial level book made of out of the mind of an 8 day old baby dick snip and slurp inbred ethnic cultist

>> No.13514350

I'm a bit ashamed to say that the general advice is actually good. I was also reading his "before you quit your job" and a lot of this is true and useful.
His ability is to rephrase and systematize basic economic insights and principles in ways that are easy to understand to laymen. E.g. the way he talks about financial statements with income, expenses, assets, liabilities is congruent with basic bookkeeping theory and practice, but condensed down to the essentials and put into a useful context. His cash flow quadrant is a nice perspective on things. The B-I Triangle is useful (though the nitpicker would argue that it's incomplete and not covering all cases or could be arranged differently etc.).
Usually the people who complain about that sort of advice aren't street smart or can think for themselves but need to follow recipes to the dot. And if they have to fill in the blanks of reality themselves or the advice has to be adapted to their specific situation, they're overwhelmed and blame the author.

>>buying your own home was the worst decision you could ever make
>yes goy just rent for 80 years until you die hehehe.
Though this isn't his advice. He said that if you'd follow his perspective religiously, owning a house or car without letting them produce income would be wrong. But if you don't take it to the extreme, owning a house and car are still okay. He's just going through cases and show how they perform financially (assets vs. liabilities) and what wrong ideas people have about ownership.

>> No.13514374


In General, I find these good books for life wisdom

1. On the Shortness of Life : Seneca
2. Waldon Pond : Henry David Thoreau
3.Self Reliance : Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire : Gibbon

Business in general

1. Bookkeeping for Dummies : Lita Epstein
2. The Sales acceleration formula : Mark Roberge
3. The E-Myth Revisited : Mike Gerber
4. Never Split the Difference : Chris Voss

>> No.13514418


This is why I always considered this the greatest Business book i've ever read, now keep in mind I have 2 business degrees and have probably read around 100-120 books just for school , alone, but his ability to distill the main points of very complicated business ideas within financial statements, so the common man can understand it, is a very unique talent, I don't think anyone i've read has done it better.

>> No.13514431

This is okay, but the message is pretty basic (invest in investments/things that make money/appreciate). I think it's pretty overrated, along with How to Win Friends and Influence People (Never Eat Alone is much better IMO).
Personally, I'd recommend the classics, namely the complete works of Napoleon Hill. Also Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power and Mastery, Robert Cialdini's Influence, and Getting Past No by William Ury (the co-founder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation).
If you want a super duper summary on negotiation, it's this:
1. people subconsciously want to reciprocate,
relative shifts are viewed with more scrutiny than initial positioning, which is why anchoring works.
2. Loss aversion (somewhat related to the above)
3. Making your opponent feel like they are winning (perhaps by conceding something which didn't really matter to you) is important. See point 1.
4. Win-win isn't a meme. It'll sometimes be possible to actually occur, and often be possible to convince your opponent that it occured.
5. Don't go into full-out, heavy-handed, screw-him-over-no-matter-what every time. People talk.
6. Being cordial is very important. When you're aggressive, your opponent thinks he's losing/lost, which will make him resent you. To this end, you should practice "open" body language.
7. People often forget to control their lower torsos. Consider dropping a pen at a key moment.
8. Learn to read microexpressions.

>> No.13514467

thanks a lot!

>> No.13514501


>>"If you want a super duper summary on negotiation, it's this:
1. people subconsciously want to reciprocate,"

THIS A THOUSAND TIMES. One of the first things that stunned me when i learned sales and marketing was how incredibly successful the Law of Reciprocity is,, almost anyone who has ever sold a product online will tell you to give value first, you know why, because once you give someone value for free, they will feel like they owe you, and have to buy something from you.

>> No.13514508


No problem, i'm just killing time before i go out later tonight anyway, always happy to give boomer advice haha

>> No.13514534

I used that during my studies. The tutors that were rating our compsci homework received often some sweets/chocolate with my homework and even the most retarded solutions passed. Worked often. Though some saw through it and let me crash on purpose then, rating my work extra bad. So try to figure out who you can bribe and coerce that way before you do it.
True for business as well.

>> No.13514538

Not even left wing but only consuming knowledge from your ideology is what leads to group think you fucking brainlet.
Your life is analogous to Peterson gets rekt by a commie because you refuse to see the others viewpoint.
Go back to /pol/ and stay there

>> No.13514539

Nice, forgot about Brunson. I read his other book, Expert Secrets. It had some nice practical stuff about storytelling and framing, something most people treat theoretically. Are you in sales?

Some More:
Spin Selling
The Greatest Salesman in the World: kinda "soft", but a great parable. follow the instructions, no rushing through
Seth Godin's books, specifically The Dip.
Antifragile by Taleb (don't bother with his other books once you've read this, they're basically rough drafts of this)
Prometheus Rising (one of the best. Skip it if you hate everything that's woo-woo/metaphysical)
Zero to One
I'll see if I can remember anything else. If you've got some specific topics in mind, let me know.

>> No.13514545

>7. People often forget to control their lower torsos. Consider dropping a pen at a key moment.
What does that accomplish?

>> No.13514552

shit book

>> No.13514563

Can't believe I forgot to mention https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactance_(psychology).. It's one of the most important principles in negotiation; it's why being cordial and gentle is so important. Pretty cool use case though.

OH SHIT I just remembered: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

>> No.13514574

+1 for influence

>> No.13514579

The Millionaire Next Door.

>> No.13514580

Mine bitcoin 2011 at all cost

Now: buy bsv all you can

>> No.13514581

let's you see the orientation of their feet, tension, etc. which their upper torsos and relaxed posutre might have hidden. More of a tactic than a strategy, but It's one that stuck with me so I figured I'd throw it in.
One interesting thing about reciprocity is that it works even when you know it's happening. I bet pretty much every tutor would have given you a good grade if they had to grade it in front of you.

>> No.13514616


No, I'm an accountant, but i recently started a side business doing online advertising campaigns for small businesses. Not a lot of small business know how to do Google Ads, it's good side money, the problem is i didn't really know anything about how to do sales until the last year or so.

>> No.13514643

Cool, where are most of your clients coming from? I believe google has a free program on google ads which can get you a certification: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/9029201?hl=en

>> No.13514659
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This baby! Nice stories and some good psychological insight on the market

>> No.13514705

that response made me kek. have a nice weekend bud!

>> No.13514726


Kind of random, I don't really have a niche yet, but I should. I just looked up businesses in my city that didn't show any search results with ads in google when I searched their names. Sent out some e-mails and regular mail, and made some calls, got a couple clients. It's actually a lot of work to do by yourself, but at least its work i can do at home, which is always better.

>> No.13514758

See if your company will pay you to go to networking meetings. Once there, network, then later slowly get a feel for their business and if you can help them. Focus on your network and being genuine.

>> No.13514768

Way to Wealth by Ben Franklin

>> No.13514786

his autobiography is great too. the method he used to learn writing is a fantastic example of deliberate practice. For more on that, read Cal Newport's Deep Work and So Good They Can't Ignore you.

>> No.13514838


I suppose.

The Game and Sperm Wars, made me better with women but also depressed. Because they expose women for what they really are and life for what it really is.

So it was kinda win-lose.

I achieved much more, but I'm much less happy now that I better understand human psychology.

We're animals.

>> No.13514935

wtf is wrong with all of you.
number 1 by far is fastlane millionaire. If you are broke you need to read this. Everything else in this thread is shit for actual advice, except this book.

Number 2 is 4 hour work week. It is pedantic but it is true. your time is #1 asset in this galaxy, dont blow your short time span of consciousness.

number 3, go with something pragmatic on the topic of making sales, I would shill storybrand or scientific advertising.

The final redpill, is that you need to stop reading and start 1. Building or 2. Selling ASAFP

>> No.13515145

American Psycho. Have watched the movie a dozen times since it came out, but only read the book last year. Fantastic read.

>> No.13515194

Socialism?/Communism never worked and never will

>> No.13515202
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Millionaire fast lane

>> No.13515399
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A Random Walk Down Wallstreet.

Traders can’t consistently beat the market when your timeframe is long enough (25 years or more). Just get a ultra-low fee broad market mutual fund.

>> No.13515444


Ahh Thoreau and Emerson. They were my American bibles for several years. Excellent reads, brilliant minds. Although, Thoreau had a neckbeard that borderlined on hipster and he seemed to have a slightly shitty attitude like John Lennon, which I can totally appreciate and identify with.

Need to revisit them and see how much I've changed, or not.

>> No.13515461
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I'm only 19, but a book that changed my way of thinking in general was "Think and grow rich". It's kinda business related I guess. One of the interesting parts of it was about creativity. Overall the book has a lot of emphasis on your thoughts and how you can create better thoughts to make your life better. Like for example first there is a thought, then the thought becomes an action, the action becomes a habit and the habit is part of you. So basically what u think and what u feed into your brain is you.

>> No.13515657


>> No.13515706

Wrong. Once you make it you have all the time in the world to gloat.

>> No.13515907
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reading through this one now

nothing groundbreaking but i find it interesting and well-written

it feels more logical than preachy, compared to other "self help" type books

>> No.13515988

OP listen to this. I would have said that but instead I'll say a John Bogle book like Common Sense on Mutual Funds or The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. It has the same message: buy and hold low-cost index funds.

>> No.13516064 [DELETED] 

Anything by Bogle is great

But alternatively this, if you want something a little less dry/wordy and a little more like a father just having a conversation with you about finances over a couple beers.

Simple Path completed changed my life regarding finances, investing, and thinking about financial independence.

>> No.13516077
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Anything by Bogle is great

But alternatively this, if you want something a little less dry/wordy and a little more like a father just having a conversation with you about finances over a couple beers.

Simple Path completed changed my life regarding finances, investing, and thinking about financial independence.

>> No.13516088

It's embarrassing how retarded you people are. Eat shit you fucking faggot.

>> No.13516097

It worked for hundreds of millions of people before the West destroyed it and it will work again in the future when the West burns.

>> No.13516192

Add "atomic habits" to that list if you want some more actionable advice. If you like the logical, non-preachy type, also consider Robert Cialdini's Influence.
that's a pretty interesting definition of the work "worked" you got there.

>> No.13516196

Unironically this

>> No.13516291

You've yet to realise that it'll all happen again with BSV, and then, it'll happen again, over a longer period, then repeat (again) such is the nature of a deflationary economic system :D

>> No.13516433

It raised the standards of living for millions of people living under Western imperialist oppression. It wasn't perfect but it was preferable to a life of subjugation and crushing poverty as slaves to the American empire.

>> No.13516455

Sort of like how billions of people have been lifted from poverty over the past twenty years? Seen the ‘elephant chart’ yet?

That said I’d vote for socialism if our country resembled denmark or sweden and had zero immigration or foreign influence

>> No.13516513

That was mostly on China where the government focused on raising the standard of living through industrialization. Billions more live in misery as slaves to the Western neoliberals. China will destroy the West by beating them at their own capitalist game and liberate the oppressed masses of the 3rd world

>> No.13516571
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>capitalism and how and why it's inevitably going to collapse
said anon while BUYING his Che Guevara T-shirt

>> No.13516588

>haha you buy thing in capitalism

>> No.13516594
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Forgot pic. Also Venezuela's economy is mostly privately owned. The Saudis drove down oil prices by overproducing which fucked Venezuela's publicly owned oil industry.

>> No.13516615

Trash book, well depending on how you look at it. Most people cope with it and say, millionaires live just like me. These people penny pinched and couponed their lives away.

A good takaway would be that a million is nowhere near enough to be comfortable even back then. Id say if you have anything less than 10m you’re uncomfortable, there are some events that can have you blindsided and living like these people. Thats the goal that book gave me

>> No.13516717

I want to be so rich that I could take a dump on a celeb thots face and they would ask me for money to do it again.

>> No.13516801

You hate current society yet live in it? Hypocrite!

>> No.13516856


socialism works insanely well, and has been at least partially adopted by most western nations who all have a higher standard of living than the USA.

You can be a capitalist who likes socialist programs. They are not diametrically opposed. I believe in a security net to help other people be successful in life is what makes a civilization noble.

paying your taxes is the most patriotic thing a citizen can do.

>> No.13516894
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Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


>> No.13516931
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>2 matches

>> No.13516967


Lol, or you can make the exact same amount of money, not save, and stay poor your whole life. That sounds like a plan.

The fact is most people waste money and similar attitudes as yourself "this sounds hard and has along payoff, why try?" help keep people poor.

>> No.13516988

Imagine believing this.

> paying your taxes is the most patriotic thing a citizen can do

Tell that to the founding fathers.

> socialism works insanely well, and has been at least partially adopted by most western nation

It raises the minimum standard of loving in culturally homogenous societies with high trust, but the most productive and capable people go the US.

Also these countries significant benefit from capitalist investment in medicine, technology, and entertainment which trickles from the US.

>> No.13517688

this is one good

>> No.13517705

She's a whore after all. Fucking killed it

>> No.13517706

Based and redpilled.

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.13517715

>muh efficient market
>thinks crypto follows boomer shit rules
You should sell before you lose your social security check, grampa

>> No.13517728

Weak comeback

>> No.13517730

He says on the internet, which was made by the government

>> No.13517779
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I'm one of the few zoomers that ended up going from rags to riches with my degree by making a lot of careful decisions instead of just picking a meme degree, so I'd probably not change a thing. The only meaningful thing as far as books go is probably introducing porn into my life a lot sooner than when I actually properly discovered porn.

>> No.13517786
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books are for queers and squares

>> No.13517965

>Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire : Gibbon
Only useful books in this thread