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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13489280 No.13489280 [Reply] [Original]

Individual wallets, NEXTchain release, 1.1 release, ambassador program, referral program. Feeling /comfy/ af knowing regulated exchanges are the future of crypto

>> No.13489324

This will take off like bnb

>> No.13489380

and not go down like coss


>> No.13489415
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how many NEXT do i need for an art hoe gf

>> No.13489429

I'd say a bag as small as 10 NEXT could do the trick

>> No.13489432

Another COSS. Fuck no

>> No.13489434

I'd say minimum of 10K. 25K if you want Grimes to be your art hoe

>> No.13489450
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there's literally not a single similarity to COSS, when coss was shilled i checked it out and instantly got aids and disregarded it, when i checked out next i loved it and bought a fat stack. where does this retarded comparison come from?

>> No.13489535

I’m bullish on NEXT abut come on bruh, 100 NEXT at least because these bitches are VERY high maintenance

>> No.13489546

are they really, I thought art hoes are more down to earth

>> No.13489640

She looks like Mr Rogers if Mr Rogers had a cooter

>> No.13489750

It might, the early community is very similar, I’m fucking surprised, genuinely, by this little gem.

>> No.13489761
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>these bitches are VERY high maintenance

facts only

nah bruh

>> No.13489769

Someone please fill my 14eth buy order. K, thanks bye

>> No.13489972



>> No.13490061

sauce btw?

>> No.13490390


>> No.13490448
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why not both

>> No.13491023


>> No.13491143

Expecting this to rocket very hard throughout 2019.

>> No.13491180

you're welcome fren, i needed some eth real quick

>> No.13491455


hmmm... whats your price prediction?

>> No.13491735

Hello. I have some money I would like to invest. But I'm a bit sceptical. Is NEXTchain a good investment? I'm not sure yet?!

>> No.13491766

Hi fren. Read the other posts here. NEXTchain will moon for sure. It's is regulated and the only exchange the Dutch government supports!

>> No.13491809
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>> No.13491814

Holy shit you are stupid

>> No.13491839

Kek, such an obvious attempt at reverse shilling. Try to fake your samefag a bit better next time.

>> No.13492199

lol, retard.

Its not crazy for it to go to at least 3$, just try to compare it to other similar shit in the market.

>> No.13492200


>> No.13492420

$3 big man ting

>> No.13492428

Heh I invested in Kucoin when it was freshly launched and it made me able to pay myself for a few years

>NEXT - market cap at 1mil now

>Kucoin, which everybody hates and it's 90% from ATH - 100mil

Doesn't take a lot of IQ to invest here, NEXT is going to blow up in the best possible way with all that they're doing

>> No.13492479
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>Its not crazy for it to go to at least 3$, just try to compare it to other similar shit in the market.

yeah, from what i've seen so far this at least looks half decent compared to other similar sized exchanges so i'm considering picking up a bag. do you know of any upcoming news or whatever that's in the pipeline?

>> No.13492492

no, no, don't spoonfeed them, /biz/lets don't deserve this

>> No.13492579

>For all the smart anons...here's some nice bread crumbs


>> No.13492794

Cat is getting out of the bag by now, I expect this to get more traction as the updates roll out

>> No.13493084
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nice to see they've actually been hard at work in the bear market and not wasting the ICO money away

>> No.13493379

This scam isn't going to go anywhere.

Imagine being dumb enough to believe these complete and total loser bagholders

>> No.13493938

Jealousy is a sad thing lol

> goes to blockfolio
> inhales and notices NEXT bag is up 217% average
> exhales and feels all warm inside

Nothing is forced here dude, personally I just share my advice and my friends do with it whatever. But assuming people here are bahholders without proof is kind of embarrassing and funny 'cause I'm far from a bagholder. Actually I keep buying this up to $1

>> No.13494025

Yet more lazy FUD. Be more creative please, or go back to your Telegram support group.

>> No.13494481


>> No.13494604

Cope with what, rofl what are you talking about.

"cope with gainz" best thing, man

>> No.13494613

sauceeee, sorry, got too high.

>> No.13494725


>> No.13495677


>> No.13496395

Hahaha love it

>> No.13496813

>with all that they're doing
what do they do?

>> No.13497504

Ok, can't find much on their homepage. How are they compliant? What type of regulations do they follow? This is their listing guidelines: https://next.exchange/listings/guidelines - can't find anything about token types (utility vs. security) etc. - right now it looks like a quick moon mission for biztards but nothing sustainable. How much business and trading experience does Christiaan van Steenbergen actually have? Why do they need their own mainnet? Nice to drive the NEXT token price, but beyond https://next.exchange/listings/new - yes, pay premium for your shitcoin ... this is really an exchange I would trust.

>> No.13497514

Ok, one last question, how well are the relationships with the dutch government. Any real proof that their is some sort of interaction beyond the silly guest-batch from that one time meeting mentioned on medium?

>> No.13497538

coss, coinmetro, xbase, next, did i forgot another scammy exchange shitcoin?

>> No.13497550

government relationships are a meme anon, they are regulatory compliant, that's as good as it gets, why would a government have any deeper realstionships to a fucking exchange?

>> No.13497565
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This one is even more scammy. Faking devs and the team says that it is retarded questions

>> No.13497569

>why would a government have any deeper realstionships to a fucking exchange?
this is what I got from recent NEXT biz thread - they meet the government and are now part of a group that consults the government. Pretty big players I guess.

>> No.13497580

wait, sure they are slow and small but definitely not part of your scam list anon

>> No.13498492
File: 921 KB, 1242x1296, DAD99692-1E01-44B8-9B45-F0F9BE01A2F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO that knows his tech..

>> No.13498537

Iirc, one of their team members told in Telegram chat that they got a green light for STOs and IEOs from their legal department. I’m pretty sure you could actually shoot them an email, by asking for it in the Telegram chat. CEO has had a couple businesses before, some of them failed, some of them are still running today. They are using their main net for each customer to have individual wallets, meaning that you can trade while controlling your keys.

>> No.13498987

Not sure about NEXT in particular but most governments are eager to keep in touch with businesses/people that are more knowledgeable. Thats not a meme

>> No.13499079

Why would they not? Lol. Lots of money on exchanges that the gooberment is interested in.

>> No.13499342

>CEO has had a couple businesses before, some of them failed, some of them are still running today.
Do you have some examples?

>> No.13499350

Only telegram pajeets talking to each other. Why promote a scam u pieces of shit?

>> No.13499410

keep telling yourself that Gare bear

>> No.13499476

Apparently he had a telecom business.

>> No.13499706

As far as I know from the telegram chat, the Dutch gov wants to become a crypto hub just like Malta and others. So they reached out to several big crypto players in holland to discuss how to get things regulated. At that point they decided to create a team which would educate the gov and ministers about blockchain and that's what NEXT is part of. Apparently the prince of holland even connected with the CEO

And governments definitely have relations with crypto companies, this is 2019 dude, it's not 2014 for crypto anymore... CEOs meet ministers all the time, all over the world

>> No.13499729

Would never promote scams man, I mentioned in an earlier comment "nothing is forced"

Take it or leave it... A scam would be called XBASE and dump on investors. NEXT has the CEO talking with people and do AMAs, whole different level

>> No.13499745

so he sold mobile phones and sim cards

>> No.13499958

Yawn, I can smell your troll breathe through the screen and want no correspondence with you.

>> No.13500053

and you talk like someone who truly belongs here and not in a discord / tg shill group

>> No.13500087

Wow what an insult?

>> No.13500909


>> No.13500940

So the ceo the lead dev as well, interesting.

>> No.13501007

>regulated exchange
pick one and only one

you got conned again

>> No.13501133

It's a hybrid exchange.

>> No.13501404

Of course, magic Christiaan can do everything and he will get you a nice premium mobile data package, too.

>> No.13501838

Dubs of truth
Centralized and regulated trading, decentralized with the individual wallets for everyone

>> No.13502520

Honestly I've been waiting for hybrids a long time. Just seems to make most sense to give the user usability to an exchange like the centralized ones but also the decentralized aspect with individual wallets providing safety.

Probably binance and bitfinex and others do it on purpose to launder money

>> No.13502638

Its not a dex

>> No.13502989

So many chink exchange fake their volume, it's astonishing. Surprised gubberments still haven't went after all this tax money they're missing out on.