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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13475136 No.13475136 [Reply] [Original]

How long until this fool commits suicide?

>> No.13475152
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does have the willpower to do that

he'll just pretend he's offed himself then say he's posting from vishnu heaven

or he'll just end up drunk for 2 year straight

>> No.13475157

You'll be the one comitting suicide when he proves hes satoshi in court and BSV moons to heights previously unthought of

>> No.13475158

probably not before you

>> No.13475184
File: 58 KB, 500x562, czkillsbsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He borrowed millions in bitcoin from Dave and now it's worth billions. He's fucked. Courts are gonna ruin this fucking retard.

>> No.13475201

>the bitcoins that never were

>> No.13475299

You idiot, the papers say that the court can rule against him at any time. This looks really bad for him. If Ira and W&K have the paperwork on the loan, Craig is absolutely toast. I honestly hope you;re a paid shill and not a bsv bagholder!

>> No.13475320

The sooner the better

>> No.13475332

i said the bitcoins never existed its all a lie you fucking brainlet

>> No.13475334

People have been wishing for bitcoin and its disciples/leaders to die for years.
The have a very bad track record of wish fulfillment.

>> No.13475359
File: 145 KB, 600x450, display_e86222c46f7b9a6d594ca5ff1e5594f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You moron, this isn't about whether they existed. It's not about craig being the creator of bitcoin either. It's about craig having borrowed what is now essentially billions in bitcoin from dave and his company, W&K. If craig signed on to that loan, he's fucked.

>> No.13475377

>t. Retard

The dispute is over co-mined bitcoins. The whole entire suit is tangent on him being Satoshi ffs.

>> No.13475391

i will say it again those bitcoins never existed creg made them up for tax fraud and now getting sued over them

>> No.13475407
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You obviously haven't read the court papers, jackass. Ira and W&K are suing Craig for a loan that he never repaid. That loan was made in the form of bitcoins.

>> No.13475414


>> No.13475424

>The whole entire suit is tangent on him being Satoshi ffs
au contraire - the 'entire suit' is about CSW being CSW, namely, a lying, thieving forging fraudulent toerag. That being more or less a given, the question remains: Why is he still pretending to be Satoshi? Why would this help him in (a presumably, still forthcoming) Tax Fraud case?

>> No.13475465

he will be killed and crypto will crash very hard
>then epic pump

>> No.13475476

>Craig Wrightclaims to own that wallet address and claims he used it to lend Kleiman 50,000 BTC as part of a software development licensing and financing agreement. However, this is actually an internalMt. Goxaddress.WizSecconnects the address directly to Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles’s famous proof of solvency transaction in 2011.
its the other way around creg claims he gave a loan to kleimann but all the addresses he pointed to can be proven to never been his or kleimanns

>> No.13475477

>You'll be the one comitting suicide when he proves hes satoshi in court

>> No.13475510

>taking a loan in a medium of exchange that at the time had literally no value at all

Stfu lying faggot.

>> No.13475526

Dummy, that proves even further Craigs a liar. HE IS GETTING SUED FOR A LOAN, HE NEVER MADE A LOAN AND HIM CLAIMING TO OWN THAT MTGOX WALLET ONLY PROVES THAT HE"S A NUTJOB. Once again, I hope you're a shill and not a bag holder!