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13503209 No.13503209 [Reply] [Original]

how do i become a profitable trader?

this is my third time trying now (blew my last two accounts) and i'm down 90% from my stack ;_;

>> No.13503240

y is none replying


please help i hate (!!!)

to my core.


>> No.13503464


be patient don't try to get rich overnight.
where are you trading?
what are your tagets?

>> No.13503539

Post some trades youve lost on, show us whats wrong.

>> No.13503577


learn fundamentals of TA
don't be emotional
be patient.

>> No.13503586


i am using support resistance, volume profile, 15 min and trying to trade the trend. i have made 100's of trades so cant really show it in just one picture

>> No.13503619

Create a Webull account for free. You don’t even have to finish the application process and it will allow you to use indicators like rsi and macd.
>be patient, be diligent

>> No.13503656

> Switch your buy and sell buttons.
Instant profit.

>> No.13503665

so you only use technical analysis?

>> No.13503666


have sex loser

>> No.13503704

Trade the weekly/monthly candles and charts
See rvn for example before it's massive pump it painted a classic reversal candle on the monthly and bullish volume increase

>> No.13503712

>he fell for the day trade meme
It's scientifically proven that <1% of day traders remain profitable over the course of several years.

>> No.13503721
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>> No.13503753

>down 90%
kek thanks for the money retard

>> No.13503862
File: 1.61 MB, 1692x1167, E9842F8D-8795-4D7B-A03E-886CA27A3419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for you anon so will give you some wisdom. Stop acting like an idiot and chasing bull runs on 15 min candles. Stop trading shitcoins, that get manipulated by pump and dumps. Sell everything and get a BTC stack. Choose a stable coin pairing eg BTC/LTC. Always trade against the BTC value and not USD. Note all time high, low and average prices. Set zones between these prices and split your stack in between these prices. When a buy/sell point is triggered then reset it the opposite slightly higher or lower depending on the direction of travel and set alerts so you know when it hits. Congrats you now have a system with no emotion that will automatically stack no matter if it goes up or down against BTC. Only use money you can afford to lose, with the faith that BTC will never return to zero.

>> No.13503875



found ur problem lad

>> No.13503932

> buy flatlined low-cap shitcoins with tiny market caps that are still in active development
> try to learn what actually triggers pumps
> go ALL in
> there is no downside, just waiting
> you wait
> it moons
> you sell for 5 or 10x
> repeat once more
> whack it all into a next-gen safe gainer
> get rich

t. turned 8 eth into 1200 since last August, in about five trades.

day trading is bullshit, TA is legit but don't be chasing small moves, go for big SAFE multipliers and go in with full stack, but only choose the very best and safest calls.

>> No.13504171

trading is not how you get rich with crypto. especially if you arent a naturally good trader or have a technology edge.

[you get rich, by buying ICOs or undervalued coins and just HOLDing. its the time tested and completely proven way of getting rich with crypto.]

if you want to bet on the movement of a wiggly line in 15 minute intervals, there are thousands of assets to "trade". go and put a bet on gold, or the price of oil.

[if you want to get rich by shorting fiat currency and the global central bank cartel- buy and hold decentralised currencies.]

choose your bags, add to them if you need to, and wait for the golden bull. thats all you should be doing.

>> No.13504181

you said it

>> No.13504193

what were your calls if you dont mind me asking

>> No.13504205

not the best but I've started compiling some resources that would help.

I started out by losing 70% of my stack. The key is to make a lot of trades when you start but very small trades so you have more opportunities to learn what makes a trade good and bad. I remember the first time I profited 11 cents and I was so pleased but they key is to notice patterns. Also, only make financial decisions during the time of day you are most alert, whenever that is.


>> No.13504233

Seconding this. Turned 6k to 50k from finding low caps with heavy buys.

What were your picks 1.2 ETH anon?

>> No.13504243

Bingo bango bongo, my fren.

>> No.13504305

I can direct you to a trading bot instead, since you're fucking abysmal trader. make 15-20% returns everyday sitting on your ass an letting a robot do the work on binance api

>> No.13504318

ermm... Sorry not everyday, I meant every month. Still worth it though.

>> No.13504415
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direct us

>> No.13504488

I'm listening ... link to bot? Crypto hopper or something like that?

>> No.13504509

You learn how to write a profitable trading bot that uses neural networking to evolve and outpace its competition who are trying to do the same. If you are a mere human trying to trade based on chart lines, you might as well just give your money away now and save yourself months of stress.

>> No.13504519

Anyone claiming to sell a profitable trading bot is a scammer. If it was profitable they wouldn't be selling it. Trading is a zero sum game. Multiple bots with the same strategy cancel each other out.

>> No.13504531

Lol no. You might have a good run, but sooner or later you will get btfo. Just dca with a prudent allocation like a mature adult

>> No.13504542


Trading is not gambling, ass

>> No.13504581
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>Trading is not gambling

>> No.13504753

wow this seems easy af. does this actually work irl???

>> No.13504789

the key is to zoom out and base your trades on that

>> No.13504872

> you wait
> it moons
And when this doesn't happen and it goes the opposite direction? Then not only is your entire portfolio is down and you're left bagholding some trash like FUN or HPB.

>> No.13504882

custom made. Personal friend spent 2 years slamming trading books and then developed a bot off php entirely. It works fucking wonders. And slides into binance api.

kek, you are way too skeptical friend. The lad that made this thing is a /biz/monger and only has a handful of people from 4chan using it. He does charge a modest fee of 49dollars and negotiates price with you as your portfolio grows. First month is always free.

send me your telegram names and I'll invite you to the group.

>> No.13504895


>Play game for money
>Find out you're bad at game
>Make new account and put in more money
>Lose it
>Durr guize how me make money

You suck at this, if you keep losing at a game, go play a different one.

>> No.13505268

Leveraged ETFs.

>> No.13505304

science is flawed

>> No.13505316

Open account
Fund it
Invest it all in high cap mutual funds
Wait 50 years
Congrats, you made it.

>> No.13505348
File: 25 KB, 333x499, goodbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are books, you know?

>> No.13505681

got a twitter acnt where you post your trades in real time so I can fade you?