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File: 420 KB, 1448x722, ALTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13504828 No.13504828 [Reply] [Original]

1.5 BTC
90 ETH

and other 20- 25 other shitcoins ranging from large, mid and small cap - equal spread

Total portfolio as of today :$59k

>> No.13504902

60k all in the right small cap shitcoin will get you to 6 figs, yes.

Holding BTC and ETH, probs not. Diversifying into so many shitcoins is a fool's game, you need to all-in (or near enough) and flip them. How the fuck are you going to time all those coins' pumps, or even properly track them all? It will send you mad.

My portf is about $100k and I am all in one ~20mil cap new-gen coin. I am pretty confident about making it.

>> No.13504917


>> No.13504924

>My portf is about $100k and I am all in one ~20mil cap new-gen coin
it's honestly incredible how much lying happens on this board

>> No.13505112


> Every ALT has bled satoshi since summer 2017 bullrun started.

> New ALTS will outperform BTC

> Which ALTS faggot. It's a fucking lottery

> Better stick with Bitcoin

>> No.13505123

you don't need to go all-in on crypto to make it you turd, you're just taking unnecessary risk

>> No.13505262

Invest only in Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. Thank me in 4 years.

>> No.13505416

my constellation will make me at least multimillionaire if one shitcoin appreciates, if all do might as well become billionaire

>> No.13505440


>> No.13505618

Should I put every paycheck in ETH instead of buying a car/ home or investing in women?

>> No.13505655


>> No.13505657

I agree with ^ I have 32