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13505012 No.13505012 [Reply] [Original]

/bizfit/ master race reporting in. Post your favorite lift and your biggest bag.

Incline bench, FTM.

>> No.13505265

I only have the rock. I think it weighs about 80 or 90lbs. I found it in my yard, I pick it up. I walk around with the rock. I throw the rock. At first it was really hard but now the rock is...manageable. I've gotten quite strong.

No gym fees or equipment costs.

>> No.13505277

Gym's are fucking dreary. Why would you lift weights in a room full of insta normies and dude bros when you could do lead climbing or BJJ/Muay Thai and get fit and strong while actually learning something and enjoying yourself.

>> No.13505280

I'm a runner fag, 100% fantom.

>> No.13505282

>female to male

Checks out lmao get fucked tranny

>> No.13505292

Clean and jerk and FTM lets go

>> No.13505332
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Cannot do heavy lifts , can grow muscle easily but have bad skin prone to extreme stretch marks

>> No.13505406

Just do turtle hermit training fucking faggots

>> No.13506392
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>federal aid housing costs

>> No.13506414


>> No.13506416

Curls... in the squat rack.
Bitcoin Craig Satoshi’s Vision

>> No.13506417
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Please, you have to help me sirs. Yesterday I decided I have to get a little fit at least, since I'm a skinny fat male bitch with a disgusting body. I mangaged to do only 3 pushups. I thought this is so bad it might be something wrong with me? Should I just continue and do 3 every day and add one more every week? I have also been on a carni diet for 6 months and lost 6kg so I think it is some hope for me to become a human being.

Me fatty in scooter, you smug chad. Please send help

>> No.13506436
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>Upside down weighted pelvic thrusts on the treadmill.

>> No.13506443


>> No.13506610
File: 62 KB, 600x600, shredded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started to get fit just this year, im now at month number 3. I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week and go trailrunning in parcs and mountains around quebec city.

How i got to do this is mainly because of an old friend who now also studies here at the same Uni as me. He had already begun the fit lifestyle. One day i chose to join him and start working out.

I've tried to get fit twice before in my life without success. And for real anons. Having a bro with which to do it and who's similarly hyped makes the whole difference. Going to the gym alone whenever v.s. knowing you meet your friend there at x time makes the difference when you tired and questioning whether you should go.

He was just a gym bro. I had never entered into gym bro culture, so having him was exactly what i needed. I like hiking and mountains and shit. So we morphed both our ways to a gym/trail workout.

Now seeing real good gains, looking pre-ripped. Even better and more precise nutrition and i'll be there in no time.

I heavily encourage fellow non-bizfit anons who do not exercise. Do it. For real the endorphin and dopamine rush you get when you finish a real fucking workout is insane. I get some kind of very clean, clear and wired high that lasts for about 1-2 hours and its fucking lit. Do it anons, I believe everybody needs to see themselves fucking ripped at least once in there live and if you are young, the time is now, cause your not getting gonna work a 6 pack in there at 40+ years old.


>> No.13506624

Thanks, this is encouraging. How's your diet?

>> No.13506669

I agree but the gym has one big advantage.
You set the schedule.
I have a busy day to day between my job and my side hustles, and following a set training schedule just doesn't work.
For working out, i just need a minimum of 45 minutes, be it a 6 a.m, at lunch or at 9 p.m

>> No.13506677

lifting weights makes you even better at all those things
you don't even have to go to a gym, just get home equipment

>> No.13506688
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swimfag here desu im working mostly on weight loss, normally I wouldn't even bother with the gym but my company has a good deal on a 2 year memship and it's the easiest access to a pool/hottub

>> No.13506757

exactly thats the only things missing. I havent really changed my diet at all but just reminding myself to eat more often. I eat good food i'd say. A variety of everything and the one thing i stand on is that i dont go cheap at the grocery store. I always have a full fridge and im feeding myself good. If you do that with real food and not eat out all the time you should be good. Although through logic, research and my gymbro, if you really go sharp on the nutrition and plan out all your meals for the right amount of nutrients, you can probably cut your time to get ripped by half or even 3 fold if you go hard asf.

>> No.13506788

Big brain anon comin through


>> No.13506809

Do pushups to failure every other day.
Eat a balanced diet you fag
Carni is a meme jfc

>> No.13506818

A shitbag coin for a shitbag gymbro

>> No.13507906

Thanks. I'll do that and see where it takes me

>> No.13507920
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>it might be something wrong with me?
>I have also been on a carni diet for 6 months
please let this be real

>> No.13507941

Kettlebell TGU and FTM.

>> No.13508043
File: 180 KB, 900x900, pepelit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to blog like a fag but here

>tfw squatted almost 200 pounds at age 20
>benched 130
>far from stronglift but pretty good for a 160 lb lanklet
>tfw got testicular cancer at age 21 and turned into a 250 lb fat depressed mess

cancer's in remission since 2 years without chemo and testosterone levels are fine, but I've lost my energy, desu it feels like I used to have sort of like a fire and I've lost that and now all I feel is emptiness, any advice bizbros?

>> No.13508061

You are depressed and have no energy because you are fat. Your lifts were shit even at your best. Just force yourself to go to a gym thrice a week for a month until it becomes a habit and you will have more energy. You are a massive faggot and pushing the limits of how long you can pull the cancer card as an excuse.

>> No.13508107

>250 lb fat
That's actually quite disgusting. Try carni diet. It helped me alot with weight and energy. Check out Frank Tufano on youtube

>> No.13508112

>116kg press
>155 kg dead
>125 squat

im an obese faggot working out 1 year

>> No.13508126

I see, you press 116kg above your head. As that is the meaning of press. But maybe you mean bench press? And no, I'm not confused with the term overhead press, just press implies it's overhead.

>> No.13508146

post pics of the rock

>> No.13508177

I lovd this this place, people who had cancer get called faggots instead of bullshit sympathy.

>> No.13508230

dumbbell curls
1 BTC bag

>> No.13508268


>> No.13508281

When you've learned to love the rock you will have made it.

>> No.13508289

Shoulder press

>> No.13508300

Do people really still fall for the bjj/muay Thai meme? This isn't 2008 anymore

>> No.13508550

>anything other than deadlift and LINK


>> No.13509113
File: 14 KB, 260x260, HMMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military press

>> No.13509154

sounds and probably is gay

>> No.13509172

Weighted pull ups/dips

>> No.13509214


>> No.13509248

300kg squat
220kg bench
310kg deadlift

Bitcoin biggest bag.

>> No.13509376

Can Double Dutch 380.

0xBTC because I'm strong like an Ox.

>> No.13509400

Cringe. I used to be big, big into lifting. Thank fuck I finally got over that retarded shit.

Of all the 100s of wonderful physical activities there are, all the ways to use and improve your body... what a surprise, the 'sperges can only think to pick up fucking weights and put them back down again, all alone in a rented garage i the hope that they will develop serious imbalances and injuries and lose all their friends in the process.


> hah, loll enjoy being WEAK bro enjoy getting BULLIED lol I bet I could deadlift u bro HAH *tears streaming down face* I'd post a pic but it will make you jelly I gained 45lbs this year so far and still under 35%bf *nose running heavily* 200lbs is always 200lbs bro team sports are for CHADS uh I mean LOSERS lol *barely able to breath, crying so hard* u r too scared to go to a gym like a real man

>> No.13509407

>handstand pushups

>> No.13509553

read the sticky

>> No.13509590

Post body

>> No.13509644

Weighted pull ups

>> No.13509914

This /fit/ never has threads on actual sports. Bunch of faggots.

Kettlebell swings

>> No.13509947

/homegym/ crew