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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 172 KB, 500x495, maybe-the-real-reich-was-the-friends-we-made-along-39156795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13492628 No.13492628 [Reply] [Original]

A question for all the anons that have stayed along for the journey since 2017 or before.

What valuable connections have you made with your fellow anons anon to help abate market insanity and keep afloat when there is blood on the streets

I wouldn't trade my time on this board for anything other than a 100 btc. The connections I've made through here are invaluable and will probably stay with me through the test of time.

>Found a 4chan cultured discord admined by a pony fag and now admined by literal discord trannies who are l33t programmers so the discord is full of quality of life bots for checking price, being fed news, getting a quick chart, memes. The analysis channel is solid and ran by a guy that already made it. The conversations have real value I'm always checking the channel for something to learn. Overall feels like another family, especially around the holidays.

>Friends with a brazilian instagram tycoon

>Got a hold of a bot that trades on Binances ap 24/7 makes me 15-20% profit every month so in a way I've already made it

>Have the option to link a forex trading account with a guy that makes 110% profits every month, just don't have the fund yet to proceed with it.

And of course
>Noah's Ark Telegram channel

>Tfw it really was about all the friens made along

>> No.13492980


>> No.13493072

Fucking prove it you larping piece of shit

>> No.13493318
File: 117 KB, 1350x671, 9934954g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a trade history from my bot
The brazillian is favelanon

Now here's my question. Why do you have to behave like this. What could I possibly gain from lieing besides (you)s

It's people like you who are incapable giving the benefit of the doubt to a stranger and taking a leap of faith. You have no friends anons, the friends you have are faces and no friends of mine.

Who else out here is /connected/ this board can't possibly be filled with exclusively anti-social mouthbreathers. If you have paid attention to the people around you and simply asked for help instead of obsessing over your shit coins you may be in a better position now. Even now you can make a /connection/ if you just reach out and ask for help. Which among you truly meant it when you said we're all going to make it

>> No.13493450

thank you money skeleton

>> No.13493493

Spill the beans faggot

>> No.13493605

ask nicely :^)

and specifically, I don't know what the hell you're asking for.

>> No.13494335


>> No.13494344

this is OP btw I had to go to work

>> No.13494378

do you know how IDs work?

>> No.13494434

My IP address changed because I was at home and now I am at work. Doofus

>> No.13494796

How do you meet people on an anonymous board?

>> No.13494855

Most of the time when people offer you to join their discord groups or offer an opportunity to generate money the anons here writhe and scream that they're indian poop shovelers

But half the time they're actually just people trying to help out.

>> No.13494866

Listen here ya cuck . Good job

>> No.13494879

The discord group I got stuck in is absolutely fucking useless. Not helpful at all

>> No.13494882

So the bot just runs and trades and makes your profit?

>> No.13494904

pretty low volume there, anon

>> No.13494910

I can't just post an invite because we don't want the slums crawling into our den but if you're not a sperglord and can give me a telegram or email I'll send you an invite.

Noah's Ark telegram is also worth checking out for analysis and tips on the next pump

pretty much yeah. It's not really mine though, a guy that made it using the bot (which he created himself) owns it and rents it out to me for a very modest fee. He rents it out to anyone who asks too pretty much

Thanks dad :>

>> No.13494913

>Friends with a brazilian instagram tycoon

is this a hilarious reference to Favelanon?

>> No.13494918

I didnt ask you for an invite

>> No.13494924

yeah I don't have much money to trade with. Only got .084 btc to my name. I'm gonna be dropping in 300 dollars today though, I put in a piece of my paycheck every month. It does make 15-20% profits every month though and seems to increase as my portfolio accumulates gainz

>> No.13494929

yes kek

>> No.13494958

Can I have an invite instead of that ungrateful guy?

>> No.13494975

Sure thing fren. Do you have a telegram or throwaway email I can send an invite to?

>> No.13494990

Yeah send to fishybizbro@gmail.com

>> No.13495035


>> No.13495117 [DELETED] 

ok ill try


>> No.13495144

hold on, I already invited one guy. Need to ask the discord if it's cool I invite another.

>> No.13495160


>> No.13495168


>> No.13495179

lol, makes a profit IN USDT

>> No.13495188

Any chance of getting discord link?

>> No.13495225

just drop me an email

>> No.13495250

Ranjit tier trades there Anon. Best of luck but $50 profit isn't really making it outside of Kolkata

>> No.13495255


>> No.13495289

>Implying having a robot make small exact trades for you every minute of the day 24/7/356 isn't making it

What is 15% of 500 dollars?

Now what is 15% of 10,000 dollars

As long as I keep saving up it's only a matter of time

>> No.13495303

Can I get an invite?

>> No.13495354


>> No.13495379

Not that I'll get an invite, but is the discord group open to people just hanging out and learning new stuff? I don't use mics a lot and am new to investing as a whole, so far I'm just sitting on BTC until I know what I'm doing

>> No.13495443

yeah thats fine, give me an email I'll send you an invite. Sperglords are usually banned but lurkers are welcome.

Also we don't have a voice chat channel god forbid

>> No.13495465

thanks if legit, I'm mostly just a lurker pretty much everywhere

>> No.13495520


>> No.13495521

Would love an invite!

>> No.13495544

Bless up with the disc invite link,
Loved the Favelanon shoutout

>> No.13495579

I'd appreciate an invite if you wouldn't mind. Am curious. Also shipped favelanon 20 bux so he can keep the dream alive yesterday, so you know I'm a good guy. promiseimnotautistic@protonmail.com

>> No.13495605

this guy fucks

>> No.13495611

Yeah literally just made one kek

>> No.13495612


>> No.13495654

Thanks lad. About to head to sleep since it's 3:30.

>> No.13495655

/biz/ librarian here, may I join ?

>> No.13495661


>> No.13495675

Thanks for the link!
Do you have the contact info for the forex guy? I remember he said he averages 40-110%, but when I tried to check out the link he gave I couldn't load his (the api's) trade history.

>> No.13495705

I have the telegram if that's what you're asking for. Give me your telegram and I'll send you an invite to the chatroom.

can always use more librarians. sent

>> No.13495767


>> No.13495773

BRfag here, please send the Discord:


>> No.13495860
File: 10 KB, 286x176, 6745645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


poor argentinian faggot here my currency is going to hell and we are probably going to be venezuela in a few years so I would be very grateful if you invite me

telegram: @Raiforst

Thanks in advance based anon

>> No.13495950

discord plz sirs

>> No.13496510
File: 35 KB, 600x467, 78788324&#039;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> 13495705

I've been thinking about this post, I just got into something trading and been backtesting to strat, the only with that is that in lower time frames, without leverage, the profit is too small (I win 4/5 trades with a expected win of 1% and a expected loss, of the remaining 1/5 trade of 1% too]) so I have to depend on my orders being filled so I can take the 0.025% maker feer in bitmex.

In the biggest time frames and in high-volatility enviroment my strat absolutely fucking destroys, for example I exited a short and got in a long on the 11 of febreaury and I still dont exit (thats about a 44% win without leverage)

Im this >> 13495860 fagot btw, if you hit me up we could trade some insigh

pic related is backtesting in lower time frames (green = close short enter long) (red = close long, go short)

>> No.13496530


>> No.13496535
File: 47 KB, 983x504, 878978234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related is backtesting in the weekly

pd: sorry for being autistic and not being capable to do >> like a normal person, sometimes my keyboard and macros go crazy

>> No.13496552


sent to forex group

sent to trading bot group. I'll add you as a friend too if you need guidance. I am VErbadoo

>> No.13496561


This is me. I just got back from work. ID change

>> No.13496580

heh, I just invited you to the trading bot group. I must be pretty savvy to be able to short/long at 4/5 win rate.

We need people like you in the discord. I'm gonna send you in an invite to the discord via telegram,

>> No.13496592

>I must be
You must be

sorry, it's late and I'm sleepy

>> No.13497490

invite to discord pls

>> No.13497499

pekoez@protonmail.com fix*

>> No.13497629

Can anyone confirm that the discord channel is legit?

>> No.13497669


>> No.13497691

I know Gavin and several members of the maker dao team along with some other not so well known figures in crypto. It's pretty neat hearing about how cool and smart Sergey is from them.

>> No.13497896

Happy to make more frens along the way n learn new things OP. Would appreciate an invite to the discord n the bot group if you guys are still open to recruiting.
telegram : @Pandaphon

>> No.13498321
File: 22 KB, 112x106, IMG_20190419_195543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly anon here. can i get an invite too :)?


>> No.13498849

I'd appreciate a link to the trading bot pls and thank you


>> No.13498872

>instagram tycoon

lol you're a pajeet if you think he's a 'tycoon'

>> No.13498913

Favelanon is literally a begging crackhead

You call him an "Instagram Tycoon" leads me to believe that none of the other shit you said is true either.