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13486628 No.13486628 [Reply] [Original]

The ultimate log chart pill for Bitcoin.

There was never a bear market. Its just been a bull market since 2009.

>> No.13486991

>Sometimes you see a chart that makes you salivate uncontrollably
This is that chart, anon

>> No.13487023

Everybody that posts this is absolutely fucking retarded.

You must know that halving = 50% less reward per block, not 50% less bitcoin per block. The supply of bitcoin is NOT getting smaller, it is NOT becoming scarcer, the gain of miners is becoming scarcer, the supply remains 21M.

We now have scarcer supply than when halving takes place, and by the halving there will be more btcs mined compared to now. Why doesn't the price rise to 100k now?


>> No.13487031

Disinflation + growing demand = price up

>> No.13487038

>Source: Reddit

>> No.13487039


fucking moron

>> No.13487048

Fucking based, keep digging, this how our currency should behave if the wealth was not fucking siphoned away by (((them))).

Don't sell your cones kids.

>> No.13487055

The demand for bitcoin comes from greed. All we need is a few celebrities tweeting about how much money they've made with some bitcoin, maybe elon making a couple tweets about it. /biz/ is just a drop in the financial bucket and let's face it nobody pays attention to this shit board, we're a collection of people mocked for being "degenerate gamblers". I personally am looking forward to dumping my bags on normies at $80-90K and will buy back in at the new low of $20K in 2023.

Why /biz/ and it's pajeets don't just come together for targeted shilling of one single coin to normie spheres is beyond me. If /pol/ can create a worldwide CTF hunt and get the cheeto emperor into office why can't we meme ourselves into being millionaires?

>> No.13487058

>March 2018

>> No.13487060

this has literally nothing to do with halvings which is what the growth in ops chart is based on

>> No.13487075


> We now have scarcer supply than when halving takes place, and by the halving there will be more btcs mined compared to now.

This is completely wrong. BTC generates 12.5 BTC per block as the block reward right now. After the halving in 2020, the block reward becomes 6.25.

It does not matter how much hashing power the network has now compared to 2020 or beyond. The difficulty algorithm ensures that only 6 blocks are mined per hour on average (10 minutes per block).

If the BTC network has 1000000 times the hashing rate in 2021 as it does not, it can only produce 6.25 BTC * 6 per hour. It will NEVER produce 12.5 BTC * 6 per hour after the halving.

This is how bitcoin consensus algorithm works and this is how you can predicatively know that BTC will have a cap of 21M BTC.

>> No.13487081

as it does now*, not "not"

>> No.13487090

you retard the total supply of btc will be GREATER than it is now by the time the halving happens. the only thing the halving does it slow down the inflation which is barely even fucking relevant anymore because the entire supply is almost all out there now. we have 3.5m to go

>> No.13487096

circulating supply will be greater*

total supply doesnt change obviously

>> No.13487098

Because you said that we need both scarcity AND demand for BTC to continue to grow. I'm not too sure why you're asking why it isn't $100K right now is this an actual question? Why is the price of anything you pay for never always at the end result? What are we supposed to infer from that question? OP's chart as far as I can tell is just showing the market cycles, the dates in which BTC halvings occur, and the historical price.

Nowhere in the chart does it imply that the halvings are the cause of a price increase. Anyone who was around for the BTC pump in 2017-18 knows it was caused by massive media attention and speculation being the driving force behind large volumes of FOMO sales. Essentially all we need is either another massive surge of BTC news, or a slow crawl to $100K which will increase exponentially the more resistance barriers are broken and people start to get BTC signs in their eyeballs

>> No.13487103

>Nowhere in the chart does it imply that the halvings are the cause of a price increase

this is what the entire chart is about you absolute fucking retarded fucking fuck

>> No.13487110

I think that's projection anon, show me where it says "BTC price is caused by halving"

It clearly says "Bitcoin price history WITH reward halving days marked" you retarded nigger. Or do you just not have any reading comprehension?

>> No.13487113
File: 2.06 MB, 1422x4627, phd boomers on bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tons of bitcoin gets lost forever daily due idiots not being able to secure private keys
>"it's not getting scarcer!"

>> No.13487116

Yes, you faggot, the trickle is slowing and that creates scarcity. Dollars are getting printed by the billion and yet you still want more of them in your pocket.

>> No.13487121

you guys are absolutely fucking deluded nuts. you think that btc is going to $10m based off of fucking nothing but a slowed rate of inflation every 4 years. fuck off.

>> No.13487124

The media attention is not spontaneous. Big players and miners want to cash out their rewards after the halving...

>> No.13487127


What are you talking about? That's obvious.

Newly BTC are generated per block as a block reward.

If you say the US starts to cut printing of USD to half, you can still say "well, we'll have more USD tomorrow than we did today", that's factually correct.

But do you think USD will be worth more (aka you can buy more apples for example)?

It's getting scarcer because getting USD tomorrow would be harder to get than today. But you can say "today or tomorrow, I still have $20 USD" which isn't the point at all.

>> No.13487134

USD doesnt have a max supply retard

>> No.13487141

>getting so BTFO'ed that you won't even respond to direct criticism.
Lmao, pathetic. I want you to remember how retarded you've been when it hits $100K. People like you said this same thing the last two cycles as well.

I'm sure it's not spontaneous, we're all just buying low to sell to FOMOing retards at the end of the day.

>> No.13487144


>> No.13487150

do you think that btc is going to 10m like the chart that op posted

>> No.13487168 [DELETED] 

No shit retard I'm giving you an example of just cutting supply in half and just one time.

If the supply of something (gold, dollars, oil, whatever) in half tomorrow, you think it becomes more valuable or not? Or are you just going to sit there and argue that tomorrow's total supply will be more than today?

You're missing the point entirely. BTC just does this in a known/pre-defined way. It still applies to something even if you don't know the total supply in the future.

How retarded are you when you're talking about max supply and I'm talking about something completely different of cutting supply in half for anything.

>> No.13487176 [DELETED] 


>> No.13487178

I don't know, nor do I care about anything beyond $100K right now. I'm out at $80-90K like I said, if it ever happens, anything beyond $100K I haven't accounted for and it would be foolish to assume it's going there even if the probability in my mind was 95% certain, because at the end of the day nobody knows the future.

It might go to $10M sometime in 50 years when a can of coke costs $10 though. That's my meme response for you

>> No.13487183

No shit retard I'm giving you an example of just cutting supply in half and just one time.

If the supply of something (gold, dollars, oil, whatever) is cut in half tomorrow, you think it becomes more valuable or not? Or are you just going to sit there and argue that tomorrow's total supply will be more than today?

You're missing the point entirely. BTC just does this in a known/pre-defined way. It still applies to something even if you don't know the total supply in the future.

How retarded are you when you're talking about max supply and I'm talking about something completely different of cutting supply in half for anything.

>> No.13487184

fair enough

>> No.13487189


>> No.13487195

the halving decreases the newly supplied bitcoins. It does not decrease the total bitcoin supply.

Bitcoin didn't start with 21 million bitcoins and then burned it. First of all, that's completely retarded to do because who's going to own those 21 million bitcoins in the beginning? How is bitcoin supposed to decrease the supply? What the fuck are you saying?

Also, answer the question faggot.

If USD cuts newly created USD supply to half tomorrow, will USD have more value (aka you can buy more shit with it) tomorrow?

>> No.13487202

see >>13487195

answer the fucking question I've asked multiple times.

If USD cuts newly created USD supply to half tomorrow, will USD have more value (aka you can buy more shit with it) tomorrow?

>> No.13487209

hi genius.
please explain to my retarded self how the price is remaining stable now despite a 12.5 btc being added every 10 minutes?

>> No.13487212



>> No.13487213


Why are you arguing with yourself?

>> No.13487247


If the total supply is 100 dickbutt coins

and the new supply is 1 dickbutt coin per day

and demand is 1 dickbutt coin per day

then supply cuts cut in half to 0.5 dickbutt coins

and demand remains the same

Do you think the price of dickbutt goes up or down?

Apparently USD is not a good example because you're retarded.

>> No.13487270

another example maybe your retarded brain can understand

if the total supply of gold right is 100 tons

newly gold are mined at a rate of 1 ton per year

assume demand is some value, x

then suddenly, miners are like shit, we can only mine at a rate of 0.5 tons now (regardless of what new technology we have) and these miners tell everyone they can only mine 0.5 now instead of 1 tons per year

and the demand is still x

do you think the price of gold goes up or down?

>> No.13487277 [DELETED] 

your scenario is assuming that the total supply being watered down (people only buy dickbutt coin and never sell) which just isnt the case

again you are assuming that demand grows non-stop and the increase in total supply means nothing

this is the real world not dickbuttcoin you deluded fuck

>> No.13487282

your scenario is assuming that the total supply being watered down has no effect on price (people only buy dickbutt coin and never sell) which just isnt the case

again you are assuming that demand grows non-stop and the increase in total supply means nothing

this is the real world not dickbuttcoin you deluded fuck

>> No.13487285

Why don't you add current to date lines that prove this old chart is homosexual and wrong.

>> No.13487290

shut up faggot we are talking here

>> No.13487304

It is not disinflation, it is less inflation which yes, is long term more bullish. All the lost bitcoin over time can be considered a sort of dis-inflationary force.

>> No.13487319

Lol fucking white nerd.

>> No.13487326

I said the demand remains the same in both cases, I never said demand grew. I explicitly said that, I didn't assume demand increased.

if there's people selling now there's people selling tomorrow

the price of something is when someone sells something for x and a buyer is willing to buy at that price

and you can't comprehend an imaginary scenario of a coin as an example.... I don't even know how the fuck to explain something to you. "it's got to be real for me to imagine a scenario" is the most retarded thing I've heard.

If I fork bitcoin's code right now and call it dickbutt coin and change the supply tomorrow, can you then imagine the scenario?

If you can't see that reducing new supply of a commodity increases the price, then I don't know what to tell you

It's like if the supply of fresh rubber gets cut in half tomorrow you think the cost of buying rubber is going to be the same or even go down. You don't need to increase rubber usage (aka demand).

Or if the gas supply is cut in half tomorrow, you think gas is going to cost the same tomorrow

Or if the US can only produce half the electricity tomorrow as it can today, you think your electric bill is going to be the same or even less tomorrow.

>> No.13487341


I think gold is the best example for your brain to understand

I explicitly said the demand is "x" and I never increased x. I said "x" in both cases. Before the newly supply gets half and after.

x can be whatever number. You can say the demand for gold is 0.1 tons per year, or 0.5 tons per year, or 100 tons per year.

>> No.13487376
File: 356 KB, 1600x1212, 1556680252360 Type1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea, I decided to do this because im bored and probably autistic. sorry but it probably won't be accurate within about $500, but this is my attempt at continuing the the chart up to the current price

>> No.13487385
File: 395 KB, 540x540, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please convince me that in this scenario >>13487270

As I specifically stated in >>13487270

> demand is still x

which means I never assumed an increase in demand. In fact, I explicitly stated the demand is the same before and after the gold supply is cut in half. You can replace "x" with whatever amount of tons you want per year.

and the price of gold would stay the same or go down

>> No.13487397
File: 357 KB, 1600x1212, 1556680252360 Type2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original chart with just plot points for prices roughly monthly, I did it in paint so the lines are pretty sloppy

>> No.13487401

the SUPPLY never decreases. you seem to be confusing supply with the rate of inflation

btc's supply will never decrease, it will only get larger. therefore there would need to be an ever increasing demand just to keep the price at the current level until all coins are mined and there is no more inflation

>> No.13487410

even though the INFLATION decreases, the SUPPLY still increases, therefore the DEMAND needs to increase to keep the price stable or for the price to increase

>> No.13487440

Thanks. Even with casual paint line it proves that it bursts through the channel and invalidates the chart.

>> No.13487461


We're talking about gold here, and the gold supply will never decrease and it'll only get larger. This is known.

The demand is the same. The demand doesn't need to increase. The total supply in the example above is 100 tons.

If the demand for gold is 1 ton per year and the newly supply comes at 1 ton per year, gold matches supply and demand

if the demand for gold is 1 ton per year and the newly supply comes at 0.5 tons per year, you think you can buy gold at the same or even less price?

I explicitly did not assume an increase in demand. I assumed the same demand as 1 ton per year in both cases.

>> No.13487464

I don't think it's really deviated enough to consider the chart completely useless, IF there is a massive upward spike to $10-20K within a few months the deviation wouldn't be any more significant than saying at the time of the 2014 spike the chart would have been useless.

Not saying that WILL happen, but if the chart is actually correct that means we would be headed for a massive spike sometime within the year

>> No.13487474

They are trend lines and not very accurate ones.

If anything, there should be more places where it falls below those 2 lines to follow that trend.

>> No.13487477

ok this made absolutely no sense i think youre just fucking with me at this point because you know you are wrong

(You) have a good night anon

>> No.13487492
File: 7 KB, 326x229, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How am I fucking with you? All I did was take the example I said from >>13487270 and instead of "x" I actually plugged in a value.

I used the value of 1 ton per year for demand.

>> No.13487502

That's what I mean, it's pretty strange that the meme lines are positioned with the average price increase having little to no dips below, so the fact that we've went under just seems to indicate that either TA is a meme, or we're going to see some serious shit within a year's time

>> No.13487668

imagine being this fucking dumb

>> No.13487927

anon educate yourself

>> No.13487942
File: 134 KB, 573x1280, 1556247537660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not only clueless, you also seem mad. remember: this will only get worse over the next few years. you're probably going to kill yourself in late 2021

>> No.13487968

Well I've been posting log charts since 2011. What a fucking normie plebbit response about demand. At peak of last high 2 in 5 Korean office workers owned Bitcoin. What more fucking demand do you want you stupid cunt. Does Gold have no value cause no one uses it to buy coffee. Its a digital gold backstop to fiat inflation. Why the fuck do so many noobs not get this..

Btw i grabbed the chart as the first log one on google search where the fuck did i mention halving?

>> No.13488040

>a share

>> No.13488209


This is a wise guy that will exit before the collapse again and then enter at a convenient time during the next cycle.

>> No.13488241

we had this. It's called irrational hype
and it was 2017
Bitcoin is like gold, right?
Well it's exactley like gold: suppressed and owned by jews.

>> No.13488571

Good morning, idiot
What doesn’t decrease is the STOCK. The supply is the new coins being mined and does decrease.

love, mum

>> No.13488574

>Anyone who was around for the BTC pump in 2017-18 knows it was caused by massive media attention and speculation being the driving force behind large volumes of FOMO sales.

On the contrary, Sir. The media attention came only at the very end of the bull run. Remember, news always follows prices, not the other way around. Understanding this will give you great insight to this market.

>> No.13488606

Found the normie zoomer

>> No.13488616

This. BTC was under the radar at 4k, steady growth, no normies

>> No.13488668
File: 25 KB, 673x215, are you retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read an economics book you brainlet

>> No.13489294

So you’re saying 1mil by the end of 2020?

>> No.13489349

indeed fags wait for the golden bull not reaoizing this is it

>> No.13489481

Honestly can't wait for the inevitable suicides hodlers will have in the upcoming months. Bull niggers are so fucking delusional the only way to save them is for them to get lynched.

>> No.13489637

kek, your digital gold will be siphoned away by mining equipment. but let's not dig too deep into that, just relaaaaax and wait for next halving, BTC 100k 2020 oh yeah.

>> No.13489814
File: 190 KB, 1101x1151, bitcoin-log-log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a bit overly optimistic
this is the best projection so far