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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13504953 No.13504953 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13504958


>> No.13504966
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1529558894778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it happening?
5805 already

>> No.13504967

Shut your hole, pajeet.

>> No.13505001



The moment withdrawal problems start appearing we're going to be in for some parabolic greed candles.

>> No.13505009
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>> No.13505010

why the fuck is it trading +10% of Binance BTC's market?

>> No.13505020

Getting people to fomo in duh

>> No.13505024
File: 570 KB, 1790x1482, Bitconnect-Meme-Video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because as >>13505001 wrote.

Yep, happy to chill in my real Fiat Currency and wait.

>> No.13505025
File: 48 KB, 537x524, 1477885768389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that last time BTC was trading at a premium on finex was before the crash from 6k

>> No.13505029

Bobos rekt, the bottom is in

>> No.13505032

I must be missing something, this is way to easy to Arbitrage. Can I just send my binance btc to bitfinex, sell it there for USDT, send USDT to binance, exchange for BTC and repeat cycle?

>> No.13505035

Calling a millionaire California a pajeet
Nigga please

>> No.13505037

Bitfinex has withdrawals disabled

>> No.13505039

It always pump before crashing.

>> No.13505041

From* god damnit I rekt myself

>> No.13505049

>Bitfinex has withdrawals disabled
I thought it was just diasbled for USDT, couldn't I just do it with another coin that is 1:1 between binance and Bitfinex

don't tell me all withdrawls are disables for Binfinex, that'd be hilarious

>> No.13505056

and what has the price of BTC on that shitfest got to with reality ?

>> No.13505058
File: 755 KB, 674x507, well-do-i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so what?
When it was 5000 everywhere else it was 5300 on finex
Look at the price now
They are ahead of the game
It IS the current price everyone else is trailing in their wake
/biz/ will try to debunk this (and fail)

>> No.13505071
File: 160 KB, 600x600, 1540518953683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the premium gets to 10% the real shit show will start.

same thing happened on MTgox and recently with QuadrigaCX.

the premiums got to 10% on both exchanges and they folded soon after.

>> No.13505073
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>> No.13505076

People dumping USDT for BTC, this doesn't mean they will dump BTC for fiat.

>> No.13505081

Man I love it!
Listening to Jazz, watching the Market and already sitting in Cash to buy all these cheap Coins in the future.

>> No.13505095

Does anyone know how much money and crypto is in that exchange? If the feds confiscate the funds or shut the exchange down, how much is going to get wiped off the books?

If it was easy to arb this then people would be doing it left and right. Problem is that you're not going to get Fiat out of that exchange in a timely manner.
Even if you pay for the express service there are delays in withdrawals. I don't think they have flat out disabled withdrawals yet, but when we see the money getting stuck that's when the fireworks start.

>> No.13505107

JUST give them the chance. One last chance to get out of cryptoshit, failing fraudulent exchanges and endless scams for good ole USD, thats all they ask

>> No.13505122

they are like number 1 for actual real volume not fake wash trading etc, https://www.worldcoinindex.com/coin/bitcoin
also chance most of the 2017 runs pump was from tether and bitfinex pumping it https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/13/technology/bitcoin-price-manipulation.html

>> No.13505131 [DELETED] 

> Something that happens in the past must happen again.

>> No.13505155

>also chance most of the 2017 runs pump was from tether and bitfinex pumping it
you are so fucking retarded

>> No.13505198

what? a lot of manipulation took place due to finex + tether along with scam icos everywhere with ether and slapping the word blockchain on any problem caused a 1000% increase in new idiots buying due to exchanges like coinbase and binance making it easier to jump in along with the bitcoin halving that all helped catalyse the 2017 run

>> No.13505205

I actually thought that they were far smaller than that. I wonder how much money is stuck in there.
It's a very interesting situation. The feds already confiscated part of the frozen funds and made an arrest regarding the scammy activities.
If they decide to take that exchange down then we're going to witness some serious fuckery go down with the markets. Or if that exchange simply runs out of money like they did back in January. The drawn out Gox situation is really worse than the feds simply putting a stop to this immediately.

>> No.13505226

>Pajeet confirmed.

>> No.13505259

tethers the new willy bot bro

>> No.13505273
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>> No.13505307

retarded theory debunked but you are too slow to realise

no it isn't you clueless faggot
take off your trip

>> No.13505309

>People forcibly moving from a "stable coin" to a shitshow of a coin
>People will choose to stay in the shitshow because reasons

>> No.13505311

wtf is this brainlet chart even supposed to convey

>> No.13505314

>wtf is this brainlet chart even supposed to convey
a mouthful of bitfinexed cum

>> No.13505343

I feel sorry for people on shitfinex. It will be a long ass lawsuit for the people to get their money back after it exits. Combination of nasty off shores, chinks and money laundering. At least gox was nip based.

>> No.13505364

kek pajeet or faggy californian

>> No.13505384
File: 114 KB, 696x1024, 1556308817449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tethers gonna pomp eet to 10k fuckstains
screencap this

>> No.13505385

Migrating to California doesn't make him any less of a pajeet.

>> No.13505411
File: 155 KB, 926x809, 1554955476716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that

>> No.13505518

> long ass lawsuit for the people to get their money back after it exits

They're never getting their money back when this collapses. Part of the funds are frozen. Fed just seized some amount of the frozen funds and at least a billion has been sent to tax havens without a paper trail.

>> No.13505616

Bitfinex subreddit is in chaos. No one can withdraw as we thought, bitfinex shills are on maximum damage control but they're getting caught up on their lies (i.e. new reddit accounts, no proper proof of this just being fud).
And funny thing absolutely no one is talking about this here or on twitter. Shit's about to implode on itself.

>> No.13505626

Born in Cali white skin
Try harder fags

>> No.13505656

Shut up, you're boring.

>> No.13505658


The fucking kicker is that everyone KNOWS this on some level. It's just greed at some point and the house of cards will come tumbling down.

>> No.13505669

>tick tock
>tick tock
>ti BOOM!
can't be too far off now

>> No.13505679

if that's true, and we're at 7% now, well

>> No.13505692
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>I was considering using bitfinex not but a few weeks ago to invest in crypto for the first time

>> No.13505694

And no one seems aware of the irony that by all appearances bitfinex were trying their best to do right by their customers, and in fact it is the NY AG, MUH WISE REGULATOR, who is taking your money.

>> No.13505753

I've been reading reddit for the past couple of hours and saw that too. It's also very divided on how people react to this. Half think that it's useless fud and the rational half sees the looming disaster.

Yes when you see people defending what Finex has been done, it's just pure greed speaking. No one should defend shit like this.

Well there was that +1bil transaction to a third party in Panama run by a scammer who just got arrested and that transaction was done without any papers, so the exchange guys aren't without an ulterior motive.
Both want to take our money. The feds hate crypto and these scammer cunts are basically free to steal as much as they can because there's really no regulation and people are too greedy not to fall into these pits.

>> No.13505755

>your tether is backed 1:1
>we'll just give these proven fraudulent chaps $1b, no contracts required

>> No.13505794
File: 564 KB, 1282x804, fsdgsdghdfhhdddd222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin not bottom yet guys subscribe to my channel

>> No.13505820

kek these retarded scammers always double down on their scam. cant wait to watch this garbage implode.

>> No.13505823

>these scammer cunts are basically free to steal as much as they can
See this is the kind of stuff people are saying, when then truth is they were chased from bank to bank and have been clearly bending over backwards to NOT scam their customers. Remember when all the twitter heros told you to under no circumstances tether up at 20k (or 6k) because it's a scam and totally unbacked? And now it turns out tether is far more capitalised than ANY bank and in fact would be 100% backed by real usd if the US gov didn't seize their funds and the same people are going "h-ha see... I uh... t-told you... only 75% capitalised.. t-terrible"

>> No.13505880

fwiw I'm prepared to believe, the root cause of this is in prob. in whatever happened when Wells Fargo told them to take a hike rather than deliberate fraud, but their new choice of 'banking' partners left evertything to be desired, and thats solely down to iFinex. The Crypto Capital geezer was running his own USD printing press ffs.
Regardless, when your house is collapsing, you worry about whether its an earthquake or shitty builders afterwards. End result is the same, priority is GTFO

>> No.13505914

The problem is that this is an exchange not a bank. These aren't comparable by any means, especially when Tether was advertised as being backed 100%. They pretty much lied to people because they never thought that they weren't going to have to prove anything.
This alone is a massive problem. That's flat out fraudulent behavior.
Now it turns out that they're 74% backed and we don't know how much of that is "cash equivalents" as they put it. The cash equivalents in this case being shares in their parent company, which are going to be hurting if Finex itself goes tits up. It might be completely backed by those shares, we don't know.
And then there's the third party transaction without contracts to a known scammer who has been sued 34 times and now got arrested.

I agree if banks were willing to do business with these people then we might have a functioning exchange, but this was far from transparent and honest behavior.
If they allowed audits right from the start and halted their operations when they couldn't find banks to work with them, then this mess wouldn't exist.
Their heart might have been mostly in the right place, but they were also pulling off a fraud and lying to their investors while using scammy tactics to keep the show going. Unfortunately for them they got caught and they might go under.
As far as I'm concerned they should be shut down and removed from the picture.
I want crypto to succeed but this kind of stuff only hurts it. Magic internet money relies on faith from both parties, investors and the ones providing the services. There needs to be more transparency or shit like this will keep on happening.

>> No.13505944

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>> No.13506026

What is better to buy right now?
Tethers or BItcoin Satoshi Vision?