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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13506088 No.13506088 [Reply] [Original]

Starting as a driver at UPS after a year of working in their warehouse. I know im going to hate it. They are micro managing and cutting corners more every day

>> No.13506103

You gonna get some good pay if what ive been told about their pay is true.

>> No.13506116

21 an hour starting off. They monitor literally every step you take though.

>> No.13506138

wow imagine if your boss actually made sure you were doing the work you said you were doing

>> No.13506148

That's fucking bang I only make $23/he but that job looks way more easy

>> No.13506165

I worked at UPS when I was 18. Started out loading trailers and then became a sorter after I memorized all the zip codes in Oregon/Washington. That was a long as time ago, I imagine computers do a lot of that now.

>> No.13506178

Ehhh that sounds annoying. If they send someone with you they'll probably make sure you step off the truck with the "correct" foot. Iirc you can get to at least 60k or 80k a year if you're employed with them long enough.

>> No.13506255

You can do everything correct and finish early and will still get bitched at hardcore for things like not putting your seatbelt on before starting your truck. Im going to do the job and hope for the best, but the drivers i work with now always look really unhappy to be there.

>> No.13506269

you know small procedural things like that I would imagine are easy enough to get down pat with enough time on the job, I would think the concerns voiced (i.e., key points of bitch-outs) would be about things like "it took you 16 seconds to put that package on the porch when data shows it should only take 12!" you know shit like that

>> No.13506285

yo management be black?

>> No.13506310

Yeah thats probably the most annoying part honestly. People that havent done the job a day in their life make up all these numbers and requirements. They could never adjust to the standards and requirements they set for you and will yell at you for not meeting them.

>> No.13506328

well even if those numbers were manageable, it would be most reasonable to just compare you statistically to other employees rather than some arbitrary maximum number
like "you were in the 50% percentile for task X", shit like that

>> No.13506355

Yeah thats true. I wish i would have gotten a job here 6-7 years ago. They havent been making as much money recently so they are really getting pissed and cracking down. They made 2 billion the first quarter of this year but they are used to more.

>> No.13506534

Ups driver here. Started at ups at 17 loading trucks. Started cover driving at 22 making 28hr. Signed the full time bids and got a full time spot at about 27. I’m topped out now at 38hr. I make right over 100k last year working about 45 hours.

Anon, the job is easy. If your soft you won’t make it. Management lies to you, threatens you, ect. I highly recommend you read your Union contract book and know it from front to back. They have tried me, I battled with them. I got grevience money. They leave me alone.

I now have a cushy residential route. I get 4 weeks paid vacay, I get 8 personal days. Free health care. Pension. I’m comfy as fuck anon.

>> No.13506551

Tell them that they are harassing you and to fuck off. File a harassment grevience.

Ups can not use performance to discipline you and the Union contract will back you 100%. Dont bullshit or slack. Work at a decent pace. Fair ways work for a fair days pay.

>> No.13506588

Sounds nice. I even wanted to be a ups driver at one point when i was younger iirc. However I'm skinny and have a hard time gaining weight. I'd likely lose weight and have to quit assuming i could even lift the heavy packages or even hold onto the loader position first.

>> No.13506604

Youll top out a 40$ in 5 years, im in line to be a driver. I swear you sound like a bitch cause I was a driver helper and that shit was fun as fuck

>> No.13506659

> Waiting in line to be a driver
Good luck with that, former driver-helper here, make 60k in ops supervision doing 8 hours at a desk comfy.

>> No.13506844

You got no job security you supervisor fag. The teamsters aren’t what they were, but if you know the contract they will move on the next soft ass nigga.

Op, I’m comfy as fuck. I’m in my early 30s....Work safe, work at a good pace and the job is chill as fuck. Every year I travel for a week or two, it’s great. I have 8 personal days that I can take if I give 1 hour notice... WHENEVER

All my friend are out of shape. I’m in the best shape of my life. They got student debt, I own house, cars and I’m in great shape if you want to measure success the normal way

I’m gonna tell you op, if you don’t stand up for your self after you make seniority aka 30 days the company will walk all over you and make your life a living hell. I see it happen any day. Get to know your shop steward or become one your self.

>> No.13506859

People design these systems for idiots. They want to be able to hire anyone and ensure they are doing what they are supposed to and get rid of them.

If you don't like that style of thing, stay away from disposable jobs at large companies. monitoring and stats is the name of the game.

>> No.13506875

Because statistics are racist

>> No.13506931

Wow 8 of them!? I'm 29, get 15 of them I can take within a weeks notice y'know because I'm in a position that matters and I can't be replaced at a moments notice. I'm also in decent shape still.
> No job security
Yeaahhh my 11 years with the same employer moving up 4 times across 2 different states is a really bad resume, I'm really on my way out despite being promoted 2 months ago. You're a fucking idiot, and knowing that now, well all I have to say is you're going to be a great driver.

>> No.13507029

Lol at thinking anybody can do the job. We can’t find drivers because it’s “too hard” and “not worth it”

>> No.13507089

I get $25 an hour to install rubber tubes on roads to count traffic.