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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13487047 No.13487047 [Reply] [Original]

What are your long term goals bros? Are you gonna do anything productive with that money or just indulge in hedonistic pleasures? Any anons gonna:
>get into politics?
>start a company?
>become the philosopher king illustrated by Plato in "Republic"?
>Start a campaign to become leader of your country?
>Donate to some charity or start your own charity?
>Promote and fund art?
>Become a philanthropist gentlemen?
>Become a famous scientist?
>Live a comfy life with a qt 3.1415?
>Start a family?

>> No.13487080

I'm going to start a religion centered around my prophecies and get a dyke gf who pegs me. The Greeks and Romans were right; Gods are absolute degenerates.

>> No.13487119

get the smartest, tallest, and hottest blonde wife i can find and have lots of children

>> No.13487123
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Not single person on this board is going to make it.

>> No.13487152

Become heavily drug addled with a safety net, create art while every other artist dies at 27 in a forever state of poverty

>> No.13487158

Hedonism is degenerate and I'm 27 which is very close to it being completely unacceptable. I might indulge in cocaine and hookers once or twice as a reward for my efforts but then it's 100% looking for potential waifus.

>> No.13487163

I don't know what i will do if i make it, but im pretty sure what i will do if i don't: alcoholism, wagecucking, perpetual loneliness

To be honest making it would just solve wagecucking

>> No.13487179

Records albums, write a fantasy series like GoT, travel and live in various cool cities for a year here and there, go to lots of sporting events, concerts, and lectures on stuff like VR, life extension, AI.

>> No.13487203

Travel around the US looking for cool rocks and shooting rattlesnakes that wander onto my delightfully dead desert yard. No need to mow sand

>> No.13487215

Gonna start a finance practice with my cousin and rebuild my family wealth

>> No.13487233
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retarded boomers squander your family's wealth too?

>> No.13487243

Ofcourse this thread is full of linktards with 15k stacks.

>> No.13487314

No idea. What do you do with tens of millions? What if it's hundreds of millions. Wtf?

>> No.13487317

Travel and explore my interests to figure what really drives me in life.
Immerse myself in stories, create stories and develop ways to experience them in the fullest, probably via VR.

>> No.13487324


Move to Thailand and bathe in whores, anon. The only acceptable answer.

>> No.13487378


Don't you want to help your country out, anon? Don't you want to fund art, science and culture?

>> No.13487516

I'm going to mountain bike, hike, and kayak all over the world in between pumping as many kids into my girlfriend as I can. This is the first woman I've actually wanted to get pregnant, before this it was all drunken pump and dumps that I regretted yet still let go on too long because hey, easy pussy.

>> No.13487588

I don't think about it anymore. The dream is dead. 500k of free money flashed before my eyes during late 2017. Never to be seen again. I'm all in LINK as suicide insurance but remain certain I will die penniless.

>> No.13487591

keep doing

>> No.13488456

Not depend on society and live comfortably till you die instead of suffering.

>> No.13489336

Local charity / education via permaculture gardening and deep ecology awareness

International NGO to connect, fund, and serve pro-western organizations

Caring for my wife/children and our home

Investing my personal free time into the pursuit of esoteric wisdom, developing ESP, and honing my artistic abilities

>> No.13489371

I want to become a Neo Lord and have as many Neo Serfs as possible so I will buy entire steets worth of houses/appartments and rent them.

>> No.13489379
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Be a comfy NEET again.
Maybe with kids and a wife if I'm lucky.

>> No.13489387


I'd say keep the dream alive, but you've gone all-in on LINK, so the dream is over

Fuck me, did you not learn from the crash of 2018? Bitcoin is the fucking king. I thought alts were the key, but they aren't

>> No.13489652


>> No.13489668
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Browsing 4chan so much I want to be a comedian aka clown.