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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 637x653, TESLAQUANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13497378 No.13497378 [Reply] [Original]

Who else?

>> No.13497389

cringed. imagine sergej doing this desperate act. fucking lmao. this is an obvious scam

>> No.13497400

>OS called overledger

>> No.13497416


this is 100x worse than Justin Sun and Calvin Ayre's ass-kissing tweets combined. I bet the dumb pajeet's in Quant Telegram are loving it though.

>> No.13497426

Jesus. not Elons biggest fan, but you get the uncomfortable impression these guppys spend half their lives waiting on the chance to mug him in a lift

>> No.13497449
File: 43 KB, 640x480, gilbert verdian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get the uncomfortable impression these guppys spend half their lives waiting on the chance to mug him in a lift

kek, gilbert's basically a glorified lionel hutz

>> No.13497540

Celebrate if Elon actually responds. Anyone can twitter spam him.

>> No.13497579

>Let's chat.

Holy fucking shit cringe corporate speak.

>> No.13497863

pretty awful marketing from them, t. its my job.

>> No.13497866


>> No.13497870

Even more cringe than the boomer shilling BSV

>> No.13497945

hello dear pls do the needful & by our coin veeeeery goode coin kindly revert to ganeshverdan@yahoo.in have a gr8 day sir

>> No.13497985
File: 169 KB, 1200x840, 1542551874339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An unsolicited tweet

>> No.13498043

i just sold everything

>> No.13498165


>> Posts 5 second Tweet reply to Musk
>> Tweet sat near the top of replies due to retweets/likes
>> Overledger gets exposure to thousands of people, including businesses, crypto enthusiasts and influencers

You're shit at your job if you think this is awful marketing

>> No.13498169
File: 175 KB, 828x1244, pick one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one faggot

>> No.13498176

>p-please notice me, Elon-sama

>> No.13498235

Jesus fucking Christ look at all the desperate faggots.

>> No.13498254

You know that Cobra guy is gay, right?

I chatted to him once on PM and he told me. He fancies quite a few of the regulars on Telegram but hasn't really moved into the gay culture yet.

>> No.13498265

yes, thousands of people can see the cringe

>> No.13498272

It's pajeet shilling and won't hook in anyone except retards. People like Elon Musk get faggot dickriders shilling random garbage to them daily. I guarantee this was immediately disregarded by Elon. If you're looking to create exit volume for your illiquid ERC20 scam shitcoin then it's a decent tactic though.

>> No.13498339


This isn't about trying to contact him specifically. Musk made a Tweet about crypto (which actually made numerous crypto news websites), and Gil spent 3 seconds writing a Tweet which has easily made hundreds of people aware of Overledger, including those outside of crypto, who didn't know about it before. Easiest exposure ever.

You are a true Biz autist if you think that's a bad thing and that the main concern is being perceived as "cringe". It's why Gil is a corporate chad and you are not.

>> No.13498357

Thanks for confirming he's just trying to sucker in more street shitters to buy his bags. Keep sucking that scamming bong's cock, faggot.

>> No.13498377
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, Gilbert-Verdian-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a psychopath. I know it the moment I saw his face. How can anyone trust him with their hard earn money?

>> No.13498386

it's so cringe when shitcoins reply to this conversation kek

>> No.13498565

Desperate fuck

First the HSBC breakfast and now this.

Gill doesnt like 2.35$ for dumping his team tokens. He wants to dump 3.5$