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File: 33 KB, 512x512, beyond-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13493090 No.13493090 [Reply] [Original]

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They go live tomorrow. Your thoughts /biz/?

>> No.13493107

i'm not sure, price evaluation was bumped a few more dollars already... from 19-21 to 23-25... so most likely it'll halt before trading tomorrow, get jacked up even more to like 28-29 then open and plummet like lyft

>> No.13493123

Interesting. I was thinking of holding off and seeing how it does.
Their product is solid, I've tried their burgers. It's fantastic, but if they crash, then I can buy for cheap.

>> No.13493145

Same as crypto don't by the first hype phase when something's new give it time to settle.

>> No.13493155

I hope it does as well as the other stuff biz told me to buy: gold, silver SNAP and LYFT

>> No.13493168

I cooked some beyond meat burgers a few weeks ago and it made the house smell like a burned out vacuum cleaner motor.

>> No.13493364

It will dump to shit. Faggot veggieburger hype lmao.

>> No.13493395

It's one of those things where if you can't flip it immediately off the hype, you'll make no money. I would only invest if you actually believe in the product and think the company will make it.

>> No.13493402

>inb4 it tastes like meat bc it's meat

>> No.13493406

Onions slop for you dumb goyim.

>> No.13493432

I'm not too confident in it. I feel like the "meat is bad" narrative is starting to turn.

>> No.13493476


>inb4 they say "it tastes like meat" but actually tastes nothing like meat

>> No.13493485

You mean like how the flat earth theory is picking up steam?

>> No.13493486
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hmm actually that's more likely

>> No.13493492

Do a blind taste test. Prepare two burgers, one cooked using beef patty, one cooked using beyond meat patty.

Ask random person on the street to eat both burgers and say which one is the real beef burger.

>> No.13493497
File: 276 KB, 632x395, 1535107411739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with all the burgers I’ve been eating lately(gladly of course) I decided today to try an old favorite, the McDonalds Big Mac. I’ll admit, this used to be my favorite meal on earth, but since it’s been years since I’ve eaten anything at McDonalds that wasn’t on their Value Menu, I was really looking forward to having a Big Mac.

As always, the service was fast, the burger was delivered and the fries were crispy for the first 10 minutes. Overall the Big Mac is still one of my favorite “Fast Food Burgers” because of the secret sauce and because it’s so different. We all know that the you don’t eat a Big Mac for the meat and after eating a lot of really good, meaty burgers over the last few months, it was the sauce that helped me enjoy this meal.

My Big Mac rating is quite simple: the secret sauce is tangy, sweet and makes for a nice burger. It’s one of my favorite fast food burgers but only because of the unique and secret sauce.

>> No.13493499


>> No.13493504

is that the CIA's bin laden beard template?

>> No.13493506

I hate this so much

Cue the ‘opened XX% above IPO!’ in maddeningly breathless tones proclaiming our vegan future

>> No.13493527

Learn from Coca Cola. Coca Cola is so successful because they signed a partnership with McDonalds.

Beyond meat should copy Coca Cola's success story and form partnership with McDonalds or Burger King or some well known fast food franchise.

>> No.13493542

BK said they would have Impossible Whoppers nationwide by the end of the year
They currently have them at their St. Louis location

>> No.13493610

Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are competitors though. Beyond seems to be going the retail route in supermarkets, while Impossible's been going the restaurant route. Beyond is also offered in some places like Bearburger, but Impossible seems to be edging them out with White Castle, Burger King, and now Taco Bell.

They have more controversey behind them with vegans due to using animal testing for the FDA requirements and to perfect their recipe, but I feel like the advantage it got them outweighs that.

It'll be interesting to see this battle. Smart people are already investing in meat replacements and lab grown meat due to the increasing awareness of how unsustainable animal agriculture is with our population growth and the environment. Bill Gates and some Saudi prince invested into Beyond early on.

Pretty cool stuff. We're heading towards Star Trek replicators.

>> No.13493620

Marine hears you loud and clear sir

I understood his post

>> No.13494017


>> No.13494848

yeah its seriously dumb

they're following the dairy farmers method, iirc

>> No.13494865
File: 974 KB, 300x131, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Leonardo is in, I'm all in too.

>> No.13494888

I've tried the plant burger here in Australia at hungry jack's (our bk) and thought it was dry onions beans masquerading as meat. Hope these are better

>> No.13494916

Beyond meat has been in A&W in Canada for months now

>> No.13494935

They are gaining popularity, but stocks are unpredictable in ipo's. I'd say it's a buy though long term.

>> No.13495370
File: 72 KB, 640x360, 75E38CFC-22B8-41EE-9748-A43C1FDBAB01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever bought stocks opening day before? How long after the Nasdaq starts till the secondaries start selling to plebs like me?

>> No.13495455

i never have but ive watched the PINS and LYFT IPOs and both were "halted" while they drove the bids up 25% then opened to the public

with that said, i might go ham on BYND tomorrow

>> No.13495533

Dumb as fuck. Coca Cola is an global icon that has been around much longer than McDonalds.

>> No.13495648

If you take a look at their IPO filing, you'll see the inherent risks with this class of investment.

Currently not profitable
Sales and margins are increasing
High competition
First to market

I'd consider this stock high risk high reward, but since all you guys do is talk about crypto with infinite risk this, i'd recommend a cautious buy. Perhaps purchase with 50% of your allotted funds then dollar cost average your way after the first quarter.

>> No.13495717

Impossible is better than beyond imo. I think impossible has a brighter future exposing people to meat alternatives in fast food

>> No.13495720

Have you guys even tried their product? Like, actually? Being pre-seasoned with a ton of salt is an issue that'll turn off most normies, imo. Like, sure, it's fine in a fast food burger but no one is going to ever be going to buy their shit from the grocery store even if it's cheaper than meat. Oh except vegans. Those poor niche consumers that are sure to be able to prop up their billion dollar valuation fucking kek.

>> No.13495783

> They're not even close to IPO-ing
>"no one is ever going to buy their shift from the grocery store."
Your reasoning is purely anecdotal, salt doesn't dissuade people from buying products they enjoy, just look at the instant noodle industry, it's a 500 billion yen industry. Now, I may disagree that BYND is not worth the 1.4B they claim to be worth but that's another argument. The facts are that sales and margins are steadily increasing, and may encroach on the meat industry. A simple google search will show you that the beef industry in the US is worth over 383 billion. Alternative meat may become viable with a fraction of that market share.

>> No.13495902

I'm going to buy a few puts on BYND on Day 1

No one except vegans is hyping this mush.

>> No.13495937

people ITT bringing up the "veggie vs beef" argument are completely, by 1000% missing the entire point of beyond meat and plant-based/lab-grown beef industry

>> No.13495960

What's the point then?

>> No.13495985

a beef substitute, an indistinguishable beef substitute

>> No.13495987

>just look at the instant noodle industry
Because it's mostly carbs and less than $0.5. Do you think Beyond will even be able to sell a patty for less than $0.5 ever? Again, have you actually tried the product? I'm guessing no. Pre-seasoning is a mistake but it's necessary for them to mask the terrible taste without it.

>> No.13495999

>indistinguishable beef substitute
Only if you layer your beef with salt. Have you actually tried the product?

>> No.13496030

who would eat a beef substitute unless you're in prison or poor as fuck jesus christ you deserve the cancer you will get from this monstrosity

>> No.13496031

I think the speculators are missing little of a first mover advantage nets you for commodities like food. "High end meat substitutes" will be in a race to the bottom from day one.

>> No.13496119
File: 707 KB, 866x482, 1552472920984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liver anti-fatigue factor
>scientists still don't know what it is about eating liver that gives proven results
>"scientists" chosen by big corp to tell us to be vegan fags

Damn nigga, next apocalypse I'm bout to eat you niggas up. I ain't no pussy ass sheep, can't tell me to eat that no grassy ass fake meat bullshit.
Fuck outta here. We talking business up in here nigga, not how to become a tranny ass bitch ass vegan nigga
Don't make me set my nigga Ugmundu the Prince of Wakanda on yo ass nigga

>> No.13496126


>> No.13496134

checked. yup the other night. didn't notice the extra salt till I read about it. I was honestly floored by the product. Raw, it felt like beef. Cooking, it cooked like beef. And standing over the pan, it smelled like beef. I ate it with a spread of guacamole, pepper jack cheese, spring greens, fresh white onions and a light spread of mayo. For the first bite... your brain can definitely tell something is just ever-so slightly off as it tastes kind of similar to a synthetic "hollow-peppery" beef flavor. But after that first bite, it's game over. Your brain literally can not process the difference. In tasting it, it staring at it, it's un-fucking-canny.

I've also had the impossible burger too(not the 2nd generation though) and I think Beyond knocks it out of the stratosphere. Beyond also gave me 10x less gas than Impossible did.

Regardless of the political, trendy garbage you hear cried out over this debate. Strip it down to it's very essence. Forget climate change, animal cruelty and the environmental impact the beef industry is potentially creating. And what you're left with is an industry that can't keep up with the increasing growth of the human population. It's not about eating veggie burgers, or lab grown meat. That's the narrative they want you to buy into. The real story is beef substitute to support the ever growing demand of the population. Right now you are seeing ever increasing iterations mimicking the real thing with like 85% precision, where something is just ever so slightly off and it's really expensive to do it. But what you don't see yet is in 3 to 5 years when this "bubble" of sorts pops and this imitation beef is at 100% accuracy, indistinguishable in nearly every aspect and costs nearly nothing to do so.

If this was about veggies, you'd still be seeing frozen cornmeal patties stocking the shelves.

>> No.13496137

It's not for us westerners silly. It's for Indians and Africans so that we can continue to help them increase their rate of overpopulation.

>> No.13496283
File: 1.68 MB, 2880x3508, fullsizeoutput_1af1-uai-2880x3508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are /biz/ shills so triggered by great food?

>> No.13497338

It’s impolite to short a startup. Their fundamentals seem solid. I plan on dca ing.

>> No.13497382

Options available day one?

>> No.13498603

I don't get it, they've had these in Canada at A&W forever, and they sell them as patties in the US, too. What is going on that the people ITT have either never tried them or are talking about it like it's some new thing? IPO I don't know about?

>> No.13498648

To be fair cooking any kind of burger inside instead of on the barbecue tends to stink up the house. Not buying thus hype regardless though.

>> No.13498915

>IPO I don't know about?

>> No.13499185


>> No.13499242

Never fucked with an ipo before. Should I bother bidding or let the price stabilize?

>> No.13499255
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, downloadfile-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan food is disfustin-

>> No.13499293

Nah, looking at that beany looking burger I can already tell I'll be taking serious shits after eating that. No thanks.

>> No.13499307
File: 38 KB, 474x248, downloadfile-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its actually really good anon

and the chef is kinda hot also tbvuqhf

>> No.13499653

i think a big thing you're missing is the ideological perspective. if you offer people a meat substitute they will consider its environmental and ethical benefits over cost. cost is important, it's more expensive than a beef patty, but with enough expansion and scaling the costs can be brought down. I've tried the burger. it's not bad. is it better than beef? no, but if i could only eat the beyond meat burger if there were no beef burgers, i would be okay with that.

>> No.13500487

>Still hasn't gone live

>> No.13500520

Beyond meat tastes like a cheap burger, which honestly are the best kind. Expensive / fancy burgers kinda suck.

>> No.13501496

Currently trading at like $65

Wtf happened to the $25 offering?

>> No.13501511

I have no idea
I'm pretty disappointed, we got jood

>> No.13501530

i bought at $60

>> No.13501551

Did they change the value before opening? I use robinhood app so I'm sure there is some shit delay on IPOs. This thing is gonna tank tomorrow so there goes that ship sailing off...