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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 434 KB, 1010x1422, 0xbtcvitalikelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13490188 No.13490188 [Reply] [Original]

Vitalik literally calling for a store of value on the Ethereum Network... wonder if it already exists...

>> No.13490194
File: 91 KB, 760x400, stackem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stack em up while you can, cowboys

>> No.13490211


>> No.13490220


>> No.13490230

0xbtc's lava wallet also supports nametags, woth a bit of a stretch this would fit to his 'sign in with facebook' point

>> No.13490232
File: 346 KB, 853x588, before_zilliqa_and_after_zilliqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit coin good for scam icos not a single working product that does anything of value

>> No.13490271

0xbtc didnt have an ICO

>> No.13490350

How big of a stack to make it?

>> No.13490366

buy 5k 0xbtc and sit back, enjoy your early retirement in 5 years.

>> No.13490375

heck scratch that, just mine it.

>> No.13490397

Is single gpu mining viable at all? The difficulty is still extremely high from that one 14TH miner

>> No.13490437

Is bitcoin on the ethereum network better than original bitcoin?

>> No.13490454

it will upgrade along everything the ethereum network upgrades to

>> No.13490481

There is but not the shit that you're alluding to.

>> No.13490516

So the only advantage is it's on Ethereum. Why not use WBTC then? Has value of real Bitcoin and even better basis while being on Ethereum. Oh right, because you can't get rich with your scam token.

>> No.13490520

link to it please?

>> No.13490555


>> No.13490670

>How Do I Get BOMB?
>All tokens are given away to the supporters of the experiment for their participation. Follow on social for #BOMBDROP opportunities.

No thanks

>> No.13490682

>All tokens are given away to the supporters of the experiment for their participation
big yikes

>> No.13490967

so basically they give them away?

>> No.13491042

100% premined.
Basically worse than NANO

>> No.13491653

imagine where miners will go once ethereum goes PoS.

>> No.13491987

WBTC? Hahah watch this


>> No.13491992

fucking based toasty

>> No.13492228


>> No.13492314
File: 312 KB, 1164x674, Screenshot from 2019-05-01 19-57-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already exists:

And look who's an investor: Elon's PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel

>> No.13492324
File: 206 KB, 1354x672, Screenshot from 2019-05-01 19-59-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what's this?

Ctrl+f chainlink
>3 results

>> No.13492337
File: 148 KB, 1310x659, Screenshot from 2019-05-01 20-01-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related explains

>> No.13492478

>first ever decentralized erc20
>Vitalik has praised several of its unique aspects like economic abstraction without naming the token itself
>follows the bitcoin whitepaper
>10 minute block reward times with 10 second tx times
>only PoW crypto immune to targeted 51% attack
>under $1MM mcap
If you're not buying 0xBTC at these bargain bin prices, then what the fuck are you even doing?

>> No.13492506

>The centralized phase — where Reserve is backed by US dollars, which are held by a trust company.

US pretty desperate to keep people on the petrodollar huh?

>> No.13492521
File: 37 KB, 625x625, 1556633655992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup a minable eth token is a sure thing.

>> No.13492527

Yeah great store of value down 97% in 3 months lmao

>> No.13492614

Bought 700 more after this post

>> No.13492647

Where will they go

>> No.13492717

>not knowing that 0xBitcoin was a biz invented FPGA miner scam token
there is a heap of evidence of these faggots bragging about how they ripped /biz/ fags off on this shit.

oh and if i ever find out who you faggots are that keep posting these scam token threads im breaking your fucking legs.

>> No.13492775

Shut the fuck up. I'm tired of your fucking ass stinking up every thread

>> No.13492812

where do u live shill?
i will seriously pay u a visit

>0xBitcoin is a fucking FPGA miner SCAM
and only retarded degenerates are stupid enough to buy it

>> No.13492900


What's a good miner? I'm fucking around with https://bitbucket.org/LieutenantTofu/cosmic-v3/downloads/ but the pools seem to be down

>> No.13493051

you're a real idiot.
mining 0xBTC currently ISNT PROFITABLE ON ANY GPU.

i hope you like wasting money because these 0xBTC pajeets have apparently reeled you in.
>you are literally why they post these threads and your money is all they are after.

>> No.13493076


I can spare the 15 cents on electricity to play around with something like this. I don't care about it being profitable, I'm just trying to get it to work.

>> No.13493088

kind of hard to store value when you pajeets dump your bags every 1% move

>> No.13493099

Unfathomable. Whoever actually holds 0xbtc is fucking beyond braindead.

>> No.13493333
File: 71 KB, 600x656, 1521339238312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I saw them start pumping 0xbtc before it mooned, bought some then sold into the moon. Kept some for the memories.

>> No.13493484

Prove it you shit posting faggot

>> No.13493929

where to buy?

>> No.13493941

>The centralized phase — where Reserve is backed by US dollars, which are held by a trust company.
aaaand to the trash it goes.

>> No.13493954

>US pretty desperate to keep people on the petrodollar huh?
Its not affiliated with the (((federal reserve))) but yeah the petrodollar is literally the only thing shielding us from hyperinflation.

>> No.13494125



>> No.13494470
File: 219 KB, 410x296, vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really give a flying fuck about proof of work issuance and I don't think it's particularly important for Ether to lose store of value status.

That being said, if you on think that 0xBTC will go entirely under the radar, you're not really grasping how it fits into the overarching ideological discussion surrounding major protocol changes in BTC and Ethereum. It's actually kind of a big deal to have a deflationary, pure mined asset reside on top of Ethereum instead of on its own chain. It challenges many long held beliefs inherent to the BTC dominant era of crypto (which we have lived in but might not live in 5-10 years down the line).

0xBTC is to crypto what postmodernism is to art. It deconstructs the Bitcoin idea (in Satoshi's whitepaper) into smaller pieces. It intentionally separates network security from issuance, and makes the claim that whatever vision Satoshi had for a global currency can exist within a localized environment (Ethereum), even an environment that explicitly rejected the core tenets of Satoshi's whitepaper upon creation. 0xBTC brings something new to the table that has merit for real ideological discussion, which is a level beyond discussions on novel solutions to technical challenges (oracle problem, fair gambling, distributed computing/rendering, etc).

You don't have to think 0xBitcoin is useful. You don't have to like it, or use it, or even think about it. But don't brush it off just because you don't see the need. You can think something like postmodern art is stupid (pic related) but it's actually quite revolutionary for an artist to make something so unbelievably kitschy that it causes the word "kitsch" to lose all meaning. At the end of the day Jeff Koonz makes balloon animals that sell for orders of magnitude higher than traditional "high art" precisely because his art is significant in the centuries long debate on the purpose of art. 0xBitcoin will be seen, in time, as just as significant in crypto.

>> No.13494488
File: 2.15 MB, 359x360, 1556743305591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13494522

Is this copy pasta from the p&d?

>> No.13494527

imagine being this guy and having your face posted on 4chan over some scamcoin

>> No.13494609
File: 126 KB, 728x547, 1508162608176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um you guise i got fucking quints soo.....

>> No.13494627

>when Elon btfos 0x with his own store of value

it will be glorious

>> No.13494660

Do you guys really think that was an organic exchang me between Elon musky rat and vitalik??? How would Elon know vitalik is known for giving away free Eth unless he follows the space closely!

>> No.13494690

Its pretty obvious that no one is following 0xbtc space and thats to bad random anons are going to end up with 50k bags maybe even 100k and in a few years we will be lucky to break 1$ if ever again. Makes me sad this project seems interesting. I will hold mine forever just for fucks sake whats a couple hundred gonna do for my life by a pizza?

>> No.13494801
File: 314 KB, 770x415, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck your FUD


Nice double dubs

>> No.13494841

i was in the original 0xBTC pumper discord almost a year ago. we shilled it so much it pumped from 10 cents to $1.50. I dumped and made a 5 figure profit. Never thought about it again til now, cant believe it still exists. what a massive piece of shit

>> No.13494893

Stop shilling ur bags dummy

>> No.13495447
File: 424 KB, 634x355, 70a53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based Toast